Cat and Abe: More troofer fun and games

Exactly how hard up for friends would you have to be, to add the child-abusing criminal Abraham Christie to your friends list on, say, Instagram? This hard up, apparently: Yes, this is Cat Scot’s Instagram (the same Cat who has been so shy and retiring about accepting EC’s invitation for a friendly chat). And while…

Richie Allen switches sides on Hampstead hoax

Well. Here’s a tweet we never thought we’d see: Richie? Richie Allen? Is that you, lad? The one who gushingly interviewed Sabine McNeill in February 2015 and claimed she was releasing “explosive” news about Satanic ritual abuse in the UK? And didn’t Allen interview Sabine again, a year and a half later? He seemed no…

Devine’s disappointment: It’s all kicking off now

Earlier this week, we looked into a conflict which had begun to erupt amongst the last remaining cabal of hard-core Hampstead SRA hoaxers—the group which includes Angela Power-Disney, Paul Rodgers/Eddie Isok, Andy Devine, et al. It began when a woman named Jo-anne Sollis, a director of Gordon Bowden’s “Pandoras Box Investigations” company which has been…

Eddie Isok loses his cool

In a follow-on to yesterday’s post about the epic battle between Edgar John (aka Paul Rodgers, aka Eddie Isok) and Jo-Anne Sollis, last evening Sollis shared the promised evidence of John having threatened her. The evidence comes in the form of a long and somewhat garbled (not to mention misspelt—The Cunnning Linguist might wish to…

Fight erupts over Eddie Isok

Hey gang, who’s up for gawking at a little troofer in-fighting? Oh come on, you know you want to…. This week’s pagga revolves around our old friend Eddie Isok/Paul Rodgers, whose ex-girlfriend seems to have decided to spill the beans on him. Rodgers’ ex, a lady named Marian, informed Jo-anne Sollis that Paul (aka Edgar?…

Have Abe and Ella split up?

Readers may recall Abraham Christie’s abortive attempt to start up a Twitter account in September. Tweeting the usual gibberish as @papahemp2, and using a hilariously awful photo of himself clad in traditional Bedouin garb, sitting in front of a symbol representing Bedouin pride, he was gazing intently at the pages of an out-of-date first-year-uni text…

Charlotte, Belinda & Angela: The pagga continues

The lovely thing about the Hoaxtead mob is their utter inability to remain on good terms with one another. It’s not surprising, really, as many of them are either deeply unpleasant people to begin with, or addled by alcohol or drugs, or both. What we don’t fully understand, though, is their seeming compulsion to share…

Lies, smears, and retaliation

Yesterday we discussed the twists and turns in the Hampstead SRA hoax narrative, as described by Angela Power-Disney. We mentioned, but did not fully explore, her first about-face on Abe and Ella in March 2016. The setting It was a full year after the original internet feeding frenzy occasioned by the release of the videos…

Grudge match of the week: Angela takes on Jon Wedger

It had to happen. In Angela Power-Disney’s ever-intensifying effort to win the heart (and the page-views) of ex-boy-band member and former teen heart-throb Brian Harvey, she decided to take on current SRA-pushers’ heart-throb and ever-boyish Jonathan “Puppy Eyes” Wedger. Wedger, who recently completed a bicycle ride from London to Penzance on a rusty old clunker…