When SRA came to the UK: Lessons from the Nottingham case

As we’ve discussed here before, the idea of “Satanic ritual abuse” is a relatively modern one, originating in a small city on the west coast of Canada in 1980. That’s when psychiatrist Dr Lawrence Pazdor and his client (and eventual wife) Michelle Proby, aka Michelle Smith, published the literary hoax Michelle Remembers, documenting Dr Pazder’s course of therapy with Michelle, who “remembered” having been victimised by a group of Satanists in Victoria, B.C.

That book formed the foundation for the “Satanic panic” which began in the United States and Canada in the early 1980s, and migrated to the UK in 1988, when the first fully fledged SRA case took place in Broxtowe, an estate in Nottingham.

This case, and the way in which it was investigated, reveals a great deal about the many pitfalls which can arise during investigations of allegations of SRA, and tackles head-on the issues of leading questions, contamination, witness reliability, and conflicting stories from witnesses.

We’d like to thank the reader who pointed us toward the JET report, and hope our other readers will find it as informative as we do.

The Nottingham ritual abuse cases

In October 1987, seven children were removed from an extended family in Broxtowe, on suspicion that they had been sexually abused by their parents and extended family. A year and a half later, in February 1989, 10 men and women were charged with a total of 53 offences of incest, indecent assault, and cruelty against 21 children in the extended family.

Medical evidence indicated that the children had been sexually and physically abused, and that they had been given alcohol. The accused were found guilty and extended prison terms were imposed. This outcome was heralded as an example of smooth collaboration between social workers and police.

The foster parent diaries

Before the trials commenced, the children were placed in foster homes and their foster parents were asked to keep diaries of anything they said or did which might have an impact on their future welfare. The contents of these diaries began to indicate that something even more serious than sexual and physical abuse had happened to the children.

Strange and disturbing allegations began to emerge, including “witch parties”, infant murders, animal killings, the involvement of strangers, and videotaping of sexual abuse.

According to the Joint Enquiry Team (JET) report,

Nothing like the content of these diaries had ever been seen before and they eventually gave rise to the suspicion that the children might have been involved in some form of organised ritualistic Satanic abuse or witchcraft cult. Adult members of the extended family were interviewed by social workers and appeared to support this view.

Split between social workers and police

A schism developed between some of the social workers involved in the case and the police, as is became clear that the police did not believe the allegations emerging from the foster parents’ diaries.

The police launched a separate investigation called the Gollom Enquiry, which concluded that:

  • No Satanic or Witchcraft abuse was involved;
  • There was a lack of evidence to support allegations of abuse; 
  • The corroborating adults were unreliable;
  • No adults outside the extended family were involved;
  • The children and foster parents were influencing one another in their creation of false memories;
  • Ideas of abuse were being shared by the foster parents at their bi-weekly support meetings;
  • The children’s stories of Satanic abuse were similar to each other because the kids were contaminated by the foster parents. 

The social workers, on the other hand, seemed to believe that:

  • The police were attempting to discredit the children;
  • The diary reports, including allegations of Satanic abuse, were reliable;
  • There was no contamination of the children’s stories—the children’s allegations were similar because they were relating accurate memories of similar events;
  • SRA experts Ray Wyre and Dr Kirk Weir believed that Satanic abuse was involved. The judge, Mrs Justice Margaret Booth, agreed. 
  • The list of Satanic abuse indicators prepared in the U.S. closely matched the children’s disclosures.

Social workers and police seemed to be at an impasse, and by June 1988 police were refusing to investigate any further allegations arising from the foster parents’ diaries. To resolve matters and progress the case appropriately, it was decided that a Joint Enquiry Team consisting of two police officers and two social workers, none of whom had worked on the case previously, would investigate the allegations.

The enquiry lasted five months, and was comprehensive.

The JET investigated places and premises disclosed by the children and adults, as well as people related to those locations. Interviews were conducted with both convicted and other members of the extended family, along with alleged perpetrators. Some senior police and social work staff were interviewed, as were the SRA experts who’d been used by social services. Some of the foster parents were interviewed, and there was “involvement with the interviewing of twelve children disclosing ritualistic abuse during the course of the Enquiry”.

Non-existent tunnels

Locations where Satanic ceremonies were alleged to have been held included various hidden and underground rooms and tunnels, a swimming pool at a private home, and a secret passage containing four dead bodies at a house in Derbyshire. None of the rooms or tunnels were found to exist. An indoor pool does exist now at the home in question, but it is a new installation and did not exist at the time of the alleged abuse.

An “expert in SRA”

Ray Wyre, a former probation officer who described himself as “an independent sexual abuse consultant” had been called in by the original social services team to brief the foster parents on “indicators of Satanic ritual abuse”, and the team found that it was after this briefing that four children from three foster homes began to make bizarre allegations. It seems likely that Mr Wyre’s instructions had a profound influence on the direction of the case.

As the JET report concludes, “The children knew the foster parents wanted them to identify places and people and would have wanted to please them”.

According to ReligiousTolerance.org,

Mr. Wyre’s services had been acquired by Social Services as an expert in SRA. His indicators of SRA came from an alleged expert from the US, and included: “transportation to other places, animal sacrifices, drinking of blood, eating flesh, defiling children with urine and feces, monsters and ghosts, a mysterious church, killing of children etc.” Foster parents were urged to ask their children about these indicators, and to document the results.

Nottingham 2018-06-08 1

Following this directive from Mr Wyre, the stories began to flow: babies had been murdered by being shot, jumped upon, having their heads smashed against the floor, killed by a monster, killed by crocodiles, killed by sharks, killed by a dragon…and that was just the beginning.

Other allegations included:

  • Adults having “dead babies hanging around their necks”;
  • Jesus chopped up and eaten;
  • Babies being dug up in a field;
  • Witches removing a foetus from its mother’s body, killing it, and then reviving it;
  • Children being sexually abused in an underground room at a church;
  • One of the children’s tummies being cut open by her father in the living room and then taken to hospital;
  • An adult putting on a cloak and flying;
  • All of the children being killed at parties;
  • A swimming pool with crocodiles, sharks and dragon that kill the children;
  • Adult witches turning the children into frogs;
  • Underground rooms, tunnels, sharks, eating spiders, snakes, burning sticks, a bath full of blood, a red drink that makes you sleepy, a table with a purple plastic cloth with snakes, moons, stars, pigs, spiders and donkeys on it.

Unsurprisingly, the team decided that in the absence of any physical corroborative evidence, none of these allegations had any likelihood of being true.

We had not found any physical corroborative evidence in the Broxtowe case and no longer believed the children’s diaries substantiated the claim of Satanic abuse. In our view they reflected other influences and were open to alternative interpretations. Our research indicated that nobody else [in other countries] had found corroborative physical evidence either. All the evidence for its existence appears to be based upon disturbed children and adults claiming involvement during interviews by social workers, psychiatrists, and Church Ministers who already themselves believed in its existence. It seemed possible that Satanic abuse only existed in the minds of people who wanted or needed to believe in it. In the USA the result had been a modern day witch hunt which had ruined the lives of many innocent people.

The context of the disclosures

The Joint Enquiry Team pointed out that it’s critical to understand the context of the disclosures made by the children:

The first fact that strikes you is that until Mr. W. briefed the foster parents with the Satanic indicators all four children were talking entirely about their family, of which seven are ESN, being involved in sexual abuse and what they call witch parties. There are only vague references to strangers.

The second, even more pertinent fact, is that until Mr. W.’s presentation of the Satanic indicators all the children are talking about sexual abuse and the witches parties at their homes. It is not until the 5.3.88 that they start to talk about a big house with a swimming pool and even then, only with reference to sexual abuse and nothing ‘Satanic’. They only start to identify other locations in the context of witch parties in July 1988 when the foster parents had been asked to take the children around to identify locations.

The children all lived in typical semi-detached council houses on council estates. As we all know the walls of these houses are paper thin, the rooms are very small with the average living room being 14′ by 12′ and they have open gardens. In our experience it is virtually impossible on council estates to keep anything secret that can be seen or heard (unfortunately sexual abuse is often neither) and information and particularly anything of a spicy or bizarre nature passes around very quickly.

The family were under constant surveillance from the authorities and from an interview with a neighbour it is clear that they attracted attention to themselves as these families often do. The neighbour states that she had “seen young children naked in the garden eating their own excrement and running around the garden naked or [with] very little on even on freezing cold days”. She adds that “any talk of witchcraft or any type of Satanic practices regarding the family surprises me a great deal. I have never heard or witnessed anything like that on this estate before”. The neighbours do maintain that the family used to frequently return from the pub and continued ‘parties’ with a lot of shouting and swearing.

Despite this the social workers have accepted that the family were having witch parties at which sheep were being slaughtered in the front room or the back garden and the front garden and were subsequently left in the garages in wheelie bins, that abortions were committed in the front room, that more than eight witches danced around singing in the front room, that later one of the children had her stomach cut open on a table in the front room and that [Mary] witnessed seven children being killed along with acts of cannibalism. We do not consider that the belief that this could be kept secret matches basic commonsense or reality. Outside of the babies and the children, sheep are large, noisy, difficult animals and when one was slaughtered by an Indian on a council estate in Leicester it hit the national newspaper headlines the following day. In our view another explanation has to be sought.

The conclusion

Especially in the context of what we now know about those who believe implicitly in the existence and prevalence of SRA, we found the team’s concluding remarks most interesting:

Our interpretation of the diaries…does not support the view that the children have been involved in organised Satanic ritual or witchcraft ceremonies. All our research both in this country and abroad has revealed that no actual physical empirical evidence has been found anywhere at anytime for Satanic abuse. If you still wish to believe that it exists logically you would have to accept that an organisation has the unique ability to keep it secret. Even relatively secret organisations such as the Masons and the Mafia have never managed to achieve this. At least it would mean that the followers were extremely clever, powerful, wealthy, sophisticated people who could use their power and wealth to ensure privacy.

If this is the case, as it must be, such people would hardly get involved with a family of ESN adults living on a council estate who are the subject of gossip by their neighbours, who are known to the police and who are subject to surveillance by the authorities. It would be too great a risk as they would be discovered within a week. Such a family could not handle it, and could not keep it quiet. The most that we can deduce from the diaries is that these children have been sexually abused and that they may also have been terrorized by sadistic adults who found it amusing to frighten them. This could fit in with the adults laughing (not a normal practice one would assume at ritualistic ceremonies) as the children describe. It could be true that the children have been deliberately burnt (there is plenty of medical evidence for this) made to drink alcohol, locked in the garages, pushed into wheelie bins.

We also found the team’s conclusions about SRA in general quite prescient:

In our view two years later on an unshakeable belief system in Satanic ritualistic abuse appears to have developed which could easily lead into a modern day “witch hunt” (as has happened in the USA). All the elements appear to us to be present; rigid preconceived ideas, dubious investigative techniques, the unwillingness to check basic facts, the readiness to believe anything, however bizarre, the interest in identifying prominent people, with widening of the net to implicate others and the unwillingness to accept any challenge to their views.

The JET report’s conclusion included this recommendation:

The use of the current information on ‘Satanic’ ritualistic abuse / witchcraft within Social Services should be stopped immediately in the absence of any empirical evidence to support it. Presentations using this material, which in our view has no validity, should also cease immediately as it is contagious.

While social services within Local Authorities seem to have largely abandoned their belief in SRA, we’ve observed that a disturbingly large number of social workers, therapists, police officers, and others continue to cling to the belief that children are subjected to horrific “Satanic ritual abuse”.

There’s more—much more—to say about this report, which laid the groundwork for Professor Jean La Fontaine’s later national study of SRA, among other things. We’d urge our readers to read the abridged version of the report, which was itself the subject of a great deal of controversy when it was published online in the 1990s. It contains a great many lessons which have not lost relevance in the 30 years since its original publication.Beckley_Road_Bus_Stop_Broxtowe_Estate_Nottingham

134 thoughts on “When SRA came to the UK: Lessons from the Nottingham case

    • That was an interesting read, I see “the Ellis case is highly controversial, with many New Zealanders believing he is innocent. A poll of 750 adults conducted in 2002 by the National Business Review revealed that 51% thought Ellis was innocent, 25% thought he was guilty, and 24% were unsure”.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Most NZers recognise, I think, that the allegations pressured out of the children by leading questions and concerned parents ranged from “unreliable” through “meaningless” to “absurd”. 25% will say “Well Ellis must have been guilty of something, and charges were dropped against everyone else who’d been accused, and anyway he’s out of prison now so there’s no point rocking the boat and sowing doubts about the justice system”.

        The general response from the Department of Social Welfare, afterwards, was that “We stand by the professionalism of our interviewers and the methods they used; and also, we have changed procedures so that this can never happen again. Nothing to see here, please move along..”

        The key passage from the Wiki entry: “Prosecutors had sanitised some of the charges so that few of the bizarre allegations were heard.”.

        A particularly weird aspect: “The investigating detective, Colin Eade, had had sexual relationships with two of the mothers after the trial and had propositioned another during the course of the investigation. He also had had a sexual relationship with one of the evidential interviewers after the trial. The mother whom he propositioned subsequently withdrew her child, the first to make a formal disclosure of abuse, from the inquiry. In 1994 Eade left the police suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.[21] Colin Eade said in the television documentary that he would not be surprised if all the complainants had not recanted at some stage of the investigation.”

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  1. It’s somewhat ironic that the late Ray Wyre himself ended up on that infamous hand written list of visitors to the Elm Guest House.
    Fanatics claim that “children never lie” but in doing so dismiss the fact that in their innocence children tell what is their version of the “truth” as they have come to know it. Apart from their wonderful innocence, active imaginations and total inexperience of the world, when they tell each other that Santa Claus brought them this and that, they really do believe such a figure exists because their parents basically, lie to them and they repeat the lie.
    That’s just one small example of how parents even mislead their own children.

    And memory is such an infallible thing. I recall long conversations with my mother in her last years and she corrected me on many “beliefs” that had become for me, fixed memories of childhood. They could often be very simple things: such as my belief we lived across the road from a river where I played every day to the fact the river was almost a mile away.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Ironic indeed about Ray Wyre! And yes, the idea that children never lie is ridiculous–I recall blaming a neighbour for some missing sweets when I was about seven years old. I dissembled and finally confessed when my father threatened to go to the neighbour’s house and confront them…. 🙂


  2. Great post EC. Stories of satanic panic are always interesting to read about. Just one question, what does ESN mean as i can’t recall having seen that before?

    Liked by 2 people

      • Correct! You might say Developmentally Disabled/Challenged, although I believe E.S.N. was on a rating scale specifically applied to students. Like that Canadian community where 60+ people were convicted and imprisoned in the early ’90s. Abuse hunters really had a “thing” for Challenged persons, didn’t they?

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        • So what we now call ‘SEN and disability’, then. I hadn’t come across the term ‘ESN’ before. I think it must have been before my time.

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          • I’ve often thought that SRA hunters had a “Lovecraftian” vision about their “multi-generational abuse cult” fantasy – that they imagined little communities of incestuous degenerates cackling maniacally in the wilderness and chanting obscene oaths to some satanic “elder god”, as they sacrificed infants kidnapped from ‘decent folk’ in the midst of mass orgies. You know? 🙂

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      • It’s SEN (special educational needs), so I don’t know whether ‘ESN’ was a misprint in the inquiry report or whether it was actually once called that. I’ve been in teaching since 1992, though only in SEN since 2001, and I must admit I don’t recall it ever being called ESN. But I could be wrong.

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        • I was uncertain about “ESN” too, but left it hoping someone here might know more than I!

          However, here’s my best guess: in 1971, Grenadian author Bernard Coard wrote a pamphlet aimed at black parents in the UK, describing some of the factors (such as racism and low teacher expectations) which were causing their children to fail in the British school system. The focus of Mr Coard’s book was on “ESN schools”—schools which were “educationally sub-normal”. I’m not 100% certain that the term is the same one used in the JET report, but it does seem to fit the context.


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  3. There are still people that were, loosely involved in this that knew it was made up shit, but now, say it happened to them and are making more and more crap up a out it and kind of dining out on it, telling anyone who will listen

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  4. It’s not as if child abuse isn’t horrific enough already. Why insist on believing in bizarre satanic rituals on top of it all ?

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      • Ah, secret tunnels. There’s a thing. A while back I was researching drug legislation and policy and the history of such. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries there were many press reports and moral panics regarding sinister Chinese gangs constructing secret tunnels to transport drugs, usually opium but occasionally cocaine.

        While secret tunnels do sometimes exist, often near coastlines to facilitate smuggling, most of the tunnels reported on in the press and rumoured in collective hysterical delusions were non-existent.

        interesting piece here

        I used to have an early C20 children’s fiction book called the Air Dope Hunters by Jack Hemming which is all about a Biggles type character (a British good egg) battling a nefarious criminal network of Chinese drug smugglers. Although much of the action happens in planes, if my memory is correct, secret networks of tunnels also feature.

        What is interesting about the “secret tunnel” narrative and collective hysterical delusions is that the tunnels often appear in relation to collective anxieties about “otherness”. Whether it is the stereotypical racist perspective of the Chinese as possessing an almost supernatural degree of cunning and the ability to construct secret devices and tunnels, or of the idea of the perpetrator of child sexual abuse as satanically monstrous, as opposed to ordinarily monstrous, the tunnels are an indication of something “other” than ourselves is striking.

        For completeness I should probably mention the various Hellfire Clubs, which were exclusive secret clubs where rich men with a sense of entitlement enjoyed wenching, drinking and gambling away from prying eyes of lesser mortals. The Hellfire clubs did have tunnels, in fact I visited on in High Wycombe, complete with rubbish waxworks of Sir Francis Dashwood and his chums. I think that the rumours about satanism occurring at the hellfire clubs have added an additional layer of delusion onto the existing imaginings about secret tunnels.


        Also it is not uncommon for people to dream about secret rooms in houses and secret tunnels. They often indicate material from the unconscious coming into consciousness. Secret tunnels may also indicate issues around processing “shadowy” or shitty elements of the psyche as secret tunnels are, very obviously, intestinal in their symbolism.

        I think that we, as humans, define ourselves as much by what were are not, as what we are.

        The secret tunnels with their intestinal symbolism, their “otherness” are I think symbolic of what humans collectively and unconsciously reject and project about ourselves and our society. It is no surprise that they feature prominently in hysterical narratives regarding satanic ritual abuse.

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  5. The JET report 🙂 🙂

    Isn’t it awesome? I agree that it is of great importance, as do SAFF. There were attempts to hide it – keep it off the internet – in the early days, and webpages hosting it would just “disappear”. I’m sure SAFF were responsible for spreading it so widely that such attempts at censorship just became pointless.

    You said: “The contents of these diaries began to indicate that something even more serious than sexual and physical abuse had happened to the children”. While I appreciate this passage as literary foreshadowing, the “even more serious than” sounds an (unconscious?) echo of SRA True Believer rhetoric…i.e., allegations of SRA are ‘more serious’ than allegations of ‘ordinary’ abuse. Or was “even more serious” intended to describe the naive perspective they might have had about them at that time?

    “Other allegations: Jesus chopped up and eaten” – don’t you LUV that? 🙂 Bless those creative little imaginations, lol!

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    • The Jet report is interesting and important.

      However one element that, in my opinion, was and is incomplete is that while certain evangelical christians, psychologists, social workers and others were quite correctly held responsible for creating the satanic panic, no mention was made of the role of new age groups and non-christian religious cults in creating the satanic panic.

      Of particular concern and interest are groups claiming to be involved in shamanism, neo-shamanism or core shamanism or that claim to be teaching women to awaken their inner goddess. Personal development large group awareness trainings (LGATs) are also of extreme concern.

      extra red flags if such groups:
      are featured alongside warnings on cult educational websites
      offer psychotherapy, more red flags if the therapy is to treat trauma and sexual trauma
      are syncretic in their practices (mix and blend elements of different religious / spiritual practices)
      include “tantric sex”, “tantric massage” and / or other secret sexual practices as part of their teachings
      promote sex work as a spiritual path
      promote polyamory / swinging as a spiritual path
      are involved in equalities / diversity training for state organisations, e.g. NHS, police, social workers
      claim to offer training / apprenticeship in native American or other indigenous spiritual practices to white / non indigenous people, especially when real indigenous groups campaign against them and declare them fraudulent
      accept payment to use “plant medicines” (e.g. ayahuasca, ibogaine, peyote – drugs) as part of ceremonies or rituals to heal trauma – this last category is very important as some of the drugs used may have real capacities to heal people with addictions and traumas, however their use by criminals to abuse vulnerable people is very widespread to the extent where any vulnerable person is taking a huge risk if they take part in such ceremonies. one example is this one https://forum.culteducation.com/read.php?12,131244

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    • “Other allegations: Jesus chopped up and eaten”

      In the interest of full disclosure, I should point out that this is in fact what we Catholics do every Sunday, as well as a little drinking of Jesus’s blood. What’s a little transubstantiation between friends?

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    • You’re right, Justin, my mistake! I think what I was trying to convey was that unlike previous cases, this one appeared to have an added “special” element which hadn’t been encountered before, at least in the UK.

      My understanding of the disappearances and re-appearances of the report is that the copyright holder, Nottingham County Council, kept attempting to have the revised report (which had been stripped of identifying features) suppressed when three journalists, Nick Anning, David Hebditch and Margaret Jervis, published it on the internet in 1997. They did this, allegedly, in response to Tim Tate’s television programmes which promoted the SRA narrative. An ongoing battle ensued, which saw the report published on “mirror sites” online, only to be removed by court orders. Eventually, I understand that the NCC gave up in the face of the ubiquity of the internet, but they weren’t happy about it.


  6. Thanks for this detailed breakdown, EC!

    I can see a lot of parallels with the McMartin case in weirdo Wyre’s bizarre ramblings.

    And the first part of the conclusion, pointing out the infeasibility of sooper seekrit cults operating in the middle of a gossiping housing estate whilst being watched by the authorities, yet still somehow managing to remain sooper seekrit, is spot-on. It’s a point that’s been raised on here before. These alleged cults have supposedly been operating for thousands of years (according to many fruitloops), yet they’d do something that idiotic and expose themselves, would they? Funnily, none of the fruitloops have ever managed to address this glaring, gaping plot hole.

    As for the second part of that conclusion, what a beautiful description of a lot of people we know! A case of “Insert the name of your favourite Hampstead hoaxer here”, methinks.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. And speaking of satanic panic and gullible, hysterical SRA promoters, here’s Cat again, bang on cue. I’m starting to think she does this deliberately:

    Liked by 1 person

      • I’m not sure where that calendar comes from, btw. Cat’s done a Malcolm here – she placed her ramblings in quotation marks but couldn’t be arsed to cite her source.

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    • It’s funny, that all those dates fall on the 6th day of the month, although here in Australia and New Zealand, we only have Jan-Dec, I don’t know what the other sixteen months of the year are….

      (We use the much more sensible day/month/year in Australia and N.Z.)

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      • Clever 🙂

        That reminds me of that old 9/11 gag. “What’s all this fuss about 9/11? What exactly happened on the 9th of November?”

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  8. Babies eaten by monsters, sharks, dragons and crocodiles and children turned into frogs by flying witches… and there are people out there who genuinely believe that.

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    • That’s what comes of keeping pet crocodiles and sharks as pets in childcare facilities. I’ve always said it will end in grief but do they listen?
      Silly things- there are no such things as monsters and dragons can’t be tamed. You could never keep one in cage so they are pulling our leg with that one.
      At least today’s witches use solar powered broom sticks.

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    • You can see just how corrupt the NHS death camps are, if they can so easily circumvent the intellect of a super qualified pharmacist by the satanic expedient of having a “Next of Kin” field on the hospital admission form.

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      • I have to admit, I am surprised that there is a sane member of the family that is letting the hospital do their job. I was beginning to think the entire family was completely off the planet

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    • OMG! What is Princess Neelu going to do when she discovers that the Chief Nurse at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust was awarded an OBE today in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List?

      This conspiracy goes right to the top!!!

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    • No self projection there then debs…..

      Seriously can you imagine the world if it was run as these loons wanted?
      Return of the death penalty, no trial, just the accusation is enough proof, unemployment benefits and free dope for all, but no pesky taxes to actually pay for these payments to them, all the garbage collectors, road workers, hospital staff, police etc all work for free, no laws (except when they decide they need one lol)

      What a nightmare…

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      • It pains me as a life long socialist and active party worker for Labour ( as was my mother and her father) and supporter of the NHS and Britain’s welfare system, that unemployment and welfare benefits basically enable these fools to indulge in their fantasies. And that alone may be OK but they also seek to make other’s lives a misery with their fanatical delusions.
        As the saying goes: the Devil finds work for idle hands to do.

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    • She’s complaining about the fact that we’re not allowed to show abused children’s faces and give out their names and she calls that “insanity”.


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    • #Self-wareness

      27:53 – “Oh, apparently there’s no room for my anger. Really? Really? Well, you know, let me explain that what you psychopaths misjudge as anger is actually righteous passion. OK. I don’t go out hurting people. I’m sorry you find my righteous passion offensive in the face of your total lack of empathy and disconnection from your inner child. No, coz I am strong enough to carry these emotions, to carry a feeling, AND act calmly on it, AND keep my head together. And it is precisely because I have a feeling that is connected to a conscience that my anger doesn’t act in ways that actually puts children at greater risk.”

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      • So – she angrily campaigns to stop children calling Chlidline and other helplines if they’re being abused…but her “anger doesn’t act in ways that puts children at greater risk”? How does that work?

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          • That video’s gone now but we have an audio clip of a phone call in which she harasses an incredibly polite and patient NSPCC receptionist over the phone:


            She then did a follow-up video 8 days later, in which quite frankly she lies through her arse (yeah, she reckons the bloke she’d harassed called her back and apologised profusely for the way HE had spoken to HER and said there was going to be a major review of how the NSPCC handles calls as a result!):

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    • She has a point about sociopaths / psychopaths and I’ve had to deal in the last ten years with ONE and the destruction he caused to so many people is still ongoing. When shrinks say “if you realize you are dealing with a psychopath run for your life and don’t look back” ..I must wholly agree.

      The real problem is very few people never know they are involved with one because sociopaths are incredible experts at being able to ‘mimic’ a person with empathy and genuine feelings.
      Deb makes the classic mistake as she seems incapable of recognizing a real one even if she fell over them.

      There are two I would nominate who are involved in the Hampstead hoax: Bellend McKenzie and APD.. who inspire all manner of people to do actions that ultimately lead to them coming to grief while these two walk away unharmed.
      Rupert’s jailing is surely a classic example of the influence of a sociopath who lured him into their web and yet he still doesn’t seem to understand how he really ended up as he did (although perhaps he does and just doesn’t want to admit it).
      I think Rupert is only now really paying the price of his escapades. He survived his time in jail probably because most prisoners are forced to “live in the moment” but once away and back home, like he is now in a completely different atmosphere, he has time to contemplate his folly. I reckon his sheer hatred for APD will grow over the coming years.

      As for Debs, she needs counseling so badly.

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    • I notice she is having a real go at children who want to “change sex” with the usual condemnation of parents and doctors/ psychiatrists etc.
      Very timely after just listening this week to a (I think originally BBC) radio interview with several parents and quite young teens who are gender conflicted and want to change. The love expressed by parents was so heart warming and listening to the children involved give their reasons, you would have to be a real bastard not to allow them their choice.

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  9. Yay! Another Angie GoFundMe update. The balance of the Universe is restor… zzzzzz…


    • “My Irish twin sister, 11 months older than me” 😂

      You know, the last time she said that, I thought it might just be a silly typo. But nope, there she is again, still going with it!

      Liked by 3 people

      • Why did she put the “paltry” £10,000 inheritance from her sister into her GoFundMe? Why didn’t she just bank it and at least gain some interest on it?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Because she thought that if the fund already had €10,000 in it, potential donors might think she was a going concern and donate more. She was basically salting the plate, in hopes of gaining more donations. When we pointed this out, she withdrew all but the €1,000. 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

          • And do I recall that she also donated a grand to Rupert, in the hope that he’d fly over and ravish her? Sorry, I mean in the hope that he’d fly over and make a really good video about the Hamsptead case. Sorry, slip of the tongue. Er, so to speak.

            Liked by 2 people

    • By the way, I’ve not ballsed up my screenshots there – she actually has posted the same video twice, rather than two videos as she says.

      JournoAngie – worth every penny

      Liked by 3 people

    • So basically she’s pissed off because she only got 20 grand from her sister’s estate. Why does she need any donations?. All she does is sit on her backside and ramble on in YT videos and on a blog. Both can be done for free.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Aww, poor old Andy – the World just doesn’t work the way he wants it too.


    • “Oh, but there’s no room for anger about that as only the Trump’s and Netty’s are allowed to get angry in this world and largely on the strength of their own sick ambitions and judgments. There’s room for their anger to bomb families and hospitals, and, never fear, Sacha Stone and the ITNJ crew will be there to sing their praises as saviours of the children. Pass me the vomit bag please! Deb”

      Oh dear, poor old Debs. I think this may be a two-bong problem 😦

      Liked by 1 person

    • Interesting that she’s chosen such cheerful and upbeat music for this. She must be really happy about all those ritualistic baby sacrifices!


  11. LOL, check out what Neelu says about Edward Ellis and equity lawyers here:

    Anyone any idea why the name Tony Cypriot is ringing a bell with me, btw? Has he come up before?


  12. Pingback: Why was the JET report suppressed? | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  13. “Babies being dug up in a field”

    Hmm I wonder where the children got that idea from……couldn’t possibly be the 1980s cabbage patch doll craze, could it!


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  15. Pingback: Satanic hysteria: Which came first, adult claimants or child victims? | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  16. Pingback: Conflict of interest: Judith Dawson, Beatrix Campbell, and Broxtowe | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  17. Pingback: Chris Fay and the ‘snuff movie’ confessions | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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