Jeranism and Hoaxteaders: A match made in heaven

By now you’ll have heard of Jeranism, winner of the First Annual Hoaxteaders Vogon Poetry Award, and author of a truly awful video that claims to ‘recap’ the entire Hoaxtead story.

Of course, if there’s a steaming pile of crap in the vicinity, you can rely on the Hoaxtead hawkers to gather round for a sniff, and sure enough….

Here comes Dicky Rearman, who has apparently stopped even bothering to pretend to be Ricky Dearman:

Dicky Rearman on JeranismFollowed by Nemesis Green, another of Abe’s socks, dropping by to add an incoherent and deranged plug for hemp…now there’s a shocker!Nemesis Green on JeranismAnd oh, look, it’s Neil Badger-man British Republican Whatsis, wandering past shouting about…well, we’re not sure what, exactly, but he’s VERY VERY LOUD:

British Republican Whatsis on JeranismAraya just has to make an appearance, spouting her usual gibberish:

Araya Soma on JeranismOf course, no Hoaxteader party would be complete without a visit from Angela Power-Disney, who puts in a vote for her own YouTube channel before offering up one of her trademark random lectures about Jesus and God and angels and shit:

Angie on Jeranism 2Angie on JeranismSure, Angie.

I hate to break this to you, but a) that’s not Ricky, and b) unlike those who oppose the Hampstead hoax (i.e. pretty much every sane person who hears about it), those who keep promoting it are digging themselves into deeper and deeper holes. Just ask Sabine and Neelu, for starters. Oh, and Abe and Ella, who can’t come home for fear of being arrested.

One good thing about seeing all these Hoaxtead witch-finders in the same place, though: it’s a 100% sure sign that Jeranism’s video is a piece of shit. As if that needed confirming.

This movie sucks

17 thoughts on “Jeranism and Hoaxteaders: A match made in heaven

  1. All the BBC did was interview people and report the court result. They even let Sabine say her piece. Hardly trying to shut anything down. More fantasy from Ms DisneyLand

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Angie better be careful that her communications with the police aren’t passed on in order to substantiate harassment charges against her, which imo are overdue. If only she were in the UK. But she does visit. I don’t know how the UK-Eire legal landscape is connected. Maybe Angie will end up like Charlotte, Abe and Ella, unable to set foot in the UK.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wish Angela would tell us why the Police would be interested in arresting a group of people who believe a Court Judgement and support the Hampstead community! lol..

    As for Abraham, I hope he DOES keep leaving comments about Hemp/Cannabis/Vampires/Sodomites all over the place. It’s actually helping people see just how unhinged the guy who’s supposed to be concerned about the children, really is..

    As for just gotta laugh at him most of the time…

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’d laugh more at Neil if he weren’t so bloody boring. He needs to invest in a thesaurus.

      And yes, I think Abraham is doing a far better job skewering himself than we ever could.

      Liked by 1 person

    • More to the point, why would the police be interested in arresting whoever is behind “Sam Spade”? And WTF was the point of bringing up the Hampstead case when invited to discuss her own experiences? She’s hardly going to claim she has new information. I could be wrong but is seems at the very least she is exaggerating the police’s interest. Her local police will be liasing with the MET and INTERPOL on the Hampstead case?

      My guess is that when they read the Judgement and speak to the MET her local police will not be interested at all and if there is actually anything to investigate they will leave it to the MET.

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    • My hunch is that Jeranism uploaded that disaster of a video at the strong urging of ^ in collaboration with Badger-Boy (the ever – odious cgiPains/ UKDoltBrigade). Both are die-hard flat-earthers; Neil has followed the poet laureate for quite some time (as shown by Google+ connections). Jeranism needed an idea for a video that would reach a wider audience than his usual tripe, so he sloppily threw together the footage and feigned concern for the kids during his limited ‘narration’. Sadly, the video has garnered more views than his others – most, if not all, focused on our pancakey planet. I’ve reported / flagged it several times to no avail. The good news is that the views have slowed waaay down in recent days.

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