Captain ‘Cannabis Cures Cancer’ falls flat on his face

A Hoaxtead-touting Facebook user who runs a page called ‘Cannabis Cures Cancers’ has been running off at the mouth about the Hampstead ‘satanic abuse’ hoax for 7 months now, much to the chagrin of his readers.

Cannabis Cures Cancers Rant 1A few helpful hints to Captain ‘Cannabis Cures Cancer’:

  • Most people won’t stick around to read a 6,500 word rant. And even if they do, the whole ‘child-raping, baby-raping, baby-eating Satanist cannibal’ thing has been disproven over and over. Unless your ‘irrefutable evidence’ consists of a bona fide picture of a ‘Satanist cannibal’ gnawing on a tiny femur, forget about it.
  • You named individuals and accused them of committing rape, murder, and cannibalism? Congratulations. You just committed libel. And if you did it more than once, you can be had up on harassment charges. Just ask Sabine or Neelu how much fun that can be.
  • No one is sharing your shit because it’s shit. And most sane people know that. Get over it.
  • You’re doing this ‘because you like babies….They are cute’? Brilliant. You now officially qualify as a Hoaxtead Knobhead.

Unsurprisingly, Captain CCC’s page followers are indeed greeting his change of direction with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. Cannabis Cures Cancer Comments 2Cannabis cures cancer comments 1Cannabis Cures Cancer 2Of course, there is the odd exception. Anyone care to guess who’s hiding behind this clever disguise?

Jacqui Farmer's new sockYeah, that’s not obvious at all.


17 thoughts on “Captain ‘Cannabis Cures Cancer’ falls flat on his face

  1. There are credible medical bodies investigating whether cannibis oil aids leukemia sufferers but not even in US states where medical cannibis is legal do the suppliers & advocates make far fatching claims that it cures cancer. They only ever say they it can assist some, not all, sufferers cope with the symptoms. These fanatics who jump on the bandwagon (Abraham Cristie) are dangerous fools who do no service to those who are ill.

    Liked by 1 person

    • These people have read studies which shows cannabis kills cancer cells in vitro. Lots of things will do that and kill all the healthy cells too. Doing something in a glass dish is not proof it would work in vivo. And then there’ll be the cherry picked case studies.

      Liked by 1 person

        • I used to know someone who did use cannabis for their MS. I think there is an anti nausea medicine available on prescription which was derived from cannabis. Drug companies are currently doing research in to chemicals found in cannabis.

          On that Facebook page is someone asking what they should use for their 15 year old’s cancer. 😦

          Funnily enough there is a group of people who recommend bleach as a cure for cancer, autism……… apparently there’s a government plot to kill them off to prevent the news of this miracle cure reaching the mainstream.

          Liked by 2 people

  2. I used to feel quite liberal about cannabis. I am aware it can be very useful as a therapeutic drug for some conditions. Abraham Christie has done more to turn me away from it than anything I was told at school – or even the college friend who had a psychotic episode after smoking it.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Seems like Abe, Charlotte and Jacco are all writing/’working’ stoned, this may explain some things…oh, I forgot about Araya….she too…maybe we have a new cannabis related syndrome here. Maybe all these troofers are stoners too. Nothing against a bit of puff, but when it harms other people by internet warrior writing of paranoid fantasies, then it may be time to stop.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Even Araya ‘ s fake name refers to cannabis/ hemp ( google ‘Vedic soma’ or ‘just ‘soma drinking’ if interested. ) And she says she plans to leave the UK because she can only get dried cannabis there.
      The ‘Araya’ is a reference to Aryans, of course. I’d expect no less from the delusional fascist.

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