Dehumanisation fosters dangerous hatred, vigilantism

We’ve talked before about the ways in which the Hoaxtead mob and their followers create a climate of fear via their threats and intimidation, and we’ve noted that it only takes one unhinged troofer to potentially cause a tragedy: Just one vigilante, one person who believes in the tripe that’s been spread about the men,…

Paterson’s annual death threat extravaganza

If it’s November, it must be time for our annual barrage of semi-literate mouth-frothing death threats from our favourite professional anti-Semite—the walking, talking putz with the giant schnozz and ego to match, the one and only John Alexander Paterson. Some readers might recall last year’s round of death threats from the Honker that Bored; this…

Some Rupert evidence we wish we’d found…

Have you ever worked on a project for a long time, wrapped it up, revealed it to the world…and then found a piece that you really, really, really wish you’d known about before you started? That happened to us the other day, when one of our team members was casually leafing back through Rupert Quaintance’s…

What really happened to Aaron Dover?

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any troofer who should happen to shuffle off this mortal coil under any circumstances whatsoever is perforce a victim of the Powers That Be, who have murdered him or her for their own vile and dastardly reasons. Since we reported on the untimely death of Aaron Dover a…

NOTICE: Angela Power-Disney did *NOT* kill Aaron Dover

We have been reliably informed by…well, all right, by Angela Power-Disney if you must know, that Angela absolutely, positively had nothing to do with the untimely death of Aaron Dover, which we announced earlier this week. Angela has posted the following notice on her Facebook page, and we have no reason to disbelieve her: Granted,…

Unmasking “Jason Streatham”

Yesterday we revealed the identity of Araya Soma (aka Araya Manna, aka Ninon Dulac): turns out her real name is Laurence Lavie, and she’s currently wanted by Somerset police for failing to attend her trial on drugs charges. Today, we thought we’d take a look at one of the lesser-known Hoaxtead trolls, who’s been uttering…

Staying on the right side of the ethical line

Yesterday we learned that one of our longest-standing supporters, James Hind, aka Satanic Views, had been accused of sending harassing messages to Rupert Quaintance. To say we were surprised would be a gross understatement: James has strong opinions which he’s not afraid to express, but we’ve never witnessed him actually threatening or harassing anyone. James has…