Neelu did go to court…sort of.

So…if we’re making this out right, it turns out that Neelu Berry did actually show up at Blackfriars Court yesterday after all! And she brought her friends. And crystals. And an EMF detector that Penny Pull-the-Other-One Pullen bought for 50 quid.

Because what crystal-burying operation worth its salt goes out without its magical EMF detector, which bears a completely coincidental resemblance to the star ship Enterprise?

As you’ll see, Neelu wasn’t there to face charges. Au contraire, she was there to ‘sanitise the courts’. As one does.

Honestly, we could not make this shit up.




20 thoughts on “Neelu did go to court…sort of.

          • I’m actually not inclined to say what she did was an act of mercy (even misplaced) in awful circumstances. It was something else in my opinion, even if there are mitigating circumstances. From her appeal against sentence.

            “She had resolved to kill Thomas within a very short time of the accident, almost in its immediate aftermath, and well before the long-term results of the operations and treatment could be known, and indeed while the remaining members of Thomas’s family were still hoping that he would survive. She was convinced that she, and she alone, knew what was best for Thomas, to such an obsessive extent that any view to the contrary, however it was expressed, was to be rejected out of hand. This was not a moment or two of isolated thinking, but a settled intention. She tried to kill Thomas and did eventually kill him without a thought to the feelings of anyone else, including his father and his brothers, and indeed the members of the medical professions who were doing their very best to care for him. What is more, she assumed that she knew what Thomas’s wishes would have been, and close as the bond between mother and son no doubt was, he was an adult whose mother would not always have been able to speak for him. When the first attempt failed, she ignored the potential consequence to others of denying her involvement in the offence, justifying the possibility that blame might pass unfairly to anyone else on the basis that she must continue to be free to achieve her objective. The process of preparing for trial for attempted murder, and the intimation that there would be a guilty plea, obscured the fact that she was making arrangements to deceive those responsible for her son’s care into believing she was not his mother. And perhaps most significantly of all, her unsuccessful attempt to kill Thomas produced a deterioration in his condition without which, as far as we can see, the possibility of the withdrawal of hydration and nutrition would have been most unlikely to arise. In short, harsh as it is to have to say it, she had contributed to the very sorry condition from which, on the day of his death, Thomas was suffering, as well as the risk of the awful death from which she intended to relieve him. Because of her early fixed obsession, she never sought advice or information from medical experts on how the suffering of the patient might be reduced if the decision was made to apply to the court to allow him to die. As it is, her intention that Thomas should die was fixed long before that sad final state was reached because, as far as she was concerned, within a very short time of the accident, Thomas had to die. At that time no one else shared her view, and she decided that she must kill him herself. On the first occasion she failed to kill him, but added to his disabilities, and, on the second she was better prepared, and succeeded.”


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    • Oh, well, I should certainly hope so! If that lot thought we were on the side of goodness and light I’d have to do some serious soul searching.


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