Drifloud suspended from Twitter, 2.0

Sometimes it’s the little things, isn’t it? In the grand scheme of things, the “Conscious Living Being” known as Drifloud is sublimely unimportant. For nearly four years, he has occupied a dank and dismal corner of Twitter, from whence he spews forth some of the most hateful and vicious falsehoods we’ve seen. Three years ago…

Cat Scot loses 2 YouTube channels

It came as an unexpected pleasure yesterday to learn that YouTube had removed the main video channel belonging to Catriona Selvester, aka Cat Scot, aka Wildcat Scot, aka CalamiTcat. The channel succumbed to an excess of copyright strikes—ironic, considering her recent gloating about having taken down another person’s YouTube channel for that self-same reason: In…

BREAKING: Sabine McNeill arrested again

Sabine McNeill was arrested early this afternoon at her home in South Hampstead on 4 March, according to sources. While we have been unable to fully confirm details, Sabine’s friend John Graham, aka “Butlincat”, stated earlier this evening, Sabine Mcneil (sic) has been arrested again and will be held in Islington Police Station until tomorrow…

Has another Hampstead hoaxer been arrested?

On Tuesday we noticed a somewhat startling slip of the keyboard on Angela Power-Disney’s Facebook page: she’d posted that “another #Hampstead campaigner has been arrested” (followed by her usual drivel about where she imagines RD and his children might be): Our friend Ray Vark waded right in and asked Angie for clarification: After a bit…

Farewell to an old friend: Costa del Troll

It’s never easy to say farewell to an old friend, but sometimes it’s inevitable. And so it is with heavy hearts that we bid a fond adieu to one of our stalwart commentators here at Hoaxtead Research: Costa del Troll, we hardly knew ye! The problem, you see, is that Mr or Ms del Troll…