UPDATE: Belinda breaks out begging bowl for Sabine

As predicted by many of our commenters, Belinda has backed away from coughing up the £20,000 bail security which would be required to spring Sabine from prison.

Instead, she is appealing to any hitherto unknown “UFMs” (Unidentified Flying Millionaires) on her email list:

Belinda says,

There’s a £20,000 SECURITY to pay to get her back out on bail, so I’ve been busy since 6 am texting and phoning round her friends, just in case anyone can possibly help out (but most activists are poor, don’t I know, all my own former money is long since used up…)

Two questions:

  • How did Sabine’s friends like being roused at 6 a.m. on a Saturday by the ostensibly posh Belinda, begging them for money to help Sabine?
  • Is Belinda insinuating here that those Sabine has been accused of stalking and harassing are, in fact, child abusers?


52 thoughts on “UPDATE: Belinda breaks out begging bowl for Sabine

  1. “How did Sabine’s friends like being roused at 6 a.m. by Belinda?”

    Good question, EC. According to Belinda’s most devoted sabre-rattler Malcolm Ogilvy, they might very well view that as harassment 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hey Spiny, apparently you’re foaming at the mouth. At least in Paedogilvy’s head you are. It must have been the laughing face emoji that gave it away 😀 😀 😀

      Liked by 1 person

        • Hey Malk, it’s hard to convict an “alleged” fraudster when she “accidentally” burns her office down with all her paperwork inside before the police can get to it. Oops!

          Love your “logic”, though, i.e. that not having been convicted of a crime means someone can’t be guilty of anything. By your reckoning that would make Jimmy Savile innocent too!

          By the way, nice going on proving Spiny’s claim that you’re “Belinda’s most devoted sabre-rattler”. Bit of an Oedipus complex thing, is it? 😉

          Still, keep on calling everyone in the World a “nonce” just because they disagree with you. It won’t harm your credibility at all. LOL!

          Liked by 2 people

  2. Sorry Belinda,I am still in therapy after reluctantly agreeing to visit Power-Disney on a recent Lanzerote stopover and forking out for one of her makeoever treatments.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. From Mad Moo’s ‘Light Worker Warriors’ group page:

    By the way, that Bob Dyowl character is that creepy Praterson fan/sock who provided all that hilarity over our IP addresses, when he announced he knew what they were and then posted Praterson’s by mistake 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Certainly no delusions of grandeur there. One of the downsides of being an MP is having the more deluded of constituents bothering you constantly.

      Liked by 1 person

    • It’s Praterson with yet another fb account.

      He needs a new hobby seriously.

      And Jake is getting too big for his boots lately.

      If I were Steve Martin (who seems very pleasant to me) I’d be having a word with the Mental Health Team regarding Jake who seems to be on an increasingly speedy roll and as James pointed out, Jake is heading fast towards another lengthy stay away from home if he doesn’t slow it down.

      Visiting MP’s now!

      The MP will have immediately got Jake sussed, what a waste of time.

      Jake may as well have stayed in Swiss Cottage and had a nice chat with Sabine, how they both put up with each other, overnight as well is beyond me.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I totally agree with you Babs. Jake isn’t a child, he is just a dumb pseudo hippy. He spreads hate no matter how many times he may say “love, light and happiness”. The cops should be banging down the little twerps door.


    • I’d would rather spend my time chatting with the so called ‘Hoaxtead devils’ than i would with any of those bloody fruitloops.


  4. Just passing through to say how delighted I am at hearing this development regarding Sabine McNeill. Satanists such as me are celebrating by breaking out the jelly babies.

    Credit to Steve Martin and his team, to Hoaxtead and their team, to the brave individuals who made complaints to the police. We are glad to see that the legal decision-makers are starting to take tough action against Satan Hunters promoting this hoax.

    Jake Clarke is recommended to keep his focus on staying out of a mental hospital in 2018 rather than wasting the time of MP’s.

    From all us Satanists, W.E.L.L D.O.N.E, and as someone says we L.O.V.E. all these developments, with plenty of L.O.L to go with it.

    Liked by 8 people

  5. Could I ask one more?

    How on earth does BM ‘know’ that anyone ‘putting up funds will get every penny back after the trial’ – did their crystal ball not foresee the aforesaid’s imprisonment?

    Going by the reports thus far it’s going to be a lengthy trial, and for good reason!

    Liked by 2 people

    • hahaha, the massive retard Rump Hole of the Sofa blows again!

      Why would I want to ‘check my blogger settings’ you absolute nob, Simon Just – You’ve forgotten I’m copper-bottomed, haven’t you?!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t think the funds are kept if someone is convicted, but may be if they breach their bail conditions.

      If anyone stumps up, they’d better be pretty sure that Sabine won’t breach her bail conditions of fail to go to court.

      Liked by 2 people

        • She is absolutely right that all the money is returned, indeed it’s returned with interest. It’s not imposed as a punishment (obviously as it’s pre-conviction) but as a way of ensuring the defendant surrenders to bail. So provided she turns up @ court, the money will be repaid at the end of case, whether or not she’s convicted. The problem however is that the reason for imposing a security is to put pressure on the defendant to attend court, otherwise they lose their OWN money. If they know that someone is going to pay it all for them, it loses its force (and becomes the same as a surety, where someone else promises to pay). So successful 3rd party funding of the security deprives it of its effect (unless it’s someone you feel a moral obligation to – your mum say, who would have to sell her house or sacrifice her life savings) and puts the court back at square one: what do we have to do to ensure she doesn’t abscond?

          Liked by 2 people

          • Take her passport/s from her, have bail conditions which mean she has to report to a Police Station every evening, ensure her name and any other names she may use is alerted to all Airports, Ports etc. in the UK.

            Liked by 1 person

    • Belinda is nothing if not an expert at squeezing cash out of those who cannot afford to give. She’s also excellent at making promises she has no business making, and then pretending she knows not what you’re talking about when you raise it with her later. I suppose everyone has their talents.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hmm.

    If Yolande’s report is to be believed, this sounds just a tiny bit dodgy to me. If not outright unethical, then at least in a grey zone. Anyone with legal background care to jump in here?

    (I mean the solicitor requesting funds on behalf of his client, not Yolande’s paranoid delusions about being “set up” etc.)


    • I only took Law at A Level about 30 years ago, so definitely not a ‘legal background’, but I’d say it’s decidedly iffy.

      Would a timeline help us to establish the truth of such apparently spurious interventions, i.e. if they’re so confident SM will not go to jail (and thus ‘financial donations returned’), when was this supposed statement about her going to ‘jail for 4 years’ uttered?

      Liked by 1 person

      • The “jail for 4 years” speculation came from Belinda, in a post she made Saturday. I have no idea where she got it from, and as we don’t speculate on such things here, I couldn’t say whether it’s correct or not.

        Belinda is saying that Sabine’s solicitor will be handling any money donated; my concern is not with that aspect, but with the possibility that he is engaging in the collection of monies a bit more…actively. And again, I could be completely off-base about this.


        • I have over 30 years experience in criminal courts and it sounds more than iffy, it sounds like a downright fantasy. Bits of it look right, like additional charges when Mrs McN answered to her bail. The idea that the Home Secretary runs the courts is a typical bit of fantasy by conspiracy theorists. The Home Office, the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General’s Dept (which runs the CPS) are different departments and the judiciary are independent of all 3. Courts and prosecutors have statutory independence in relation to judicial decisions and prosecution decisions.
          It’s also decidedly unlikely that any of them are afraid of what Yolande will say (and how could she say it unless she was as defendant or witness?) as they probably won’t have heard of her, whatever her narcissism says to the contrary.
          I’m dubious about the prediction of the likely sentence, though it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility (it would be legal) but we don’t know enough about how the case will work.
          And as far as the masonic conspiracy theory goes, that really is fantasy.
          The whole thing is predicated on us occupying a dystopian fantasy world which appears to exist in Yolande’s head.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes, unfortunately Yolande’s once-sound mind seems to have deteriorated considerably, so it’s sometimes very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff in her ramblings. That said, you’ve done a fine job. 🙂


  7. Bellender needs to get Richard Goldberg from the Internet Beta Alliance to head up this e-begging campaign.
    The guys a marketing genius, lol.


  8. Pingback: Security risk: Belinda and Sabine and other people’s money | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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