Angie Watch: The legal edition

We noted a couple of days ago that things had gone awfully quiet on the Hoaxtead front, but we couldn’t have reckoned on exactly how quiet. In fact, for two days running, Angie has put up a ‘no one home’ sign on her Facebook page:

Q*Bert’s latest GoFundMe: The Vatican Edition

We’re all fed up to the back teeth with Angie hawking Q*Bert’s GoFundMe campaign, with which she hopes to squeeze enough cash from the gullible and easily duped to fly her American friend to London. Once here, he’ll hang out in pubs and attempt to ferret out ‘cult members’, whom he’ll somehow force to ‘squeal’…

Hoaxtead: Last stop, everybody off!

With all this talk about Angela Fag-Ash Disney’s various lies, half-truths, and scams, it’s tempting to imagine that the Hampstead hoax is still going strong. But our team has been checking in on some of the usual suspects, and we’ve discovered that the vast majority of them seem to have dropped Hoaxtead altogether.