Video share: Finding Jacqui Farmer

Today’s addition to our YouTube series looks at one of the earliest promoters of the Hampstead SRA hoax: the elusive Jacqui Farmer. Long-time readers will recall the terror she inflicted on the Hampstead community, as she encouraged her followers to dig into people’s private lives and harass innocent families. It took two small groups of…

Promoters of the hoax, part 2

Yesterday we published the first half of an update to our FAQ: Promoters of the hoax. We’ve been going over the evidence from Sabine McNeill’s trial, integrating new information and deleting material which is no longer relevant, in order to present the most accurate summary possible. In yesterday’s post we covered the time between Abraham…

Dear Charlotte: Here’s what we want from you

Yesterday we reported that Charlotte Ward, once known as “Jacqui Farmer”, sent out emails which appear to support the idea that she has completely succumbed to paranoid delusions. Charlotte, whose blog Hamster Research (now mercifully defunct) was once feared as a source of personal attacks against innocent people in Hampstead, is now back in Suriname, and…

Why we use fake names

Over the past three years, people who contribute to or comment on this blog have received a fair bit of flak over the fact that many of us prefer to use pseudonyms when we post here. We thought it might be useful to take a look back in time, to the heyday of HR’s namesake…

Kristie Sue Costa aspires to fill Charlotte’s shoes

Hands up, everyone who misses Jacqui Farmer/Charlotte Ward’s simpering, innuendo-laden blog posts. You remember, the ones where she’d say “we’re not trying to say these people are child-raping baby-eating murderers, but do normal people go out for drinks with their co-workers on a Friday night? We think not!” Or “of course this could mean nothing…

Hoaxtead Research: The little blog that could

We at Team HR were startled the other day to realise that this blog was coming up on a milestone of sorts; and then late last evening it happened—the view counter ticked over 750,000 views. We were keeping an eye on the counter yesterday, watching it climb…and then we left the computer to see a…

Twisted knickers: Kristie Sue v Charlotte

It’s been clear for some time that our old pal* Charlotte Alton Ward and Kristie Sue Costa (author of the thoroughly reprehensible but sometimes hilariously awful blog ‘DDH’)…erm, don’t really get on all that well. One too many alpha bitches or something, we don’t know. Their enmity tends to simmer just below the surface, but…

Hoaxtead FAQ: Who is Charlotte Ward?

Yesterday we discussed some of the process that led to our team uncovering the identity of one of the key early players in the Hampstead SRA hoax. In March 2015 “Jacqui Farmer” started a blog called Hampstead Research, whose stated goal was to validate the original allegations made by RD’s children, under duress from their…