Was it ‘Sign someone up for something stupid’ Day?

We admit it. It was bad of us, but we sniggered when we saw that some enterprising soul had signed Angela Power-Disney up for membership in the Church of Satan. Angela Power-Disney Church of Satan 2018-03-08Hardly “entrapment”, Angie, but certainly an amusing and rather fitting prank…particularly since we can just see you trying to explain to your fellow Hoaxtead mobsters how you wound up on the other side of the religious divide.

Also, we can’t imagine the Satanists would tolerate your compulsive lying very long, though we’d love to see the looks on your new co-religionists’ faces when you started explaining to them how virtuous you are. That alone would be worth the price of admission.

Thanks, but no thanks

Did we miss the memo informing us that yesterday was “Sign someone up for something stupid” Day?

Either that, or there’s something in the water, as right after we’d finished chuckling at Angela’s surprise Satanic Church membership, we started receiving these on the HR email account:

Stacie Spivey 2

Chris Spivey 2

Spivey 3

Danielle LaVerite 2Cahill 2For the record, we think we know the identity of our would-be “benefactor”, and we appreciate the intent (we think), but the answer is still no: We really don’t want to subscribe to Angela’s pig’s toilet of a blog, under any name.

It’s bad enough having to check in there from time to time to discover what new gossip and innuendo the old hag is cooking up. We have to wear hazmat suits and gas masks, and even then it’s hard to find volunteers.

Even Chester, the office cat, refuses; we’ve tried bribing him with fresh sardines, but he just puts his tail up in the air and stalks away looking deeply offended. To be honest, we can’t say we blame him.Gray Unhappy Pet Angry Furious Black Wild Cat

68 thoughts on “Was it ‘Sign someone up for something stupid’ Day?

    • Speaking of “uncloaking” persons it’s time to remind folks that Angela Power-Disney claims she viewed child pornography snuff videos involving Ella Draper abusing a child although she later claimed it was a contact who viewed them.

      For any Irish police reading this website please note: Power-Disney claims she has evidence of child abuse videos involving a British / Russian woman and also has evidence that the woman is part of a Russian Mafia child pornography video producing gang who also distribute illicit drugs.
      Why hasn’t she been hauled in for questioning?
      It’s time she was in order to prevent a possible future scandal should her claims prove to be genuine and it appears the police did nothing about them.

      # Added danger: if her claims are true it means more children are being abused and possibly murdered (snuff movies) and more children and adults will be fed illicit drugs. It is incumbent upon law officers to investigate this woman’s claims.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Speaking of compulsive liars…

    Robert Green letter to Simon Clarke MP

    Subject: Attack on Mike Veale

    Dear Mr Clarke,

    Having just phoned your office, I must tell you that I was appalled to learn of your disgraceful attempt to smear one of the country`s finest police officers, Chief Constable Mike Veale, who withstood a vile campaign to undermine and silence him by those who seem to feel that influential politicians accused of paedophile crimes are above the law and should not even be investigated.

    Some of your colleagues in the Conservative party joined in on this unjustified campaign whilst he and fellow senior officers were operating in accordance with their duties relating to Operation Conifer. Fortunately, the Chief Constable was supported in his endeavours by honourable and fair Conservative MPs such as Andrew Bridgen and John Glen.

    I find it staggering that you should attempt to undermine a senior police officer who is trying to protect and obtain justice for victims of sexual abuse in this country, which I am sure that you will concede has reached epidemic proportions, often because police have been prevented from doing their duty by interfering politicians.

    I write this as one who provided expert witness evidence to the Chief Constable during the operation. Recently, I was asked by the Prime Minister`s constituency chairman, Councillor Geoff Hill, for a copy of the same documents in order to relay them to Mrs May, an action that he has confirmed as being undertaken.

    For my part I have worked extensively with former MP and Health Minister David Mowat in exposing a proven cover up of the sexual abuse of children in Scotland involving both Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon. I have twice spoken at events in the Houses of Parliament about this issue and as a result, was nominated by one of your parliamentary colleagues to receive the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize for my efforts.

    It would seem, to give you the benefit of the doubt, that you have been badly misinformed about Mr Veale`s character. Lessons related to the transparent cover up and high-level protection of Jimmy Savile do not appear to have been learned.

    Of course, I should be prepared to discuss the issues that I have raised with you, although I believe strongly that you should issue a public apology for your outburst to Chief Constable Veale without further delay.

    Yours sincerely

    Robert Green

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As Angie considered that her being signed up with a Satanist Church might actually be a “sign”. – an act of God?

    Why would God want her with her vile attitude and unchristian approach to anyone other than her.

    A truly repulsive person and seemingly the lowest of the low….. The sooner her narcissistic behaviour is stopped then the world can get on and be a better place

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Tinribs. I’ve reported these too:

      By the way, Douglas has come to our attention due to his banging the drum on Sabine and Hampstead (see previous screenshots) and is strongly suspected of being the infamous Neil the Badger-Shagger (aka CGI Plains, aka Jason Streatham, aka Power-Crazed Transsexuals Exposed, aka British Republican Brotherhood 44th Anti-Gov Troll Brigade); and some of our eagle-eyed readers have pointed out the identical stud on the bridge of his nose:

      For anyone unfamiliar with Badger-Shagger’s previous handiwork:


      Liked by 1 person

    • I do not condone people ‘stalking’ whether it’s on Linkedin, Hoaxtead or elsewhere.

      Wesley is at last admitting he has mental health issues though which is the first step to recovery.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Agreed but whether reading someone’s publicly viewable LinkedIn page counts as stalking is open to question. I’m saying that without knowing the full circumstances, though.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I agree, but LinkedIn profiles are set up to be publicly viewed. I don’t really think “he looked at my LinkedIn page, yer honour!” Is much of a prosecution argument. Now, if this person is spreading untrue stories about him, that’s another matter.

        Liked by 1 person

        • There’s been a lot of fibs told about Wesley. I know someone who checked out some of the accusations and they don’t hold water. There are other individuals, however, who swear he done them wrong.

          I judge him on what I see and I’m not interested in his past. I see someone daft enough to be taken in by The Hoaxtenders and foolhardy enough to be spreading lies about Hampstead. Nuff for me.
          Wesley – it’s obvious you’re not stupid. Read the information on this blog and use yer brains mate, or forever look like a silly billy to all those who are rational.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Interesting to hear a stalking complaint from someone who’s been stalking Hampstead residents via his OpDeathEaters page for the last three years.

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    • I doubt very much if this is true…. He probably told Weasel something that he didn’t want to hear like the fact that weasel doesn’t live in Stockport so they can’t help him. Weasel doesn’t like hearing the word no.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry I misunderstood. This person has probably done nothing at all wrong. For some reason it sounds likel Weasel has a grudge against him so is trying to smear his character and good name. Thats what he does. My sympathies lie with this person and not weasel.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I have to admit I like the website address
        (I can just see the judge, wearing facepaint and a clown nose, using one of those kids squeaky gavels…)

        “Hear ye, hear ye, all rise for the honourable judge Bozo…”
        “All may sit”
        (sound of multiple woopee cushions all going off…)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Another one for our “Nice Try” department:

    One might think that if this person were the real Captain Mainwaring, he might be able to spell it—and “Hoaxtead”—correctly. Just a thought.

    Liked by 2 people

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