Conspiracy theories spring up in wake of Epstein suicide

On Saturday morning at 6:30 local time, disgraced American financier Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell in New York, where he was being held without bail. Last month he pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. He faced up to 45 years in prison if found guilty. Epstein’s death came…

Brees retaliates against Private Eye journalist

Anna Brees is still smarting from her recent turn of stardom in Private Eye. A few days ago we commented on the Eye‘s story that Brees, a former journalist turned promotional flack for ex-DC Jon Wedger, had confessed to adding a salacious story about Edward Heath to the Brees Media re-issue of Mike Tarraga’s memoir,…

‘Hoaxtead trolls’: Why they see us everywhere

It’s an interesting phenomenon: as the core group of supporters of the Hampstead SRA hoax diminishes, their propensity to claim that anybody who believes differently is a “Hoaxtead troll” increases. What exactly is a Hoaxtead troll? The definition seems to differ depending on who makes the claim. In general, it seems that to attain the…

Angela’s getting anxious, for good reason

Angela Power-Disney has a problem. For almost four years now, she has been churning out harassment on an industrial scale, aimed primarily at RD, but also at the families of Hampstead. Until quite recently, she was able to lump this blog into her false allegations. As it was written pseudonymously, Angela could claim that anybody…

When troll-hunting goes terribly wrong

Once upon a time there was an evil troll. He didn’t live under a bridge; he dwelt on the internet, where he delighted in sending people messages which caused them deep pain and suffering. For example, when he learned that a man named Allan Bryant Jr had disappeared in 2013, having last been seen outside…

Would-be hacker leaves his calling card

It’s been some time since anyone attempted to hack this blog, but this past week we’ve weathered (successfully, we should add) two separate attacks. Granted, they came from the same person, who was apparently quite determined to find a vulnerability. As it happens, the hacker wound up telling us more about himself than he intended…

Attention-seekers stir the pot in Alfie Evans case

As the tragic case of Alfie Evans drags on, Tracey Morris and her sidekick Linda Byrne O’Riordan have inserted themselves into the “Alfie’s Army” group of protesters outside Liverpool’s Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and various other Hoaxtead pushers have jumped into the fray to stir things up even further. Alfie’s parents, Tom Evans and Kate…