Video share: All About Angela Power-Disney

Just kidding. Telling everything about Angela would require a couple of full-length documentaries, or perhaps a season’s worth of soap opera episodes (note to self: get on this). So think of this video more as “the story of an outsider who managed to insert herself into the Hampstead SRA hoaxers’ mob, clawing her way to…

Bearing false witness

Since Sabine McNeill received a nine-year sentence following conviction on four charges of stalking and six charges of violating a restraining order, public interest in the Hampstead SRA hoax has surged. Writing in the Times yesterday, David Aaronovitch cited the Hampstead case as part of a disturbing trend toward false allegations of sexual abuse. He…

Kristie Sue can’t stop tormenting RD’s children

Since the Hoaxtead mobsters discovered that RD had put his head above the parapet in a  video with his two children to celebrate their win in an eBay for Business contest, a few familiar old faces have begun to reappear. Not that we’ve missed them. Yesterday we discussed Wesley Hall’s large tracts of internet real…

Kristie Sue attacks survivor of Florida mass murder

We can’t remember the last time we checked in on Kristie Sue Costa—probably shortly after her Facebook homage page to child abusers Abraham Christie and Ella Draper was blocked in the UK. Since then, we’d heard that she’d fallen head-first into the bottomless “Q Anon” pit, and frankly, we were neither surprised nor sad to…

Adrenochrome: Hysteria versus reality

We’ve talked before about some of Abraham Christie’s disturbing pseudo-scientific beliefs. For example, at one point he was insisting that fresh, raw, juiced hemp was an “ideal plant-based blood transfusion liquid” which could be substituted for blood transfusions in humans. He also subscribes to, and promotes, the dangerous fiction that the anal rape of very…

Farewell to an old friend: Costa del Troll

It’s never easy to say farewell to an old friend, but sometimes it’s inevitable. And so it is with heavy hearts that we bid a fond adieu to one of our stalwart commentators here at Hoaxtead Research: Costa del Troll, we hardly knew ye! The problem, you see, is that Mr or Ms del Troll…

The Hampstead SRA hoax v Hoaxtead Research: Who’s winning?

One of our readers emailed us the other day with an interesting question: “How do we know whether Hoaxtead Research is really having an impact on the Hampstead Satanic ritual abuse hoax? Is there any way to assess that?” Very good question. And while we cannot answer it conclusively, we can throw out some facts,…