Angie, Cat Snot, and the art of over-sharing

Collective yawns were stifled at Hoaxtead HQ yesterday when Angela Power-Disney posted a video featuring herself (of course) and Cat Snot waffling on about…um, we aren’t really sure, as within minutes we found ourselves distracted by the real show. For some reason, Angela saw fit to put her chat history with Ms Snot on public…

Devine under siege: New texts reveal desperation

Was it really only a month ago that Paul Rodgers, aka Eddie Isok, aka Edgar John was gloating that he “had the devils on the run”? Just to clarify, by “devils” he meant us, and by “on the run” he meant…well, we’re not sure, exactly. Whatever that was all about, he seems to have suddenly…

Devine’s disappointment: It’s all kicking off now

Earlier this week, we looked into a conflict which had begun to erupt amongst the last remaining cabal of hard-core Hampstead SRA hoaxers—the group which includes Angela Power-Disney, Paul Rodgers/Eddie Isok, Andy Devine, et al. It began when a woman named Jo-anne Sollis, a director of Gordon Bowden’s “Pandoras Box Investigations” company which has been…

Eddie Isok loses his cool

In a follow-on to yesterday’s post about the epic battle between Edgar John (aka Paul Rodgers, aka Eddie Isok) and Jo-Anne Sollis, last evening Sollis shared the promised evidence of John having threatened her. The evidence comes in the form of a long and somewhat garbled (not to mention misspelt—The Cunnning Linguist might wish to…

Fight erupts over Eddie Isok

Hey gang, who’s up for gawking at a little troofer in-fighting? Oh come on, you know you want to…. This week’s pagga revolves around our old friend Eddie Isok/Paul Rodgers, whose ex-girlfriend seems to have decided to spill the beans on him. Rodgers’ ex, a lady named Marian, informed Jo-anne Sollis that Paul (aka Edgar?…

Eddie’s script kiddie pal strikes again

Readers might recall that during Sabine McNeill’s trial in November, Paul Rodgers a.k.a. EddieIsOK a.k.a Edgar John was arrested from the courtroom and convicted on charges of contempt of court. Rather than accept responsibility for his own behaviour, he chose to blame EC, and has been on a low-grade campaign of harassment ever since. In…

Hoaxers spread misinformation about reporting restriction

Since the beginning of Sabine McNeill’s trial in November 2018, the pedlars of conspiracy fantasy have been trying to sow confusion and anger about one aspect of the trial: the reporting restriction which was put in place to protect certain witnesses. This video from The Tusk Force shows Devine in full voice, howling about this…

Tracey Morris claims Sabine ‘set up’

On the eve of Sabine McNeill’s sentencing hearing—all right, the second half of her sentencing hearing—we were interested to note that Tracey Morris has chimed in, claiming that Sabine was stitched up and “made a scapegoat”, and that her trial should be voided: Sabine Kurjo was put on trial without the right to call upon…

Who’s left on Team Hoaxtead?

One aspect which surprised us during Sabine McNeill’s trial in November–December 2018 was the relative scarcity of Hampstead SRA hoax promoters who turned out to support the defendant. In the lead-up to the trial, Wesley Hall (from a safe distance in Spain) urged people to attend via his “Free Sabine” Facebook page, which attracted a…

2018 in review: They fought the law & the law won

On this last day of 2018, we’re taking time to look back over a year that’s brought victories great and small in the fight to debunk the Hampstead SRA hoax and those who’ve continued to promote it. This time last year, Rupert Quaintance was serving the final weeks of his prison sentence for harassment, and…