Ella’s lost emotions confront Deb’s DEEP disturbance

Really, we ought to know by now not to jump too quickly into reporting on the batshit loony commentary over on Abe’s (and nominally Ella’s) blog. Almost as soon as we’d hit ‘publish’ on our post about Deborah Mahmoodvaries’ admission that she is DEEPLY disturbed, a sane and rational response popped up to counter the crazy:

Ella's lost emotions v Deborah 2015-10-20‘Ella’s lost emotions’ raises some very important points, but one in particular leaps out at us: ‘What sort of man beats up on raped children?’

Seriously. The children say that Abe beat them with spoons, kicked them in the groin while wearing boots, cuffed them about the head and ears to the extent that they ruptured the little boy’s eardrum, poured water over them whilst making them kneel in front of him…and all of this happened after they’d supposedly ‘revealed all’ about having been horribly victimised and raped.

Does this sound like the way a caring parental figure would care for two children who’d been so traumatised?

Deb has made public allegations in the past about her own sexual abuse. Honestly, we’d expect someone who’s gone through that kind of pain to hold Abe to account for his actions. Why is she supporting him?


7 thoughts on “Ella’s lost emotions confront Deb’s DEEP disturbance

  1. It beggars belief that an adult can behave in such a manner with two supposedly already traumatised children. Talk about re-victimising. For some reason the story of the man that rapes the woman who has just dragged themselves to him for help after being raped by another man springs to mind. Sorry for that disturbing image, but it honestly did just pop up.

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  2. Ella’s lack of emotion when talking about her kids is bizarre. Even in the dreadful crafted interviews where the kids describe the ‘sex crimes’ both Ella & Abe are very matter of fact and merely express surprise as another dreadful act is described.
    I contrast that with my own mother who tore verbal strips off a teacher once when she found out he had caned me. Ella seems to completely lack that mother’s fighting spirit &bond which ensures they will probably fight to the death to protect their children.
    I cannot believe any mother would care about the risk of jail ( which would probably not happen if Ella returned, the worse she would get would be a good behaviour bond -but Abe may face jail) when there is a custody dispute to fight.
    Perhaps it’s the effects of smoking too much dope and it’s dulled her senses. Perhaps she is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome under Abe’s brainwashing.

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    • Your mother sounds like a very fine parent.

      Thinking of all the fathers and mothers I know, I cannot imagine them remaining calm if their children were to relate even a tiny fraction of the abuse the Hoaxtead kids were forced to recite. I don’t know what goes on in Ella’s head, but from what I’ve observed, she seems like an emotionally dead, morally vacant person. What has made her this way? It’s very hard to say.


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