Elegy for Hoaxtead Research

In the beginning was the Hampstead Hoax. It started online, as is customary these days, and within days it had smashed into the lives of its victims, leaving them frightened, uncertain, and dazed. Parents found pictures and descriptions of themselves, and worse, their children, smeared across the internet and indelibly linked to the most vile…

On flame wars and ‘Hoaxtead trolls’

In the four years that this blog has been online, we’ve occasionally found our name wrongly associated with activities that we didn’t commit and don’t endorse. An extreme example would be John Paterson’s claim that someone “from Hoaxtead” punched him outside Southwark Crown Court during Sabine’s trial, and his subsequent barrage of threats and demands…

Changes at Hoaxtead Research

Changes are afoot at Hoaxtead Research! After nearly four years of daily posts, 1.9 million page views, and a whole lot of really pissed off hoax promoters, we’ve decided that it’s time to shake things up just a bit. But don’t panic, we think you’ll like the results (unless you’re a hoax promoter, in which…

Hoaxtead Research: It’s good to be loathed

It’s been a bit of a standing joke around the Hoaxtead Research water cooler: after nearly four years of reporting the antics of the Hampstead SRA hoax promoters, we’ve grown accustomed to their allegations that this blog is run by your choice of government agency: MI5 MI6 GCHQ CIA EC has lobbied fiercely on behalf…

Tiny Magical Creatures rides again

Let’s go back in time. Waaaaaay back, to late 2015 when Abraham Christie and Ella Draper had two blogs, from whence they not only harassed their victims in Hampstead, but hawked t-shirts and coffee mugs featuring the faces of two children, with logos like “Free the Hampstead 2”. They also offered “special services” such as…

Taylor’s latest self-promotion scheme

A few days ago, during one of Andy Devine’s interminable Facebook live-streamed videos, one of our readers noted that a recent subject of this blog, Matt Taylor, seemed more than usually annoyed with us. In the streamed comments, he wrote: Trust me, it is war between me and Hoaxtead Research. I’m making it my mission…

Hoax-promoting blog dies a timely death

Oh, gosh, how sad. Another Hampstead SRA hoax-promoting site has bitten the dust, gone the way of all things, rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. Yes, Aangirfan is dead and gone. The blog, supposedly run by a British woman who’d spent time in Indonesia, was one of the first to snap up…

The time has come, the coyote said…

Well, it’s that time of year again, and EC is packing his bags, stocking up on sunscreen, and humming to himself as he prepares for his annual vacation. But never fear, dear readers! In lieu of our daily posts here, we’ve scheduled a carefully curated series of repeats from the Hoaxtead Research vaults: we’re calling…

Would-be hacker leaves his calling card

It’s been some time since anyone attempted to hack this blog, but this past week we’ve weathered (successfully, we should add) two separate attacks. Granted, they came from the same person, who was apparently quite determined to find a vulnerability. As it happens, the hacker wound up telling us more about himself than he intended…