Another 2 hours we won’t get back

Lord help us, we just did it again. We gathered round the old radio…er, YouTube…and sat through yet another abysmal two-hour marathon of tedium, in the faint hope that Angela Fag-Ash Disney would actually do what she said she was going to do, and answer the questions people have been putting to her since her melodramatic announcement last week that Ella was participating in making child sexual abuse videos.


What were we thinking? Of course Angie had no intention of answering any such questions—though she did aim a few barbs at some of her, er, former friends.

For instance, although she conceded that Kristie Sue Costa is a “superb researcher” (no, really, we’re fine, it’s just a coughing fit), Angie was saddened when Kristie Sue turned around and accused Angie of giving us her home address. As if Angela would ever consider doing such a thing!

(We’re afraid we can neither confirm nor deny this allegation. But Angie, not to worry luv, your cheque is in the post. Should keep you in cancer sticks for a while.)

Oh yes, and that American prat was there as well, but he was too baked to be even marginally coherent. Didn’t seem to have much to say, except the usual plea for money.

The most interesting thing that happened on yesterday’s broadcast is what did not happen: despite the valiant efforts of two commenters on the CCN chat, Angie completely avoided any questions to do with last week’s allegations about Ella Draper. angie-ccn-2016-09-12

“TORY SMITH DNA reading” and “TorkGirl8” gave it their best, but Biggi the Gatekeeper just kept deleting or ignoring their questions. This despite the fact that Angela had made a big fuss about how she was going to clear the air, blah blah blah.

We didn’t expect anything better, but still, one lives in hope.

Since Angela won’t answer uncomfortable questions about her very serious allegations, we thought we’d give it a try in her stead.

Let’s start with Angie’s obsession with “Anonymous hackers”: whenever she cannot be arsed to actually provide a source for her various lies, she claims that a mysterious cabal of hackers is at the root of her allegations. However, she seems just a bit confused as to what real-life hackers can do.

This video by McKenzies Devils says it very well:

As the video correctly points out, Angela claimed to have information which her friend Tracey Morris had obtained from a hacker who was paid the “small fee of £3,000” to hack Ella Draper’s and RD’s laptops, thus gaining information which showed that Ella Draper had been “complicit”…well, more than just complicit really. In fact, Angela made a very serious allegation, claiming that both she and Rupert had seen incontrovertible evidence that Ella had participated in making child sexual abuse videos.

How do we know that Angela is lying about this? Pretty simple, really.

On 11 September, 2014, RD’s two children were made the subjects of a Police Protection order. So from that point on, Ella would have had no access to the children.

And during the 2014 police investigation of the alleged cult abuse, Ella’s and Abe’s computers were both seized. Since Abe and Ella fled the country in February 2015, those computers have remained in police custody for the past two years. We don’t know exactly where they are, but we reckon they’re most likely in an evidence storage room somewhere in London.

If a hacker was able to somehow divine information from those computers, which have been offline for two years, we’d say they’re pretty spectacularly good. (Angie: that was a joke, dear. No hacker in the world could break into Ella’s computer. It doesn’t work that way.)

And what about Hoaxtead Research’s IP address?

As for Angela’s claim about this blog’s IP address being traced (again by a mysterious hacker) to Washington, DC…it took us quite some time to pick ourselves up off the floor when we heard this one.

Here’s why: this blog’s IP address has always been public knowledge.

Anyone who wishes to know it can easily look us up on sites like; it’s no great mystery. In fact, here’s our IP address: If Angie had to pay a hacker to find that out, she should demand a refund.

From the blog’s inception, we’ve used as our platform. This means that our blog is actually a sub-domain of WordPress, and our IP address was assigned to us by Automattic, the company that owns WordPress and runs its servers. That IP address will always, ultimately, lead back to the same place: Automattic’s server in San Francisco, CA.


So…not Washington, DC? Not quite. (Plus, don’t tell Angie, but the CIA is headquartered in Langley, VA.)

Besides, we thought the Hoaxtead mob had concluded beyond a shadow of a doubt that this blog is run by

  1. RD himself
  2. GCHQ
  3. UK Callum from Leeds
  4. Some combination of the above

We do wish they’d make up their alleged minds. We have about a year and a half’s worth of invoices, and we’ve yet to find out where we ought to be sending them.

Angela Power Disney

20 thoughts on “Another 2 hours we won’t get back

      • Top secret internal memo:

        Here we are in poorly air conditioned offices all but chained to our desks in CIA HQ forced to view mind numbing trash pumped out by that dang Disney broad.

        To think we could be cruising our T birds and checking out the surf over the road on sunset strip.The things we do to keep the world a safer place,jeez.

        Still I managed to get a nice shot of the surf from the office windows during a ad break.How the other half live!

        Liked by 3 people

  1. “there is a difference between questions and accusations” from the mob who rarely ask questions but fling around accusations willy nilly.


    • “a lot of people are very admiring and sympathetic at what we are doing”…sadly those same people are also stark raving bonkers.


  2. And next on Norman’s Gashes, we’re going to play another request. This one’s going out to a Miss P. of Oldcastle and comes in from a Mr. Q. of Bexley, who says, “Darling, you rock my World. Wuv you, honeybun. Hey, are we going to talk about these threads all night when there’s shagging to do? Hey, it’s a new kind of troll – I just block them and run away so I can pull stupid faces because I’m high on skunk – sorry, I mean so that those Hoaxtead Research bastards can get screenshots and take me out of context. Wait – where am I? Come here, doggy – give your Uncle Rupes a kiss. Oh sorry, Angie – I swear there’s nothing between us – I only have lies for you, baby. Sorry, I mean eyes. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, do you notice how I often don’t finish my senten…Look, this is what no one is gett…If this had happened in America, we’d have chopped this fucking mutt’s head o…Look, all I need is another £1000 to help me edit a YouTube video and buy a tin of spaghetti hoo…Anyway, how about it, baby? Do you like my Illuminati signs? Oh sorry, am I live on air? OK, please could you play ‘Let’s Go To San Francisco’ for Angie, my amazing GILF girlfriend? Keep sleuthing, Hamster-Chops!”

    Sure thing, Mr. Q. Happy to oblige…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bloody hell, the shit has really hit the fan over in fruitloop corner. How nice it is to see people turning against Angie and finally seeing through her crap, Just like Jim, Jockney, etc all have seen through Rupert it now happens that the police have had in him for a little chat.
      I noticed in the above screenshots that Rupert made one of his sensible comments “moo” well i bet after today he is saying “baabaa” like a lamb. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Well Angie, what a perfect example of how to win friends & influence people.
      As for Beth sorry I meant Jockney Rebel. Why the false name? Aren’t we always moaned at for not revealing our true identies. Mind you saying that I imagine a few of these folk do believe they are several people in one body.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The enchantment (from his Finder Seeker and CIA-father background training) Rupert Quaintance has over the mind of Angela Power Disney is astonishing, it reminds me of Rasputin’s control over the Tsarina of Russia, which resulted in the Russian Revolution and the massacre of the Russian imperial family.


    • Angie has been a long time double agent and few people know she is the only female (?) Freemason. It was just a matter of time before people twigged- she’s dropped enough hints. Related to Princess Diana and entrusted with the Russian crown jewels by the late Tsar and there is talk that she is descendant of Rasputin (you can see a family resemblance in their beards which is why Angie shaved hers off).
      One of our trusted MI5 agents, a Ms A.Davison of Bangkok sent us this snap of Angie at a Lodge meeting of the Masons showing her usual disrespect for the solemn ceremony.
      # Dear Mr MI5 handler- usual invoice for One guinea (£1.05) sent but I really think I deserve a raise by now.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. I think Angie interviewing zen gardner went to her head, she got a lot of views for that, she needed another big story for her ccn show so she made this bullshit up, either that or that crazy Russian bloke from last week is trying to scam her out of £3000, the story is so ridiculous whatever way you look at it

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Angie has been a long time double agent and few people know she is the only female (?) Freemason. It was just a matter of time before people twigged- she’s dropped enough hints. Related to Princess Diana and entrusted with the Russian crown jewels by the late Tsar and there is talk that she is descendant of Rasputin (you can see a family resemblance in their beards which is why Angie shaved hers off).
    One of our trusted MI5 agents, a Ms A.Davison of Bangkok sent us this snap of Angie at a Lodge meeting of the Masons showing her usual disrespect for the solemn ceremony.
    # Dear Mr MI5 handler- usual invoice for One guinea (£1.05) sent but I really think I deserve a raise by now.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Typical Angie, throwing her friends under the bus. Having said that, the friends need to take some responsibility. This blog has pointed out numerous times that Angie will use anybody for attention. Whether that be her friends or even her own family. They were warned.

    I imagine even more people will turn on her if she can’t provide conclusive evidence to back up her allegations against Ella (not questions Mel, an allegation).

    Anybody can claim to be part of the hacker group Anonymous. Just like anybody can claim that they carried out ‘forensic analysis’ on RDs IP address (complete sham) , or Rupert can claim to be a comedian and international videographer. I certainly would not hand over £3000 to some person claiming they are a hacker for Anonymous.

    They can blame Rupert and claim he has taken control of her, but again, we have been pointing out Angie’s behaviour long before Rupert entered her life. Though I do believe that Angie’s infatuation with Rupert has made her worse. She isn’t the first cougar to get giddy over a younger guy, and she won’t be the last.

    FAO Angie. Evidence should be handed over to the police Angie. Even if that means sending it to numerous forces across the UK. Maybe you could go hand it to that officer you and Neelu ‘charmed’ when protesting for Sabine. If a politician didn’t hand evidence of child abuse over to the police, what would you accuse them of???

    Liked by 2 people

    • Angie will have to come up with even bigger tales for her show, anyone who has ever confided in her is at risk of having their dirty laundry aired in public, and if she dosent have anything interesting enough she will make it up or spread rumours, the trouble with the so called Alt media is theres no accountability.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Totally, that is definitely one of the problems faced by the alternative media. They have to give an alternative theory to everything that happens. Which inevitably leads to making up the most fantastic bullshit.

        Let’s hope that you don’t undergo general anaesthetic only to come round and suddenly remember you were the victim of MK Ultra mind control,lol.

        Liked by 1 person

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