Fresh Start Foundation reveals disturbing agenda

We’ve argued for some time that groups which claim to be “child abuse activists” but are actually conspiracy-obsessed SRA pushers (Knight Foundation, Association of McKenzie Friends, and Fresh Start Foundation, we’re looking at you) can have a very negative effect on child sexual abuse survivors who are looking for support. This was brought home to…

BREAKING: Neelu Berry’s house repossessed

Didn’t we just finish saying things were unusually quiet in Hoaxtead-land? As if on cue, just this morning news came in that Neelu Berry’s house has been repossessed by the bank that holds her mortgage. Her friend Butlincat, aka John Graham, posted this on Facebook:On his blog we found the Order for Possession, issued two…

Cullinane and Paterson: What happened?

Watching the constant infighting, slap-fests, and very public tiffs amongst the Hoaxtead mob is one of the more entertaining aspects of running this blog. Lately, the death of professional anti-Semite, nuisance phone caller, and alleged “common law lawyer” Patrick Cullinane has highlighted the end of the bromance between Cullinane and his former bestie and official…

Neelu Watch: Neelu takes on the IPCC

Oh, dear. Looks like Neelu’s outdone herself this time, folks. Just in case her recent multiple bail breaches weren’t enough, yesterday she took it upon herself to harass the IPCC. And two unlucky IPCC employees just had a very, very bad day.

Neelu tells all…and more.

On Friday, 27 November, Neelu was absent from a hearing at Blackfriars Crown Court, where she was to have been charged with 3 new counts of witness intimidation. Yesterday we discovered that she’d been at Blackfriars, all right, but not for legal reasons…no, she and her Crystal Task Force were busy planting crystals around the…