16 thoughts on “Justice Neelu In Action!

  1. Please everyone, if you only watch one video, watch the Oyster card one, all 27 minutes of it. That is pure comedy gold.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We have posted it before. It is a classic, isn’t it. Most fare-dodgers just pay the fine but Neelu turns it into an opportunity to rant about oppression!


    • There are some other Comedy Golds from Neelu which I can’t find just now on Youtube : one where she taps on the window of a police car outside her house and places a billion pound lien on the officers and then arrests them. They nod gravely and just drive off.
      Another where she is on the phone to the Council office telling the hapless lady on the other end about this lien above.
      Neelu is definitely the strangest of a strange lot.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Look at those two witness signatures. How the hell does she rope her family into this crap? Shame on them for encouraging her mentally unhinged activities. Mind you, they may just be too scared to say no. In that video of the cops searching her house, her mum looks terrified of her.


  3. Someone send her a copy of the wonderful Canadian judgement Meads V Meads!

    Click to access 2012abqb571.pdf

    That Judgement has found its way across the pond and has been cited in cases in Northern Ireland, Jersey, Ireland so I’m sure much of the judiciary as well as much of the legal profession in England is aware of the case, especially if they’ve been on the receiving end of “unilaterally foisted agreements”.

    I could list myself the occasions when these arguments have worked, but I like the way rationalwiki explain that best.


    (Childish giggle from me)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha! Awesome!

      Freeman on the land, also known as FMOTL, FOTL, “Footle” or simply freeman, is a form of pseudolegal woo in various English-speaking countries. Freemen believe they can opt out of being governed, and that what normal people understand to be “laws” are merely a form of “contract” that applies only if people consent to it.

      Freemen hold that we are all subject to a massive international legal conspiracy perpetrated for the profit of the elites, but you can hack the system if you just use the right form of words. They believe only in their version of natural law, which they call “common law.” In practical terms, they believe this means they do not have to pay taxes, debts, mortgages, etc. because we were all deceived and if you say the right form of words, this fact will be accepted! Think of it as people trying to use a real life cheat code.

      Freemen believe they can declare themselves independent of government jurisdiction using the concept of “lawful rebellion”: that all statute law is contractual and therefore only applicable if an individual consents to it. They assert that what everyone else regards as “the law” doesn’t apply to them as they have not consented to a contract with the state, even going so far as to claim they have a lawful right to refuse arrest if they do not consent. They insist that the government is a corporation, are obsessed with maritime law, and call themselves things like “John of the family Smith.” Essentially, they’re hilarious and somewhat less threatening sovereign citizens.

      No freeman arguments have ever succeeded in court; some courts have even explicitly ruled that the term “freeman on the land” has no legal significance when the argument is raised. Actually using the arguments gets people into worse trouble, including fines, asset seizures, contempt convictions and criminal records, and the few cases touted as “successes” are almost entirely for reasons unrelated to the freeman arguments. However, this doesn’t stop freemen from claiming that it works.


      • Put it this way, the woo is strong with the Hampstead Hoax crew!

        The judgement itself is fantastic too.

        Even in England you could probably get away with responding to that letter with

        Dear Neelu

        I can see by the contents of your letter that you may not be in the best of health at the moment.

        Our legal team says, and these are their exact words, “Meads v Meads, and she can get lost”

        I checked, and, yep, brief, but to the point.

        We intend to claim our costs when we win, and we have a very expensive barrister on our books.

        See you in court.


        Kissy kissy nice and squishy

        PS seriously, look up Meads v Meads.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Freemen and Common-Law.. sick hearing about them and seeing their crappy videos all over YT.
    Allow me to explain Common Law in a concise manner:

    Common-Law = Utter fkn Anarchy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There is always another law system these fruitcakes like to quote rather than UK Law.
    As in Deborah MadeasaMeatAxe and her EU Law.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just do her head in and repeat again and again “margin of appreciation, margin of appreciation, margin of appreciation”.


  6. “Think of it as people trying to use a real life cheat code”.
    Brilliantly accurate ‘metaphor’.

    Freemen like to move into your rental property, then declare themselves to be an Ambassador, (like, “Ambassador to the Red Dragon Families”, remember?), and declare your property to be their official embassy. Then they stop paying any rent and change the locks on the doors. When you dun them for being in arrears they tell you that they own your property, and they don’t have to acknowledge any communications by/from you in the future unless “your nation” first formally opens diplomatic relations with them. No poop, they really do this.

    When you read the rantings in Mead v Mead, and listen to/watch Neelu’s nonsensical babble, can’t you also hear the voice of Francis E Dec? In the past, people who insisted on acting as though they existed in a different reality could be locked away in an asylum until they decided to play the game by societal rules. But we closed all the asylums in our cost-cutting wisdom, so this type of loon is free to harrass everyone in their communities or even the world via the internet. It’s a disgrace.

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  7. Pingback: Harassment against Neelu Berry – ONLINE EVIDENCE REVIEW PROJECT

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