Matt Taylor gets another knock on the door

Yesterday we learned that Matt Taylor, who was convicted of contempt of court in respect of his violation of a civil injunction preventing him from stalking Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, had received another knock on the door from the police. As we reported in October, Taylor was given a four months’ sentence,…

Update: Maurice Kirk found, Vintage Air Rally detained

Yesterday we reported that Maurice Kirk, the “flying vet”, had disappeared over Ethiopia during a vintage aeroplane rally that has been making the trek from Crete to Cape Town, South Africa. Thanks to commenter JW for bringing us news that Mr Kirk was found safe and well yesterday. However, as a result of his disappearance,…

Operation Clean-Up

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been considering launching a new project here at Hoaxtead Research. A few of our readers have got in touch to request it, and we think the time has come to start building a comprehensive database of the Hoaxtead mob.