Tracey’s thoughts on Belinda’s charity scams

Thanks, Tracey. There’s much to ponder on here and I’m sure your musings will prompt some interesting responses:

There were allegations that the money went to a terrorist organisation. These were never substantiated. Mainly because no paperwork was available to show where the money went. All the money, every single penny, was transferred to one person. The money was unaccounted for after that.

The odd thing is, persecution of orphans whose parents opposed the current regime is not something I’ve ever heard of being a particular anti opposition tactic of the Iranian authorities. And the Iranian authorities get up to a lot of awful stuff. Lots of people fled Iran in the revolution anyway, or were abroad and didn’t go back. Lots more left in the years since. And I like reading legal cases ALOT. No mention in asylum country guidance where country experts get to present evidence and lengthy papers to the court to establish the plight of Iranians, nothing. Never seen it being raised in an appeal against refusal of refugee status. The FCO was not aware of the charity operating in Iran, neither were other charities. I know quite a few Iranians too. This sort of thing, sins of the long dead father following a child, isn’t exactly the norm. The regime is both worse in some ways, and better in other ways than most people think. It is even nominally a democracy of sorts. I’ve not seen it mentioned in cases in Canada or Australia. People may actually flee when the whole family falls under suspicion because of the supposed anti regime actions of one member. I’ve never heard of that happening due to someone long dead.

The other odd thing is Belinda claims to have remortgaged her house to cover the charity’s outgoings, but the charity actually still exists and has no where near the income it did. But Belinda claims to get money to cover the mortgage repayments. Where on earth is this money coming from? It was £75million the charity raised all in all. One of the ex Iran Aid people is with the new charity too.

I wonder what Belinda’s husband’s name is?

I don’t know how someone can say with a straight face that the money didn’t go to a terrorist organisation when it cannot be accounted for. Even when the inquiry heard from the charity about how much they could account for, they said 10% couldn’t be accounted for. In addition, lost records can be recreated by getting duplicates. They didn’t and I don’t think they wanted to.

I just wonder at the people who take her at face value. There’s a lot more going on there. And I don’t mean secret squirrel stuff.


27 thoughts on “Tracey’s thoughts on Belinda’s charity scams

  1. Scarlet, sorry to change the subject, but have you seen this? It’s hilarious, scroll down to the vidio of Nutty arresting the police officers. Full credit to the coppers for keeping a straight face.


  2. This is Belinda’s husband, the one that has never ever stayed in Highgate, never appeared on the title deeds….lived in Germany where the money trail finally ended, and now lives in Paris….left his son in Camp Ashraf where he was tortured for eighteen months, his father refused to get him out, because his belief to the cause was greater. Belinda has referred to him as her husband but hey, who believes what that scam artist has to say.

    Liked by 1 person


    A couple of links I have come across, and Belinda’s husband although he is not has never lived in the UK. He was in Germany when the money from Iran Aid was being filtered out to a bank account outside the UK. That is where the money trail ended. The Charity Commission announced they would be investigating Iran Aid, after the public complained about the aggressive campaigning they were using to collect money. Belinda and a few of her loyal followers held out in the offices of Iran Aid, refusing to let the Charity Commission enter and do their job…in the end Belinda and her cohorts destroyed the documentation. It was not long after that Belinda was made Chair of the Association of Charities….LOL!!!!! work that one out if you can.!

    Her husband in Paris (which is where the Iranian guy lives now) is also on the board of trustees for the Knight Foundation…so perhaps the ‘unopened Knight Foundation Bank Account’ has been filtred to pastures new??!! There is plenty out there just Google Belinda McKenzie – Iran Aid. It shocks me when people are unaware about this scam of hers….and just carry on trusting and believing this money whore.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is the report of the charity commission.

    And this is the charity now. Its income has dropped from millions to tens of thousands.

    “Governing document

    Other name

    Lots of their pages appear to be on web archive only. The last accounts are from 2012.

    I remember there was talk at the time of the investigation in to the charity that the recipients of the funds would be put at risk by the investigation and/or the identities of the people who passed the funds on in Iran needed to be kept secret. The whole situation seemed plausible to an extent but utterly unaccountable and open to corruption and theft of funds.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was subject to the high pressure “selling” techniques of Iran Aid back in 1997. They played a game of emotional blackmail using photographs of children and tried to get me to sign standing orders for thousands of pounds! I found them impossible to get rid of until I signed an order for three figures (which I couldn’t afford, but seemed reasonable after the ridiculous starting price); then they were off like a shot.

      I changed my bank details and reported the incident to the Charities Commission. Interestingly the collectors (two young Iranian men) showed me some letters from other donors to the alleged orphans; most of the donors were elderly ladies who seemed to be raiding their savings to help what they thought was a good cause. I suspect Iran Aid had relatively few regular donors, but was prepared to suck dry those that it did have.

      Belinda is absolutely shameless in her abuse of other peoples generosity.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That tallies with the report of the inquiry, funny that! I imagine you weren’t the only one to complain.

        “12. In establishing how the charity operated and how it spent its funds the Commission came to the following findings and conclusions.


        13. The Commission’s Inquiry identified a number of concerns about the charity’s fund-raising methods. These concerns included:-

        That some donors were misled into believing that they were personally sponsoring individual children when this was not in fact the case. The Commission concluded the sponsorship to be spurious and misleading.

        14. During the previous Inquiry into the charity’s fund-raising activities, the Commission warned the trustees of the importance of conducting public fundraising properly. The present Inquiry highlighted similar concerns over the propriety of fundraising activities. In particular there were examples of misleading promotional literature, complaints by donors about high pressure “selling” techniques and an apparent failure to separate funds raised for different projects.

        15. The Commission’s attempts to investigate fundraising issues further were hindered by the inability of the trustees to identify properly those volunteers responsible for fund-raising, and more particularly by the trustees’ inability or unwillingness to identify the co-ordinators apparently responsible for organising the volunteers.”

        What actually was Belinda’s position at the charity? She wasn’t the only one involved. There are mentions of the charity in the House of Lords registers of member’s interests. I was looking at Hansard tonight.

        Liked by 1 person

    • You first, Margaret Sneddon. Let’s face it – you have no fucking value as a human being, do you?


    • I’m still wondering why Ella isn’t campaigning for her third child. The one that it is claimed has a cult member father. And he lives with his father. Do you know anything about that?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It’ll save you being locked up and abused inside. I’m sure the inmates would call you Scarlet anyway. Ps you looked 20 yrs listen in court. Missing your daily intake?


  6. Pingback: The ‘Charming’ Side of Margaret Sneddon | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  7. I hope that the following links might offer you some further avenues to explore in relation to Belinda McKenzie and associates:

    Public information sources such as Company House give the address of Belinda McKenzie as
    83 Priory Gardens, London, United Kingdom, N6 5QU
    Searches on this address give associated names, probably on the electoral roll over various years:
    A more generalized search of the names associated with “odds” side of the postcode in Priory Gardens gives the following names:

    Company Check reveals a director history, and fellow directors, including family members of various incorporated companies in the UK McKenzie has been involved in.

    The company called Cognoscence, Ltd of which Mckenzie had a directorship contributed financially and was involved in a filming project connected to the so-called Starchild Project, an attempt to convince the world that some discovered skeletal remains were those of a space alien. The Starchild Project site is:

    One of many sources that continue to flag up McKenzie as having a deeper agenda that merely being a truther nutjob is as follows:

    Click to access Larry%20O’Hara.pdf

    McKenzie has her fingers in a lot of pies, but it is interesting what her overall purpose or design is behind all these activities.


  8. Pingback: Feedback on Belinda, Part 3 | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  9. Pingback: Harassment against Belinda McKenzie – ONLINE EVIDENCE REVIEW PROJECT

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