The Real Victims of Satanic Panic

‘Mythical Numbers and Satanic Ritual Abuse’ An informative and insightful Huffington Post article – by Professor Ross Cheit – on the countless innocent victims of satanic panic; namely the people who were wrongly convicted of satanic ritual abuse back before the World woke up to what a massive scam the whole thing is. A sobering reminder of what it is…

Jacqui tries to justify harassing innocent people

…But fails dismally. And gets rather worked up in the process 😀 Her post was in response to our good friend Sandra Jones pointing out some of Jacqui’s many illegal activities to her. And boy oh boy, did Sandra make her squirm! Here are some choice excerpts: — “First, at the moment there is a serious…

Hampstead Research: A Legal Warning From Sandra

Thank you to Sandra Jones, one of our lovely supporters, for this: In a post earlier today, Jacqui boasted about spying on yet another innocent young woman via her Facebook page and rummaging through her personal photo album (a level of creepiness that frankly makes me shiver). She then illegally posted one of this girl’s photos on the Hampstead…

What is Satanic Panic?

A response to: Some insights into the disgraceful world of satanic panic hoaxes (which seem to be making a comeback): — “The recent phenomenon of Satanic Panic originated during the 1970s and gained traction during the 1980s and 1990s, when a widespread belief took hold within American evangelical Christianity that a vast underground network of…

The Medical Report: Q&A

Thanks to a poster called Aang, who writes with the following query: — Well done mate, the same medical records prove that the children were sexually abused by their father, Ricky Dearman. This was the consensus of the examining doctor featured, coupled with comments from the children that they were suffering from nightmares that their…