IICSA and SRA pushers: The disconnect

Yesterday we commented on an article in the Sunday Telegraph which revealed that Sabine McNeill, currently serving nine years in prison for stalking families in Hampstead and committing multiple violations of a 2016 restraining order, was invited to speak at the Truth Project, part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). The Telegraph…

York conference pushes DID pseudo-science

Last week, the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) held its 36th World Congress on Complex Trauma in New York. “Complex trauma”, for those not up on their pseudo-scientific dialect, is the psychiatric community’s code name for the iatrogenic psychiatric disorder formerly known as “multiple personality disorder”. These days it’s called…

How SRA was injected into the Hollie Greig hoax

The recent furore over the Wiltshire police’s £1.5 million, two-year investigation into allegations of sexual abuse against former prime minister Edward Heath has had some interesting and long-reaching side effects, some of which seem relevant to the genesis of the Hampstead “Satanic ritual abuse” hoax. We noted a few days ago that Wiltshire Chief Constable…

Are SRA claimants lying, or victims of false memory?

In yesterday’s Comments section, regular commenter Arthur Pint asked an important question about the interview between Brian Gerrish and Vicky Ash: I watched the video with Vicky Ash talking to Brian Gerrish and i wondered does she really believe in what she is saying due to a mental illness or is she straight out lying?…

Kim Noble: Another ‘star’ Sinason victim

We’ve written here often about the “Satanic panic”—often thought to have been abandoned in the mid-1990s, but currently undergoing a resurgence. And where belief in “Satanic ritual abuse” leads, the contentious psychiatric diagnosis “dissociative identity disorder” is never far behind. And so it’s a bit disheartening, but not at all surprising to note that the…

Strange bedfellows: Andy Peacher interviews Kevin Felstead

If one were to imagine the least likely interviewee for Hampstead hoax promoter Andy Peacher’s “Freedom Talk Radio” internet radio programme, we suspect it would have to be Dr Kevin Felstead, brother of Carol Felstead and head of the British False Memory Society (BFMS). Carol, as many will know, was an early victim of “recovered…

More on the links between police and SRA promoters

Yesterday we discussed why some UK police officers, who one would expect to be sceptical and evidence-directed by both inclination and training, have fallen into the trap of believing in the myth of Satanic ritual abuse. We suggested that when police and other professionals who deal with child abuse attend professional training seminars given by…

Why did the police believe ‘Nick’ and his fantasies?

Yesterday in our Comments section there was considerable discussion about “Nick”, whose fantastical imaginings about VIP paedophile rings were swallowed whole by some media and police, and who, it has recently been revealed, has been charged with offences involving child sex abuse images and voyeurism. Arthur Pint commented, “Reading the stories from Nick and how…

Satanic ritual abuse promotion: Hiding in plain sight

Yesterday we discussed an often-overlooked group which has been victimised by those who promote the myth of “Satanic ritual abuse”: well-meaning, intelligent folk who have been taken in by promoters of SRA. In yesterday’s post we emphasised the ubiquitous training seminars, workshops, and even institutes of higher education which ran rampant in the 1980s and…