Video share: The police investigation, Part 1

The allegations made by the two Hampstead children were investigated by police in September 2014. Those who believe a Satanic cult operates out of a church and several schools in Hampstead claim the police investigation was a sham, that evidence was ignored, and the testimony of the children swept aside. It’s time to hold these…

Video share: Yaohirou audio recording, Part 2

In the second of our two-part look at the Jean-Clement Yaohirou audio recording, we hear Abraham describe how he and Ella decided what the children should be made to say. Abraham demonstrates his obsession with the children “touching each other”, and then seems to become sexually excited as he leads them in chanting, “Kill! Kill!…

The madness of Abraham Christie

Following up on last week’s video exposé about Abraham Christie, one YouTube viewer asked a series of pointed questions which we thought ought to be addressed here, rather than buried in the video’s comments section. The original conversation went like this: Viktor: There is one statement that was never examined (or maybe it was), and…

Video share: The Yaohirou audio recordings, Part 1

In today’s video offering, we look at the Jean-Clement Yaohirou audio recording. This is one of the most important pieces of evidence in the Hampstead SRA hoax, as it demonstrates how Abraham bullied and controlled the children, and coached them in the allegations they made about their father, their school community, and others. If you…

What’s the Attorney General got on Paterson?

Well, it’s just like old times again—after a few weeks of relative radio silence, Neelu Berry did a live-stream from her old stomping grounds outside the Royal Courts of Justice a couple of days ago, waffling on about David Noakes and mass remedies and corruption processes and whatnot. Frankly, we didn’t pay all that much…

Video share: Who is Ella Draper?

Today on the Hoaxtead Research YouTube channel, we look at the truth about Ella Draper, the woman who colluded with Abraham Christie in torturing her two young children in Morocco, forcing them to make false allegations about their father, their classmates, and their community. We discuss Ella’s background, her history with the family courts and…

Tom Dunn: Following Angie in all things

Saturday was Thomas Dunn’s birthday. By sheer coincidence it was also Adolf Hitler’s natal day, but of course that has nothing to do with Dunn. Err, not much to do with him. Dunn celebrated the day by gorging himself on his favourite breakfast comestibles, then taking to his bed to deliver a few “seig heils”…

Video share: Who is Abraham Christie?

In today’s video, we take a look at Abraham Christie, and examine some of his motivations for torturing and brutalising two children in August 2014. The facts about Abraham are uncomfortable for anybody who still supports this sick and evil hoax: it turns out he had a very clear and obvious motive for what he…

Video share: Why did the Hampstead SRA hoax start?

As promised, a new video on the Hoaxtead Research YouTube channel: Today’s offering takes us back to September 2013, where the Hampstead hoax had its roots, and explains some of the dynamics which led to the events of August 2014, when the two children were taken to Morocco and tortured by Ella Draper and her…