Elegy for Hoaxtead Research

In the beginning was the Hampstead Hoax. It started online, as is customary these days, and within days it had smashed into the lives of its victims, leaving them frightened, uncertain, and dazed. Parents found pictures and descriptions of themselves, and worse, their children, smeared across the internet and indelibly linked to the most vile…

Video share: Finding Jacqui Farmer

Today’s addition to our YouTube series looks at one of the earliest promoters of the Hampstead SRA hoax: the elusive Jacqui Farmer. Long-time readers will recall the terror she inflicted on the Hampstead community, as she encouraged her followers to dig into people’s private lives and harass innocent families. It took two small groups of…

On flame wars and ‘Hoaxtead trolls’

In the four years that this blog has been online, we’ve occasionally found our name wrongly associated with activities that we didn’t commit and don’t endorse. An extreme example would be John Paterson’s claim that someone “from Hoaxtead” punched him outside Southwark Crown Court during Sabine’s trial, and his subsequent barrage of threats and demands…

Hoaxtead Research: It’s good to be loathed

It’s been a bit of a standing joke around the Hoaxtead Research water cooler: after nearly four years of reporting the antics of the Hampstead SRA hoax promoters, we’ve grown accustomed to their allegations that this blog is run by your choice of government agency: MI5 MI6 GCHQ CIA EC has lobbied fiercely on behalf…

Eddie Isok loses his cool

In a follow-on to yesterday’s post about the epic battle between Edgar John (aka Paul Rodgers, aka Eddie Isok) and Jo-Anne Sollis, last evening Sollis shared the promised evidence of John having threatened her. The evidence comes in the form of a long and somewhat garbled (not to mention misspelt—The Cunnning Linguist might wish to…

‘Hoaxtead trolls’: Why they see us everywhere

It’s an interesting phenomenon: as the core group of supporters of the Hampstead SRA hoax diminishes, their propensity to claim that anybody who believes differently is a “Hoaxtead troll” increases. What exactly is a Hoaxtead troll? The definition seems to differ depending on who makes the claim. In general, it seems that to attain the…

Are we giving undue attention to nonentities?

Over the past few days, we have devoted considerable time and attention to a rather ordinary (if louder and more poorly groomed than most) American evangelical Christian from Ohio, named Thomas Dunn. Dunn, who styles himself a “filmmaker”, first came to our attention thanks to Angela Power-Disney nearly three years ago, and we’d probably have…

Angela’s getting anxious, for good reason

Angela Power-Disney has a problem. For almost four years now, she has been churning out harassment on an industrial scale, aimed primarily at RD, but also at the families of Hampstead. Until quite recently, she was able to lump this blog into her false allegations. As it was written pseudonymously, Angela could claim that anybody…

How many lies can Angela fit into one video?

Oh bliss, oh joy, Angela Power-Disney has released another exciting video. This time she has a brand new victim interviewee, a woman named Nicola from Manchester who Angie appears to be grooming for life in the conspiranoid lane. And in the process, Angie seems to be trying to outdo herself in the “Outrageous Lies and…

Angela barks up the wrong tree…again

It looks like Angela is on the prowl once more, looking for someone to threaten, harass, and bully. This time, though, she picked the wrong victim: Steve Keys, who’s commented here in the past as Postnein, is reporting that Angela seems to believe that he runs this blog, and she has been threatening to dox…