Guidance 2222 exposes KGB agent (LMAO!)

Meanwhile, it’s all cloak and dagger intrigue over on Guidance 2222‘s channels, comrades.

Apparently, it’s not MI5 after him any more, it’s the KGB (who, er, were abolished 24 years ago). XD

So cannabis really does make you paranoid, then? I’d always thought that was an urban myth.

By the way, a fiver says the feller with the camera and the Russian accent is Igor Proskurov (one of Guidance’s own allies – at least he was until he saw Guidance’s video, haha).



61 thoughts on “Guidance 2222 exposes KGB agent (LMAO!)

  1. Let me get this straight. You believe you’re unmasking a Satanic baby-killing ring. You believe you’re exposing people who do horrific things to children and are basically serial killers. These people you’re on to are EVIL. But the guy filming you is the KGB…..

    I’m puzzled.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We know what happened the last time Russian spies were in London, radiation poisoning. Keep your eyes peeled for anyone that starts to have a Ready-Brek glow around them


  3. Are Ella & Abe really in Russia? I don’t think so. It’s pretty expensive and I’m not sure Abe would be allowed to stay very long with his record. Spain ? Morocco? Or is everyone hiding in Belinda’s basement? Hiding in plain sight.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh dear.
    You all seem to have forgotten one thing whilst you pat each others back’s & almost appear to be gloating 🙂
    Here’s comes the question that you seem to have all avoided.

    Who did sexually abuse the children in the distant past?
    from what I hear medical opinion backs that the children were sexually abused well before Abraham Christie was ever on the scence or in the childrens lives.
    Any answers? ( I suspect not ).


    • There is no evidence. If you refer to the two medical reports, they used a discredited method to diagnose sexual abuse, a case conference of many doctors about the case concluded that the method created a false-positive, and there was no sexual abuse

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hello thehelpfultroll

      Are you sure you aren’t referring to Holly Greig there?

      The only outstanding issue as far as I am aware is that the children said they had access to inappropriate content over the Internet, which is possibly a lack of supervision from their main carer, if the claim is true.

      The peer reviewed medical evidence showed RAD in one child, which happens anyway without sexual abuse, for example constipation, or just naturally, plus it can be caused by enemas, which their mother gave them. It is widely discredited as evidence of sexual abuse on it’s own anyway.

      Women as well as men can be perpetrators of sexual abuse. So follow that line of thinking all you like, but I’m certainly not going to go claiming their mother raped or sexually assaulted them them. The evidence isn’t there.

      The medical evidence did show physical injuries, such as a burst eardrum, scratches and bruises. The burst eardrum was recorded in the initial medical as the result of a blow from the mother’s boyfriend. That finding survived peer review and cross examination of the expert/professional medical witness.

      Although I am curious why everyone has forgotten child number three.

      Yes, Ella has three children.

      The eldest, half brother to the younger two, that the mother claims also has a cult father and stepmother, lives with his father as far as I am aware.

      Sabine McNeill has met him.

      No recordings from him though.

      No campaigns.

      No visits to the police station.

      He’s in his teens. Is it possible he is not as pliable? I thought Ella might be just a little concerned that he’s living with a father who it is claimed kills babies and abuses kids. It seems she’s not bothered. No one is. Their new website is going to be freethehampstead2.

      Poor lad, his mother is happy to leave him in the clutches of the cult.

      What’s that all about?


    • You seem to have missed the question completely.
      Here it si again…..Just take you’re time realing it.
      Who did sexually abuse the children in the distant past?
      from what I hear medical opinion backs that the children were sexually abused well before Abraham Christie was ever on the scence or in the childrens lives.
      Any answers? ( I suspect not ).


      • @TheHelplessTroll

        Your questions have been answered and there is no evidence that the children were sexually abused “in the distant past”.

        Now run along and let the grown-ups talk.

        Liked by 1 person

        • There is evidence according to the alleged doctors report of the children being sexually abused in the distant past before Abraham Christie was ever on the scene.
          You clearly are avoiding a direct answer 🙂


    • No one has sexually abused the children …..go read the documents correctly. ..apply some common sense ..Wat h the videos you moron

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I actually do really want to know why no one seems to be that bothered about child number three. Not even his dearest mama.

    It is almost as if even Ella doesn’t believe the allegations she’s banging on about.

    Papakillsbabies website, but it should be papaskillbabies, freethehampstead2, but it should be freethehampstead2andthehertfordshire1

    Any answers thehelpfultroll?


    Liked by 1 person

      • Yawn!
        I seem to have hit a raw nereve with you LOL!!!!!!
        Anyway back to the question you are desperate tyo avoid 🙂
        Who did sexually abuse the children in the distant past?
        from what I hear medical opinion backs that the children were sexually abused well before Abraham Christie was ever on the scence or in the childrens lives.
        Any answers? ( I suspect not ).


      • Yawn!!!
        I clearly have touched a very eaw nerve with you beasties MUahahahaha.
        Having trouble answeing the question?

        I seem to have hit a raw nereve with you LOL!!!!!!
        Anyway back to the question you are desperate tyo avoid 🙂
        Who did sexually abuse the children in the distant past?
        from what I hear medical opinion backs that the children were sexually abused well before Abraham Christie was ever on the scence or in the childrens lives.
        Any answers?


  6. Can I be the first – and apparently only – person to say good spot on the Igor connection, Scarlet. Nice detective work 🙂


  7. The HelplessTroll clone seems to have not seen my comment and link to Ricky being annoyed at Ella about the enemas!


  8. Oh and 2222 turning against Igor doesn’t surprise me, that lot turn against each other all the time.. just wait until Abe and Ella back-stab him (which will no doubt happen eventually with so much paranoia flying around their camp.) What did surprise me was the mention of the defunct KGB. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Could be Lynton, thats a more common name than clinton, just keep your options open. Notice in his latest effort he accuses someone at the scene of Sabine’s arrest of being from Hoaxtead, sounds as if it may be Sabine herself!! Not a lot shocks me but that would!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh I’m with you already. We’re just chucking names out there to see if anything bites 🙂

          I’m not convinced that Lynton is that common either, though, to be honest.


          • Yeah, think I’ve been reading too much Mills and Boon, it’s usually the name of the fine young soldier back from the war . 😉

            Liked by 1 person

  9. For some reason I don’t even exist on bloody Google Minus! LOL.
    Got your messages via El Coyote – please accept my apologies and THANKS! 😀 x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Terrible innit, people that clone and impersonate people.
    And block like pussies.
    Do you like my lippy?


  11. Pingback: Musings on Dr. Hodes’ Discredited Medical Report | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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