Was ITNJ prevented from featuring Hoaxtead mobsters at London meeting?

Yesterday we discussed Angela Power-Disney’s latest load of tripe which she presented via YouTube. We were able to sort some small nuggets of truth from the fœtid mass of lies, half-truths, and figments of her fervid imagination, and eventually came up with the following information about Jake Clarke: Jake has been arrested and charged with…

ITNJ co-founder blamed Sacha Stone & friends for its failure

Whatever became of that massively important and potentially world-changing ITNJ “Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse” which ended two weeks ago? Last we heard, Sacha Stone’s lackeys were proclaiming the event an amazing success after the second day…and then last week Mr Stone posted yet another exercise in empty grandiosity…

ITNJ ‘down-sizes’ due to budget constraints

The “International Tribunal for Natural Justice” (ITNJ) began its “Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse” yesterday, to very little fanfare that we could discern. We have already discussed the fact that the ITNJ seems to be made up almost exclusively of people with questionable backgrounds; that the person who will…

ITNJ ‘Chief Justice’ stripped of ability to practise law

Late last month we noted that the circus was coming to town, in the form of the “International Tribunal for Natural Justice” (ITNJ), which is scheduled to roll into London on 16–18 April, complete with jugglers, clowns, and fancy thumb-print-adorned treaties. Despite its official-sounding name and admirably professional-looking stationery, the ITNJ bears more than a…

IICSA accepts Wedger as core participant

In a surprising turn of events yesterday, self-styled whistleblower and ex-MET police officer Jonathan Wedger was granted “core participant” status by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. This decision appears to reverse a Notice of Determination issued in October 2018, which read in part: An application was made on behalf of retired Detective Constable…

Kane Slater’s YouTube channel gone…again

A couple of weeks ago we reported that finally, YouTube seemed to be cracking down on Hampstead SRA hoax-related videos. At that time, we noticed that certain previously unassailable videos had been removed from Lift the Veil, as well as from Angela Power-Disney’s YouTube channel. It seems that we missed one: Kane Slater’s channel, Hampstead…

Wedger pushes SRA, invites ‘testimony’ from survivors

It’s been a while since we heard from ex-Met police officer Jon Wedger, but yesterday he and his friend Lou Collins released an interview on Collins’ radio show and blog. “An Interview with Jon Wedger 1 year on—Satanic Ritual Abuse” is pretty much what it sounds like. Following a review of the various physical challenges…

Questions mount for Jon Wedger

Usually this time of year is a bit of a snooze-fest in Hoaxteadland, as even SRA hoax-pushing conspiracy theorists like to take a bit of down-time between Christmas and New Years. Into this year’s vacuum, though, has galloped a face that became all too familiar to us last year: yes, Jonathan Wedger, alleged police whistle-blower,…

‘Children’s rights activists’ want ‘Amnesty for paedophiles’

Yesterday’s post, featuring Belinda’s fascinatingly awful speech to the Democrats & Veterans Party conference, reminded us of a couple of other videos in which the self-styled “children’s rights campaigner” has made some very interesting observations about those who sexually abuse children. As you’ll recall, Belinda stated in yesterday’s video that she had at least three…

Jon Wedger’s claims: More questions than answers

When we first encountered ex-Met police officer Jonathan Wedger earlier this year, we were inclined to offer him the benefit of the doubt. He seemed so earnest, so utterly convinced that he’d been hard done by…and really, who could resist his earnest puppy-eyed stare? Wedger, who refers to himself as a “police whistle-blower” who was…