Abrella’s new video: Just more of the same

It hasn’t escaped our notice that Abrella released a new video interview a couple of days ago, this time via Mork and Mindy from the appropriately named ‘World Beyond Belief’. (Side bet: how long before Abrella denounce their new besties as shills or operatives? Bidding starts at one week.)

They used the occasion to showcase their new ‘Free the Hampstead 2’ tshirts—sure to be a bestseller amongst the hoax’s remaining 20 or so promoters.

Abrella-with butterflies 2016-01-20In fact, we’d like to encourage them to purchase the shirts and wear them wherever possible. It’ll make it that much easier to spot them in public.

We’d also like to draw attention to the butterfly motifs on Abrella’s coffee mugs, which presumably symbolise their dedication to MK Ultra. We should point out that the butterflies are meant to be monarch butterflies, but whatever. Perhaps the shops at the Plaza Mayor in Málaga were out of the monarch kind, and Abrella were forced to make do.

As for Abrella’s latest interview, their big revelation this time: Hoaxtead isn’t actually about paedophilia any longer! It’s about state-sponsored trauma-based mind control. (Wait, didn’t they try this one out on the Opperman show? The one that got cancelled because they couldn’t keep their lapdog Guidance 2222 under control, so he went and widdled all over their chance for U.S. stardom?)

For some reason, in the Mork and Mindy video they decided to re-run the old and very much discredited Charlotte Ward/Jacco de Boer video. For those of you who might not have seen this one (or our debunking thereof), you can find info’ on Abe’s ‘Dicky Rearman’ sock account here, and info’ on the Ward/de Boer video here.

We thought we’d let our commenters give their impressions of the latest Abrella debacle:

First up, Jake Blake:

FFS! SRA left behind to push their TBMC agenda, with newly printed T-Shirts, why can’t their pathetic supporters see through this twisted pair?… and to re-hash all that incorrect old “research” about who is who made me LMAO! They don’t have a clue…

He’s now saying their Father held vibrators to the base of the children’s spines to activate their third-eye to give them glimpses of collective consciousness and divinity that bound them, enslaved them and controlled them.

Every time he gives an interview he just repeats some new-age babble which he’s read on the internet and twists it to suit his agenda.

We were struck by the ‘vibrators at the base of the spine’ nonsense too, Jake. To us, it sounded a great deal like Abrella’s own sexual fantasies, self-projected onto RD’s children.

More from Jake:

He really is a filthy piece of work! This statement of his angered me:

“People ask us why we don’t talk about the children, well, y’know.. we are the children’s voice and if the children were speaking, they wouldn’t be speaking about themselves. They’d be speaking about the issue..so that’s what we’re doing, as the voice of the children we’re speaking about what’s happening on the planet.”

I worry about the children surfing the net in the future and finding videos like that, I really do.


YdychyncachuTracey says,

They’ve had tshirts made up with a picture of the children including Ella’s daughter, one where she is pictured with an obvious facial injury caused by Abraham.


Yes. The fact that they felt it appropriate to publicise the children using a picture of the little girl with her chin sliced open from Abe’s spoon beatings speaks volumes about Abrella. There really are no words.

Following some discussion about the mugs and their possible symbolism, YdychyncachuTracey points out:

I don’t know [what the mugs are about], but more to the point why are they covering much of their faces with them? And Ms Draper also wearing shades? Psychology Today pseudobabble would say they’re hiding something or intending to deceive. It isn’t as if what they look like is a secret FFS.

Maybe she’s felt the hard end of silverware across her face herself.

This is something many of us have long suspected: people who are used to using physical abuse to control those around them are not likely to suddenly stop. And the spoon does seem to be Abe’s weapon of choice.

Helen Does Hampstead notes,

So he slags us off, then he slags off Charlotte, then he slags off He Who Cannot Be Named. I might actually enjoy this interview, LOL.

Yes, the Abrella Enemies List is long, and growing longer daily. The longer they keep flogging this very dead beast, the more Abe and Ella will find the spotlight turned directly upon them. We’re quite certain that when that happens, the outcome will be not at all what they expect.





64 thoughts on “Abrella’s new video: Just more of the same

  1. I notice they have been put recent photographs of heir victims along with nasty libels again. Is Guidance Tutu the photographer I wonder? We need to find out who he really is so he can be charged with harassment.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s a mistake to focus on the butterflies, the message is the mugs themselves, they are saying hello to the mugs who follow them.

    More disturbing is the matching foreheads, what’s going on there?

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Abella have posted links to the transcripts of their grilling of the kids :

    “Q: I ate babies and I feel really weak about it. Really weak. Not strong. When I eat hemp I feel really strong.

    words fail me. They have plastered the net with tales for this kid to read in the future : that he participated in cannibalism. And the appalling admission that they obviously fed him cannabis.

    What a pair of rogues these two are.

    Liked by 1 person

    • This kind of thing confirms a suspicion I’ve had for some time about Abrella’s real motives for pushing this thing. I’m currently working on a post about it, but the bottom line: this thing isn’t about SRA or TBMC at all. It’s about self-promotion, and making a splash on the internet.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Definitely 100% self-promotion.

        Abraham wants to be famous at any cost.

        Really the case is closed, if the 1st February custody hearing is not happening.

        Though Angie still promotes it.

        But hey what does she know?

        Abraham needs to get his backside back over to the UK.

        Another that needs to be locked up to put an end to all his nonsense.

        Liked by 2 people

      • And the weirdest part is that there are still some people – Angela, Neelu, Deborah, Guidance et al – who can’t see through Abe & Ella’s blatantly obvious scam. Seriously, just how obvious does this pair of twunts need to make themselves before their creepy followers snap out of it? It genuinely worries me that there are people out there who are that jaw-droppingly gullible.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. They are certainly trying hard to push the whole TBMC nonsense, but it doesn’t seem to be taking off very well. Most commenters who still support them prefer to stick with the SRA, as that is what interested them in this case in the first place.

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      • I find it interesting that she’s now saying he’s “clearly an MK survivor too”–how does she suddenly come to this conclusion, from having earlier accepted the whole SRA bollocks? When Abe says “jump”, it seems his lackeys are only too happy to ask “how high?”

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I watched all of the videos of the children including the interviews by police before and after they recanted. I have not read much of the subsequent sites I focused on the videos. I approach any subject with skeptical and critical thinking.

    Looking at the parents involved- Just how smart are they?

    The father RD reads like a true creep. His Television interview was shocking to me. It left me wondering and uncomfortable.

    The mother and boyfriend have issues too.

    However, unless the medical reports published online were fake- the reports indicate sexual abuse has occurred. But what struck me most was watching the children speak. Sure, certain comments seemed memorized and were repeated in a way that could indicate coaching but it’s what the children said impulsively and spontaneously that really struck me. Details that seemed genuinely expressed even impulsively so, as they described what they experienced. The parents weren’t present to control every comment. Quite a few of the children’s comments displayed an awareness that a child wouldn’t have unless abuse had occurred. The parents don’t seem smart enough to program the Children’s utterances to such a degree to include spontaneous creativity around the narrative to such a degree. For instance, the boy talks about ‘glue’ on his bottom in connection to anal penetration. Would the parents have been smart enough to coach this? I don’t think so. No doubt water based lube would be described as ‘sticky glue’ by a child. It is like sticky glue in fact. Silicone lube is very different but water based lube gets very sticky.

    Would Ella & Abraham have had the smarts to interject that into the boy’s mind and in such a way that it came off as genuine? That would indicate a level of sophisticated thought I haven’t witnessed on their part as the general pattern of behavior from them. If they were smart enough to think of that- that would’ve been mighty clever and they don’t strike me as THAT clever. There were many moments each each child (especially the boy) spoke as if he were traveling back to the moment he was describing, he wasn’t remembering a coaching, he was remembering an experience.

    I believe those children have been sexually abused. If the parents have exacerbated the abuse with selfish agendas which are a separate abuse, that’s horriffic also.

    Something horrible happened to those children and I’m not referring to the activities of Abraham and his spoon, or the parents having some sort of agenda (no I don’t believe this was merely a stunt for Abraham to get internet noteriety). It became a circus and im not surprised. That is very unfortunate for the children. All of this has been abusive to them. But it shouldn’t over shadow the signs & evidence of sexual abuse that all of this originated out of.

    Someone sexually abused those children. Who did it? That person or persons need to be brought to justice. But I won’t be counting on it.


    • Hi, Dominaelle, welcome to HR!

      “The father RD reads like a true creep. His Television interview was shocking to me. It left me wondering and uncomfortable.”

      The vast majority of viewers will have read the newspaper and watched the BBC, they will believe RD is being sincere. They have not been tainted by the conspiracy nonsense so it is likely that those viewers don’t see him being a “true creep” but as an innocent father subjected to horrific accusations by a deranged mother and her child abusing boyfriend. This is how it was reported to the viewers, this is what they will believe, they will be on the fathers side.

      “The mother and boyfriend have issues too.”

      No argument there. 🙂

      “However, unless the medical reports published online were fake- the reports indicate sexual abuse has occurred.”

      They are not fake and no they don’t.

      The judge was highly critical of Dr. Hodes. If I recall, she initially described scars, which after peer review by her colleagues she altered to fissures of a normal variant. In other words, no sign of abuse.

      She then used (and the judge criticised her for it) long discredited RAD diagnosis. It is important to note three things.

      1. RAD was only seen in ONE of the children.
      2. RAD is also seen in children that have NOT been abused.
      3. ED gave the children enemas.

      The girl is also a virgin.

      So are we to believe that the children have been buggered by hundreds of people yet all that Dr. Hodes found was ONE child showing RAD when RAD is also present in non-abused children? Plus the girl is a virgin!

      The judge made a very important statement, which I hope you’ll “read between the lines” as the judge probably intended the reader to do: “The court must always be on guard against the over-dogmatic expert, the expert whose reputation or amour propre is at stake, or the expert who has developed a scientific prejudice. ”

      That is a shocking statement for a judge to make in regard to an expert witness, I believe that the judge is just stopping short of calling Dr. Hodes a liar.

      “But what struck me most was watching the children speak. Sure, certain comments seemed memorized and were repeated in a way that could indicate coaching but it’s what the children said impulsively and spontaneously that really struck me. Details that seemed genuinely expressed even impulsively so, as they described what they experienced. The parents weren’t present to control every comment. Quite a few of the children’s comments displayed an awareness that a child wouldn’t have unless abuse had occurred. The parents don’t seem smart enough to program the Children’s utterances to such a degree to include spontaneous creativity around the narrative to such a degree.”

      If I tortured you, you would do anything and say anything I wanted. If you were then interviewed knowing that you were going to be returned to me, you would make damn sure that you said it again word-for-word. If you didn’t, I’d beat the hell out of you again.

      It was only when the children (the girl was very open, the boy was still guarded) were assured that AC would not be seeing them again that they opened up and told the truth.

      It should be remembered that this was still very soon after they were removed from the abuse that AC gave them. I believe that if the children were interviewed now well over a year later, they would be very open and direct about what it was that AC and ED did to them. They are no longer in fear of being beaten for saying the wrong thing.

      “For instance, the boy talks about ‘glue’ on his bottom in connection to anal penetration. Would the parents have been smart enough to coach this? I don’t think so. No doubt water based lube would be described as ‘sticky glue’ by a child. It is like sticky glue in fact. Silicone lube is very different but water based lube gets very sticky.”

      An interesting observation and if you note my comments regarding the medical report, you will note that ED gave them enemas. It is logical to assume that they do indeed know about lubricants as they are likely to have direct experience of ED using them.

      “Would Ella & Abraham have had the smarts to interject that into the boy’s mind and in such a way that it came off as genuine? That would indicate a level of sophisticated thought I haven’t witnessed on their part as the general pattern of behavior from them. If they were smart enough to think of that- that would’ve been mighty clever and they don’t strike me as THAT clever. There were many moments each each child (especially the boy) spoke as if he were traveling back to the moment he was describing, he wasn’t remembering a coaching, he was remembering an experience.”

      I invite you to read the infamous Nottingham County Council Joint Enquiry Report regarding a 1980s case, it is only 5 pages but gives an insight into how children can be influenced by adults. it really is fascinating.

      “I believe those children have been sexually abused. If the parents have exacerbated the abuse with selfish agendas which are a separate abuse, that’s horriffic also.”

      I am not so sure that they have. There is no clear physical evidence of sexual abuse by anybody other than one sign of RAD in one child and this could be normal or a result of enemas.

      “Something horrible happened to those children and I’m not referring to the activities of Abraham and his spoon, or the parents having some sort of agenda (no I don’t believe this was merely a stunt for Abraham to get internet noteriety). It became a circus and im not surprised. That is very unfortunate for the children. All of this has been abusive to them. But it shouldn’t over shadow the signs & evidence of sexual abuse that all of this originated out of.

      Someone sexually abused those children. Who did it? That person or persons need to be brought to justice. But I won’t be counting on it.”

      As I said, there is no clear evidence of sexual abuse. The judge has tried to indicate so without directly accusing Dr. Hodes of lying.

      Liked by 2 people

    • The claim was to include anal abuse by hundreds of people, repetitively over years. Most people would expect horrific injuries. The question is whether Abraham would be smart enough to coach the children to say something suggesting a lubricant was used, to cover for a lack of horrific injuries. Personally, I think he is.

      The children also say he did. “He (Abraham) forced me to say my Dad puts Vaseline on my willy – plastic and normal ones.” Q added, as if puzzled, that Vaseline is used to rub on your hands when they are sore. he was clear that Abraham had used the Vaseline word first”.—From court judgement.

      Suggesting that not only did Abraham coerce them to mention Vaseline, but that the boy didn’t understand what the Vaseline would be doing if used sexually. If he had been raped for years using lubricant, although young, you would expect him to know what effect the Vaseline had.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Dominaelle, I echo the other members’ view that it’s refreshing to see a ‘believer’ who knows how to be courteous and respectful. But I also echo their counter-arguments and I can’t add to or improve on their excellent rebuttals, other than to suggest that you peruse the myriad posts on this site relating to Abe & Ella and also the section above headed ‘Evidence’. The prevailing view is that the children were tortured and forced to lie and there is an overwhelming wealth of evidence to support such an assertion; the children themselves have said it, as have the Police, the court, the press, the vast majority of Hampstead residents and most rational people who have examined the evidence. Even Abe himself – who has 37 previous convictions for drugs, violence and fraud – has repeatedly admitted to beating the kids. Moreover, a number of former ‘believers’ have carried out startling U-turns, having realised that they’ve been ‘had’.

      Hope this helps 🙂

      PS: all kudos to that nice Mr. Coyote for allowing opposing views to be displayed here. The notoriously censorial Abraham, Sabine, Bronwyn, Charlotte, Guidance et al could learn from that 😉

      Liked by 3 people

    • Regarding the issue of whether children can be ‘coached’, you might be interested in a video that can be found on Youtube called ‘1980’s False Memory and Child Abuse Hysteria’ which shows an experiment in the suggestibility of very young children who not only could be encouraged to retell experiences that had never happened to them. they also got to the point where they were convinced that they had genuinely experienced those things.
      And, as others have said, thank you for expressing your scepticism in such balanced way. You wouldn’t believe what a breath of fresh air that is! .

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I would like to see a few of the people that Abrella have turned on to start turning on them but I guess they don’t want to admit they were wrong by believing this hoax.

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  7. Hi, Dominaelle, and welcome. I appreciate your calm and polite approach, but it won’t surprise you to know that I strongly disagree with your premise that the children were not coached.

    Others will perhaps be able to add more detail, but I keep in mind that Abe and Ella had at least a full month in which to terrorise, coach, and indoctrinate the children. Details such as “glue” on the bottom could most certainly have been added by Abe or Ella, who do seem to have a fixation with buggery and its variations themselves.

    From the police and medical reports, stories have emerged about the children being exposed to sexual matters even prior to the trip to Morocco; I recall one, in particular, in which the children happened upon Abe and Ella having sex. When the kids objected, Abe openly fondled Ella in front of them, and indicated that they couldn’t stop him doing what he liked to their mother. In an atmosphere that is sexually charged in that way, it’s hardly surprising that the children would become sexualised to a degree.

    As for the physical evidence of sexual abuse, several things don’t add up. First, Ella was permitted a long interview with Dr Hodes prior to the exams themselves. This is completely against proper protocol, as it’s vitally important that the examining physician be able to make observations free from bias or preconception.

    Second, reflex anal dilatation (RAD) has been shown to be suggestive, but not necessarily indicative, of anal penetration. And it was only seen in the knee-chest position–wouldn’t you expect that if the children had been repeatedly sexually abused by multiple people over a long period of time, there would be a great deal more visible evidence than one non-conclusive result in only one position?

    Third, the little girl’s hymen was found to be intact. I find it very odd that people would suppose that with multiple abusers over a long time-frame, somehow she was still a virgin.

    And fourth, when the children were interviewed by the psychiatrist, they were found to have very little understanding of how sex actually works. Does this not seem strange, in a pair of children who were allegedly used as sex toys by a large group of people over a long time-span?

    As for your feeling that the father comes off as ‘creepy’ in the TV programme…I hardly think one can accuse someone of sexual abuse based on how they appear on TV, in the absence of any evidence whatsoever. I can think of several people I’m not overly fond of, and a couple I consider outright creepy, but it wouldn’t occur to me to accuse them of a serious crime, unless I knew of concrete, reliable evidence to support that accusation.

    To do otherwise is to descend into the realm of the witch-hunt, which I am simply not willing to do.

    I do agree with you that some form of sexual abuse took place, but whether that was physical or psychological in nature remains to be seen. Should the mother and her partner ever decide to return to the UK to face justice, there might be some possibility of having that issue sorted out. As it is, I agree that it will likely remain in the realm of speculation, until the children are old enough to speak for themselves. And by then, I profoundly hope that they’ll have put this hoax behind them, and will feel no need to enlighten curiosity seekers.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am happy to reveal that I have been in contact with the leader of the Satanic Temple, who has until now put a stop on all new chapters, and he has agreed to listen to my proposals for a Satanic Temple London chapter. It is thanks to the witchfinders if the UK’s first Satanic Temple chapter comes into being. Congratulations witchfinders 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I see from the discription of the interview, they are calling it a “State Sponsored Trauma Based Mind Control Satanic Ritual Abuse Ring”

      Phew, what a mouthful, can any one explain how that works?

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      • Oh that happens when you change your mind about something regarding your hoax and then have to encompass it into the original. ;)’

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    • Oh yes, I remember this one. I couldn’t get the logic of the blurb:

      “…LIVE interview with Ella Draper…”

      With the word ‘LIVE’ in great big capital letters to ram home the point. Yeah, it was live at the time – as was every single interview in the history of interviews – and then it’s never live again for anyone listening to the recording. A trivial point but rather symbolic of the hoax-believers’ inability to grasp logic or think things through.

      Liked by 2 people

      • That woman with the squeaky voice (Missa) also seems rather ignorant and incapable of researching basic facts. I’ve just heard her state that “children start Kindergarten at 5 or 6” (which isn’t even close). Again, not a major point per se but when someone is making extremely serious allegations against named individuals in front of the entire world – i.e. potentially destroying people’s lives based on what they believe to be the facts – it’s incumbent upon them to make rigorous checks on every little detail. And if they can’t get something simple like that right, what else have they got wrong? Yet despite their lack of competence, researching skills and journalistic integrity, they’re prepared to go out of their way to make outrageous claims about several professionals on the worldwide web. People like this make me utterly sick.

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  9. “The father RD reads like a true creep. His Television interview was shocking to me. It left me wondering and uncomfortable.”

    That is of course personal opinion and mine was the opposite : RD seemed perfectly reasonable as a man who has been through such an ordeal. I had sympathy for him.

    But it brings up a point in which I had a discussion with my lawyer recently where he was complaining about a client who refused to accept his advice on the law. The client had his own belief of how it should be which could not be shaken. My lawyer is highly ethical and was tearing his hair out as the client’s obstinacy was going to cost a lot of money in extra legal fees.

    Part of the real problem is that people make personal decisions about important mater and from then on, their faith in their own perception cannot be changed.

    It happens all the time when people read about court cases : they line up on sides..” oh he/she looks guilty” and a finding of innocence won’t change that. There will be 1000s who now believe Lord Bramall’s ordeal and subsequent conclusion of innocence was a high level cover-up & no amounting of facts will change that belief.

    And the couple have “issues” is a downplay of what has been the most despicable series of actions I’ve seen by a parent in a very long time. Ella Draper has continued to publicise her children & expose then to possible ridicule for decades. I think they will have to change their names & age will change their appearance or they could be objects of attack well into the future.

    Remember these Satan Hunters are fixated on their campaigns : I can see them in the future concluding that the children as they grow, have been so ‘groomed’ into the ‘cult’ they themselves will be accused of perpetuating it.

    Sadly people just accept that their perceptions are real when they are just opinion. It’s why many police forces now need much more evidence than just eye witnesses as they have found over decades 2 people can produce entirely conflicting views of an incident.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wouldn’t it be quite something if the images the police wanted to speak to Abraham about are the photographs the doctor took as part of the medical and that could have been part of the court bundle.

      I can certainly imagine Ella sharing those with him without even hesitating to think how her children would feel or the legality of sharing images of children’s intimate areas. I think she really could be that lacking in insight and understanding.

      All he can do is blame the children. If he was interviewed by the police they already have it on record he lost his phone, There are very good forensic people he could get for his defence to give expert evidence about when images were created and where the phone was at various points in time.

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  10. Angela Dizzy-Powder ranting about “slander and defamation” and telling us all to “get real”. No hypocrisy, there, then 😀

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    • so what was with that illumaniti signal around 20mins ? Angie ? 🙂

      And thankyou so much with the helpful way, your smears, slurs and hints, that i was involved with the ‘poison pen’, so called campaign, which was stuck together by you to make it look like it was one of the team here……….

      I had a great call from Victim Support, today, too. and am now in a position to write an article about my experiences and history with them.

      I’m pretty sure, the vile viralisers have been inundating all and sundry, with demands re: the Hamp/Hemp/Scams, and that you defend Belinda Mckenzie is a dead giveaway, and thanks for that, too.

      So the helplines and sites to help victims/survivors, give their evidence or testimony to the IICSA Inquiry or the UKCSAPT, have possibly been sabotaged, and now are very grateful, to see the wood from the trees.

      Genuine voices, concerns and responses can now, i hope be more freely exchanged.

      People can now #SpottheDifference between the #Blacklist #Whitelist and are checking on all sites for signs of any of the hoaxes, which are proven to be organised by a ring, connected globally.


      #HG Hoax



      and all platforms, stations, channels that are linked, are being checked, warned, or listed.

      Those who are very genuinely wanting to finally help the Sruvivors of Child Abuse, and also learn from us, how to prevent it, in future, how to talk to victims, are being signposted on the White List, on my blog,

      And i sense the kind of ‘Aha’, moment.

      Similar to the one in the Hollie Hoax meeting, 2012/3.

      The meeting by the way, that beforehand, Belinda and others got very busy.

      Warning all groups and people that by attending that meeting, they would forever be known as supporters or apologists for paedos, murderers, torturers, etc, were likely to be arrested, and most groups, asked me not to mention it……..that would be, cos of the mass attack that would be threatened, and the shunning, and smearing of me, working, then.

      People came to that meeting, with all the hostility, sneery comments, putdowns and because the evidence given, the testimony of the accused, was so thorough, and honest, backed up, online, by the way.

      And because of the witnesses, and my talk, on how it had been run, and no other groups were allowed to be mentioned, etc, which i cover pretty well on my blog.

      These tactics of the hoaxers, has now been identified, and as promised, my broom is sweeping out these dirty cobwebs, from the matirix web of deciept, creating by a ring of people. now proven to be liars, conmen, conwomen, dangerous, using victims for, own agendas, donations, energy, and overshadowing everything, that the struggling survivor groups are attempting.

      No more. If that butterfly on the mug, is green to indicate green for go.

      It is now all a non starter.

      A Failure.

      The best advice from me to everyone is now to Fess up, Apologise, Make Ammends, and get behind us people that know what we are doing.

      Thankyou again, Angie, your best promotion is on my blog, under ‘Belinda McKenzie thinks she knows about child protection’, and the one with Sabine McNeill, discussing me, after you couldn’t shut me up on The Hampstead Group, on Facebook.

      So you then added me to your Troll list in the secret Justice For Hampstead Group, along with other innocent, but powerful online survivor campaigners, so that your supporters would go do a smear and wrecking campaign, driven by the heralding cries of all paedos and cult supporters, deserve it, etc………

      You do realise that it can all be accessed by the police, to show your encouragement of Malicious Communications and will also help to identify, all who took part.

      Thankyou for the help.

      So that people wanting to partake in the inquiries, commission, tribunal, can stop hearing the cries of negative influence, and we can hold power to account as fully as possible, with these opportunities.

      I’m also going to need to work, and recently, because i had the courage, to brave the ongoing smear campaign and bullying, and put a spotlight on you all, and suffer the surge of attack, that I have then, been able to show this evidence, worldwide, has meant that tremendous respect, credibility and trust, has been handed back to me.

      I am so grateful for that, because i do still really want to support Survivors to have choices, find empowering support and also to help schemes that will prevent it, to be effective.

      Now I can again, and also recommend the others that can, too, whilst make sure that victims and help services and the authorities are clear about how to #SpottheDifference.

      You have aided me, no end.

      Thankyou, and blessings, your Karma, like all involved, sucks ! 🙂

      I always send my enemies light and love, so thanks too, for proving that it works, it can be very hard, but i recommend it, the light you see, does show up the truth, and because i am telling the whole truth, and none of the gang on these hoaxes are, then the foundation, was going to crumble, and it has.

      Get a different way of earning a living. Or get better at it . Perhaps.

      I’d recommend you read the Star card in Motherpeace Tarot, but you probably think it is evil, it is though quite amazing and richly eclectic, and very healing, therapeutic, and teaching.

      But, i know you like to quote the bible…. So i would suggest that you think about casting stones.

      You need to be held to account for your actions, you have caused immense harm, and still no sign of humility, which my idea of Jesus, represents.

      There is no Justification, for what you have done.

      I’m glad there is still a hole in your bucket.

      Not that i have looked, but never seen any proof of where monies went, in your case either.

      But i’m sure you are being scrutinised, and don’t you dare cry victim, again, after making so many bear not just scrutiny, but terrorising at times, harrassment. You also encouraged many to break the law, and viralise the videos, which are Child Abuse, and needs redress, too.

      Liked by 1 person

    • She’s such a liar.

      It’s a healthy relationship to have with money, la, la, la.

      Touch of nose, touch of nose.


      I don’t buy her in any way.

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  11. Abe & Ella interesting… So we now know someone aka the interviewer has contact (and possibly the location) of the two.

    The question is what to do with that information.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Here’s food for thought on the photos of these nut cases, the photo of them both facing forward, without the mugs….

    This what i see….

    Ella, take a look at her…

    Though she wears sunglasses, (not sure why?) but behind them i see a woman who is hell bent on trying, and keep trying to do all she can to fcuk up her ex. There is something sinister behind her glasses, she is pissed, angry, to the point that her face is slightly distorted. She is so vexed! She looks mentally disturbed! Pained by her forever failing to do the one thing she has tried for the past 5-6 years. It has taken over her like a woman possessed. Evil!

    Then her bf….

    He looks like he is bathing in all this attention. He loves it! He craves it! He feels special! Look at meeeeeeeeeeee! It is fucking sick!

    They are both coming from different places, for very different reasons, of which have absolutely NOTHING to do with the kids!

    These two, are Evil! Twisted! On levels so dark, so deep, and everyone knows this, even the ones on their side. Welcome to the dark side of the mind!

    Liked by 3 people

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