Angela takes a break?

Nearly a year after her last alleged “retirement” from stalking and loudly defaming a person involved with the Hampstead SRA hoax, Angela Power-Disney has once against announced that she is withdrawing from the fray. The news came first from Anthony G. Pike, who announced it yesterday: News just in from our beloved ‘X-Girl’, Angela Disney,…

Margaret ‘Mougli’ Sneddon’s Death Threats

And we’re the trolls, right? It started with comments from an email account <furqrightback@…>. That account posted filth and abuse to the blog on various occasions, using a variable IP address from the same internet service provider. The account used a variety of (usually obscene) user names. We cannot show this information in full, as…

Sneddy snaps again

…But once again bites off more than she can chew. Bless 😉 — — Now run along, Sneddy. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough already. Besides, it’s Sunday, the traditional day for religious hypocrisy, so go spread your lies and bullshit somewhere else. Perhaps you can preach about the 10 Commandments to your fellow Bible-thumpers in…

Margaret Sneddon’s fraudulent past exposed

  Thanks to intrepid tunneller ‘MD’ for sending us these links. The first is an article from a corporate bulletin and the other two are official court papers:—november-2012/#Glencoe The gist: It seems that staunch Christian and holier-than-thou Hoaxtead troll Margaret Sneddon (see pics above) has been a naughty naughty girl! Apparently, old Marge got herself involved in some very dodgy, fraudulent behaviour (tut tut). With…

The Return of Moaning Margaret

First, let’s savour Margaret’s awesome investigative skills (otherwise known as 4-month-old idle gossip): God forbid Sneddy should check names, dates, places or facts when publicly accusing people of being baby-eating paedophiles. I mean, why worry about being certain you’ve got it right when all you’re doing is setting out to destroy lives, terrify children and tear families apart? Besides, who needs facts…

Margaret Sneddon Added To Perps List

…Well, it had to happen sooner or later. Margaret is one of Jacqui the Troll’s most vociferous supporters. She has supported, aided and been involved in much of her illegal activity. She has also committed a number of criminal offences herself, including malicious communications, slander, data protection infringements and posting death threats. She is severely unhinged. Here’s just…


If any of you would like some “inside info”, call/text Jacqui’s creepy mate Margaret Sneddon on 07792 441 874. Remember to call/text anonymously, though 😉 Thanks, Margaret!