Vigilante is such an ugly word

Ever since Sabine first leaked the Hoaxtead videos, the internet has been awash in cries of ‘Examine the tattoos!’ ‘Find the cult members!’ and ‘Save the children from the evil satanic cult!’

Families and teachers have had their privacy violated, have had their holiday photos, names, addresses, and work info’ broadcast online. They’ve received dozens of threatening emails and phone calls.

They fear for the safety of their children—the school needs security guards now, to guard both children and teachers. Everyone is painfully aware that even if the vast majority of people who send them poisonous emails or call in the middle of the night to ask whether they’ve killed any babies lately are unlikely to go further, it only takes one.

It only takes one.

Just one vigilante, one person who believes in the tripe that’s been spread about the men, women, and children of Hampstead. Just one person who thinks they’ll be ‘doing the world a favour’ by taking the law into their own hands.

We saw this last spring, when a tall, gangly young man with a video camera took it upon himself to terrify a mother and child who happened to be living in the cottage next door to Christ Church.

But that was mild, compared to what could have been, or what could still come.

In the movies, ‘vigilantes’ are on the side of goodness and justice. They take action when no one else will; they come to the aid of the needy; they are the heroes of the story.

In real life, it’s not like that.

For example: two years ago, two vigilantes in Bristol murdered a neighbour whom they suspected of being a paedophile. He wasn’t, but he died because two people were convinced he was:

A man who killed a disabled neighbour in a vicious vigilante attack because he wrongly believed he was a paedophile will serve at least 18 years in prison for what the judge branded an “act of murderous injustice”.

Lee James, 24, murdered Bijan Ebrahimi two days after police arrested the victim following unfounded complaints that he had a sexual interest in children.

Ebrahimi, a 44-year-old Iranian refugee described as gentle and harmless by his family, died after James repeatedly stamped on his head. James and another neighbour, Stephen Norley, 25, then dragged his body from his Bristol maisonette on to a triangle of grass, doused it with white spirit and set it alight. Norley was jailed for four years for assisting an offender.

Yes, that’s an extreme case, but it’s not the only instance in which vigilantes have taken the law into their own hands, and caused incalculable suffering to people who, it turns out, were entirely innocent of wrongdoing.

In August, for example, this disturbing story came out:

A pair of vigilantes launched a disgusting attack on a man with learning difficulties who they thought was a paedophile.

Vile Stephen Holmes, 23, along with 21-year-old Sophie Cooke, lured the innocent man to a home before he was subjected to torture.

Burnley Crown Court heard gruesome details of the attack – including how the attackers shoved a mobile phone up the victim’s backside.

The victim cannot be named for legal reasons, however the court was told how he confessed to having indecent thoughts regarding a young girl – but there was no evidence that he had done so, or that he was a paedophile.

He was pinned to the floor by Holmes and another man, who has not been named, who punched him before trying to gag him with a cloth.

The man then “felt pain in his behind” before being told: “You better not say anything or else I’m going to stab you.”

A series of texts sent after the attack were read out in court, with those involved bragging about the attack.

Cooke asked: “Was he scared?” and she received a response saying “yes”.

The victim suffered a series of serious injuries in the incident including an anal tear at the hands of Holmes and the other man.

Both Cooke and Holmes admitted conspiracy to commit assault and assault causing actual bodily harm.

Cooke, from Nelson, Lancashire, ‘set up the violence’ after luring him to the house.

She was spared jail after being sentenced to eight months behind bars suspended for a year.

Judge Beverley Lunt told her: “You have come as close as it’s possible to come to going to prison.”

The thing is, the vigilantes in both instances were convinced they were on the side of the angels. They thought they were ‘teaching a lesson’ to vile predators…when in fact, the people they they victimised were more preyed upon than preying.

In the case of Hoaxtead, we’ve watched as bloggers like ‘Jacqui Farmer’/Charlotte Ward Alton have urged their followers to ‘take action’ against innocent families, teachers, and clergy in Hampstead. We’ve seen video-makers like ‘Tiny Magical Creatures’ try to ‘name and shame’ these same people, based on nothing but gossip and hearsay.

That’s how vigilantism is started. We hope that those who promote and provoke it will be able to live with themselves when some nutter decides to take them at their word.



27 thoughts on “Vigilante is such an ugly word

  1. Pingback: Vigilante is such an ugly word | Sheva's Cross of Change Blog

  2. I think the only reason there hasn’t been a vigilante act is that this happened in middle-class leafy Hampstead. Don’t take that the wrong way : it’s not an area known for sink estates where frustration & unemployment can fester and create mischief for idle hands. Most of the fanatics that turned up to disgracefully harass churchgoers came from afar apart from the main instigators like McKenzie & McNeil who exude middle class comfort and an attitude of being above violence but covertly encourage it along with the internet fanatics.

    Of course being Hampstead, that feeds into the nutcase’s image of elitism with none understanding that the residents on the main struggle like everyone else with daily bills & mortgages.

    But the ‘elitist’ image could also inspire a dangerous & violent attacker. It’s why I believe the residents should agitate for teh law to come down on these Hoaxteders like a ton of bricks and shackle them in every legal way possible.

    I have seen from my own battles with this mentality- they never stop, they never give up until dragged before the courts after they have enacted enormous damage upon innocent people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with you, Sam: some people see those who live in Hampstead as wealthy by default, but the reality is a lot more down to earth.

      And yes, the full force of the law should be brought to bear.


  3. What’s Sabine doing claiming Pension Credit and Housing Benefit for, if she’s Middle Class?

    As for Belinda, she’s come down to Middle Class from Landed Gentry. After all she did inherit all those Millions from her land owner father. Plus she is related to the Rothschilds.

    Even so, she’ll be on any Social Security benefit she can get her hands on.


    • So McKenzie is a Rothschild (she wishes)..therefore a Freemason and possibly a distant cousin of Adolf and definitely an Illuminati secret mis-information agent. And involved with strange folk from Iran.


      • She is? I think this gives her far too much importance. In my mind, she’s a meddling old fool who pretends to ‘know’ certain things, but in fact is ignorant and therefore dangerous. She is clever enough to send others to do her bidding, but that’s more likely a result of her privileged background and the assumptions she carries than anything to do with secret organisations.


  4. As a proud associate of the Hoaxtead Research team, I hereby disassociate myself from the rambling moron who’s been on Abe’s blog all week banging on about “queers” and “psy ops” and claiming to be an opposer of Abe’s whilst simultaneously claiming that Ricky is a baby-munching paedophile. The good folk at HR are neither homophobic nor racist, they do not believe that RD is guilty of child abuse and they absolutely do not wear tinfoil hats and spend every waking hour shouting “False flag!” and “Psy op!” at everything. They leave that to the likes of Dani Lavatory and Chris Divvy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Abe is definetely getting worse which means he must have upped the daily intake of Ganga ciggies and Hemp Smoothies. Losing the plot. If I knew where he was I would hire a great big drag queen to go and scare him to death.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Make sure the drag queen is a tall one. I think Abe has a thing about people who are taller than he is. Which is, to be frank, most people.


  5. Thank you for highlighting Bijan’s case. Thoroughly heartbreaking, what happened to him, through the pure heartlessness of others.

    Did they really think he was a ‘pedo’ or was that their post justification for the horror they inflicted on a person who was different? I mean, he was disabled and foreign. Some idiots just LOVE to bully such people. They might think they can get away with it if, oh, he was a pedo! Sick.

    I wonder what really drives vigilantes. Whether they believe they are on the side of the angels or not, something is seriously wrong. Plus, a complete lack of ‘Britishness’, as we have the law to deal with criminals.

    Unless we are all being ruled over by satanic, masonistic, luciferian reptiles. Because in that case, and with that belief, anything goes!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Judging by the attitude of some of the precipitants in the early protests (Amanda Doyle and her “are babies light or dark meat” phone call – amongst others) I would say that quite a few are mischief makers looking for an excuse to abuse strangers.They remind me of the people who post videos of cruelty to animals to pet lovers message boards and then troll the resulting outrage with ridiculous justifications.

      Liked by 2 people

    • I think you’re right: vigilantes will often tell themselves they’re ‘fighting for justice’ when what they’re really doing is attacking someone they dislike for another reason: race, class, gender, whatever.

      And I suspect that if all the people who believe that the ‘rule of law is pointless’ actually had to live in a truly lawless society for any length of time, they’d be begging to come back.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Excellent post.

    One of the things I regret is that we didn’t used the word ‘vigilante’ right from the beginning because that is what the Hoaxted fruitcakes are, plain and simple.

    I’m glad the police are now taking action where the law allows. As some of you say Tick Tock.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, Miss C. I think if any of us had had time to catch our breaths and think this through before going into ‘react mode’, we’d have been calling this a case of vigilantism from the start.

      As it was, most of us who got involved at the beginning were too busy stomping out brush fires to think carefully about nomenclature.


  7. Pingback: LBC news presenter in hot water over Spivey remarks | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH


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