Send in the clowns

With his erstwhile friend John Paterson having pleaded guilty and now facing sentencing on two counts of stalking and one of malicious communications, Andy Devine is still flailing away, posting his bizarre screeds on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…basically anywhere that’ll have him. In a Facebook offering last week, Devine wrote (IN ALL CAPS WITH HAPHAZARD PUNCTUATION…

Aiding and abetting

Oh dearie, dearie me. Kaley Einav seems unhappy with me. On her latest video (well, “latest” as of this writing, she seems to pop them out with alarming regularity), Einav says: Some tw@t has alerted me to the fact that some tw@t has given tw@ts on Hoaxtead, and like d’you know what, and at the…

Hypocrisy writ large

The other day, I wrote that Angela Power-Disney had attempted to submit an unsolicited “character reference” to the court in the days leading up to John Paterson’s trial. I pointed out the hilarious awfulness of it, but what I didn’t mention is the utter blinding hypocrisy of Angela’s claim that Paterson must be innocent. Consider…

The powerless attorney

What’s that tired old saw again? Something like “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome”? Those who bothered to follow Andrew Devine’s video dribblings in the lead-up to John Paterson’s trial might recall that Devine kept attempting to foist himself onto Paterson’s psychiatric care…

Coming in from the cold

When I shuttered this blog in late October 2019, I knew that the time leading up to John Paterson’s trial was going to be challenging in many ways. Granted, back then I thought it would be a couple of months, not a year and a half, but still. I knew it wasn’t going to be…

John Paterson sectioned under Mental Health Act

John Paterson, the Hampstead hoax pusher noted for his particularly violent threats, his anti-Semitism, and his alleged connections to “South London gangsters”, was arrested Monday, 1 July, and has been sent to a mental health facility in Sussex. He is currently being held for 28 days under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act: admission…

John Paterson in court for contempt today

John Paterson, best known for uttering a seemingly endless stream of threats of violence and death toward this blog and anybody he thinks might be associated with it, will be attending the Royal Courts of Justice at 10:30 this morning to face an application for committal for contempt of court. In a video posted yesterday,…

Return of the King: Foiled again

It looks as though would-be King John Wanoa has made another unsuccessful attempt to enter the country, this time via Belfast. In a live-streamed video yesterday, Andy Devine hemmed and hawed and prevaricated and tried to put a good face on it, but eventually had to admit that Wanoa had been denied entry to the…

Hoaxtead Research: It’s good to be loathed

It’s been a bit of a standing joke around the Hoaxtead Research water cooler: after nearly four years of reporting the antics of the Hampstead SRA hoax promoters, we’ve grown accustomed to their allegations that this blog is run by your choice of government agency: MI5 MI6 GCHQ CIA EC has lobbied fiercely on behalf…

What if they held a coup and nobody noticed?

How to sum up the past couple of days, following the deportation of would-be king Hoani John Wanoa, who seems to have set up semi-permanent residence on a bench at Hong Kong International Airport? Andy Devine, who at first seemed downcast by the utter balls-up of their grand plans for world domination, seemed to collect…