Changes at Hoaxtead Research

Changes are afoot at Hoaxtead Research! After nearly four years of daily posts, 1.9 million page views, and a whole lot of really pissed off hoax promoters, we’ve decided that it’s time to shake things up just a bit. But don’t panic, we think you’ll like the results (unless you’re a hoax promoter, in which…

Going back over old ground

It started with a question. A commenter, “C B”, left this message on the live-streamed video in which Flo Destroyer and EC had participated Monday evening: So did the children appear in court/ or via tv and say they had been told what to say? Whether this was meant as a challenge or simply a…

Consorting with the ‘other side’

Last evening, EC and Flo Destroyer took part in a two-hour YouTube live-stream with Jason and Ade from “Raconteurs News”. To be honest, EC wasn’t sure what to expect, as this was the same channel that had hosted ex-DC Jon ‘Dodger’ Wedger about a month ago—readers might recall this interview as the one in which…

Cat and Abe: More troofer fun and games

Exactly how hard up for friends would you have to be, to add the child-abusing criminal Abraham Christie to your friends list on, say, Instagram? This hard up, apparently: Yes, this is Cat Scot’s Instagram (the same Cat who has been so shy and retiring about accepting EC’s invitation for a friendly chat). And while…

Richie Allen switches sides on Hampstead hoax

Well. Here’s a tweet we never thought we’d see: Richie? Richie Allen? Is that you, lad? The one who gushingly interviewed Sabine McNeill in February 2015 and claimed she was releasing “explosive” news about Satanic ritual abuse in the UK? And didn’t Allen interview Sabine again, a year and a half later? He seemed no…

Cat’s got questions, EC’s got answers

Catriona Selvester has a problem, and we’d like to help her fix it. Cat seems to have developed a leeeeetle tiny obsession with EC—not only has she posted videos and blog posts about her, she even has a Pinterest page where she stores EC’s press clippings from 20-odd years ago, when EC was a mystery…

Robert Green has died

Reports from a number of his online friends confirmed yesterday morning that Robert Green had died the previous night. We were aware that Green had been in hospital suffering from cancer, and so the news did not come as a complete surprise. Green may have been best known for his role in aggressively promoting the…

Deplorable Dunn to exploit Hampstead kids at conference

Pity the town of Canton, Ohio. Home of the McKinley Presidential Library and the gravesite of U.S. President William McKinley, it also boasts the Pro Football Hall of Fame (well, U.S. football at least) and the First Ladies National Historic Site. And starting on Friday evening, the Marriott Courtyard hotel in Canton will host the…

Brees retaliates against Private Eye journalist

Anna Brees is still smarting from her recent turn of stardom in Private Eye. A few days ago we commented on the Eye‘s story that Brees, a former journalist turned promotional flack for ex-DC Jon Wedger, had confessed to adding a salacious story about Edward Heath to the Brees Media re-issue of Mike Tarraga’s memoir,…

Promoters of the hoax, part 2

Yesterday we published the first half of an update to our FAQ: Promoters of the hoax. We’ve been going over the evidence from Sabine McNeill’s trial, integrating new information and deleting material which is no longer relevant, in order to present the most accurate summary possible. In yesterday’s post we covered the time between Abraham…