5 thoughts on “ACTION: Confronting Belinda and Annoying Charlotte

  1. Oh, sure, Charlotte and Bellender aren’t in close contact…and yet they somehow managed to share this story. Poor, poor Bellender, coming out the wrong end of a confrontation with an enraged parent. Being accused of terrible things…in front of the children! Oh my goodness, how ever did she stand it?

    I think she should consider herself lucky. Not all parents would have shown the grace and self-restraint this one did.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t live in the Hampstead area so I am unlikely to run into her. I have however come across her minions and her scams in other places. She isn’t camera shy, we should make sure everyone is well aware of what she looks like. There are already a few images on this site.


  3. Oh how i wish i had been there, it would have been great to see Belinda squirming as she was confronted with her actions. Well done to the person who spoke up to her


  4. Pingback: Harassment against Belinda McKenzie – ONLINE EVIDENCE REVIEW PROJECT

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