Video share: Tips & Tricks for True Believers

We understand how difficult it can be for those who believe in the Hampstead SRA narrative to convince their friends and followers that they are not off their ever-lovin’ rockers. So we have decided to reach out and offer them some tips and tricks to help them make the story just bit more convincing (or…

Time to mend the nets

It happens from time to time: things go quiet amongst the Hampstead hoaxers and their followers, and we are left twiddling our thumbs and wondering what to write about. In the past we’ve busied ourselves with tidying up various areas of the blog, and right now we’re facing a tidy-up of epic proportions: we need…

The Jean-Clement audio recording revisited

Every now and then we like to go back over early evidence from the Hampstead SRA hoax, as casting fresh eyes on older material can often reveal new angles. This is how we wound up listening to the audio recording which Abraham Christie’s brother-in-law Jean-Clement Yaohirou made on the night that Ella, Abraham, and the…

Hellbound Heathen schools Dunn

Yesterday morning Thomas Dunn got his arse handed to him on a platter. There really is no other way to describe this YouTube video interview conducted by “Hellbound Heathen”.   From the start, it was clear that Dunn’s knowledge of the particulars of the case was very sketchy. Although Hellbound Heathen said he’d only recently…

On accepting allegations at face value

One problem we all face when presented with information online is very basic: how do do we distinguish fact from fiction? The question becomes especially difficult when the information validates our own biases. For example, over the past week we have heard a number of disturbing things about Wesley Hall. We’ve heard that he falsely…

Angela implicates herself even deeper

We believe it was dear old Mark Twain who said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt”. In a similar vein, we remember seeing a t-shirt which read, “When swimming in deep water, one should remember to keep one’s mouth shut”. It’s wise counsel, especially…

Some Rupert evidence we wish we’d found…

Have you ever worked on a project for a long time, wrapped it up, revealed it to the world…and then found a piece that you really, really, really wish you’d known about before you started? That happened to us the other day, when one of our team members was casually leafing back through Rupert Quaintance’s…

Ella and Abe can’t keep their stories straight

Ella’s latest interview, produced by “Sean” of the oddly secretive Russia-philic “gold and silver trading” site SGT, may be the hottest thing on the American #Piece-o-hate lovers’ horizon, but that’s probably because it’s fresh new fodder to them. To us, it’s old hat…in this case a grease-stained, smelly old flat cap that’s been chewed by…