Belinda McKenzie: Mad Mummy of the Month

Scroll to 18:26

“I’ve got a mentally ill daughter…and she keeps saying, ‘We should go back to how you were before you started all this conspiracy stuff, Mum.’ And I say, ‘…I can’t…undo what’s now very firmly a conviction in my mind.'”

Charlotte Ward describes Belinda McKenzie's daughter

We can’t confirm or deny whether Belinda’s daughter actually is mentally ill. But what we can see from the above excerpt from Charlotte Ward’s “book” Illuminati Party (2014) is that the so-called rationale by which both Charlotte and Belinda seem to have assessed the mental health of said young lady – and declared her “troublesome” – is based on the following “evidence”:

  • The fact that she saw her own mother as odd. Which is weird, because as everyone knows, Belinda is a completely sane, rational and normal human being…er…right?
  • She was tired of living in a house filled with drug-addled new age/conspiracy weirdoes such as Sabine “Sour Kraut” McNeil, Charlotte “I’ve never met Belinda McKenzie” Ward, David “I’m the son of God, now where did I put me fags?” Shayler et al. Personally, I’m amazed she survived the ordeal. She was basically forced to spend the most formative years of her life living with the entries on a People I’d Least Like To Be Stuck In A Lift With list!
  • She wasn’t comfortable with complete strangers trying to rid her of evil spirits and perform exorcisms on her. How unreasonable of her, LOL!
  • She liked to relax with a glossy celebrity gossip magazine. Which is highly unusual behaviour for a teenage girl, apparently.
  • She wanted “a normal life”. Shame on her! Right?

The bottom line here appears to be that because “Liz” didn’t buy Mummy’s bullshit hook, line and sinker, she has been declared insane by both Belinda and Charlotte.

Here’s an uncomfortable question that needs to be asked: what led to Liz’s nervous breakdown in the first place? Well, let’s look at the environment in which she grew up: as well as having a mentally unstable, rather embarrassing mother, she grew up in a house filled (according to our source) with liars, criminals, alcholics, drug addicts, religious zealots, conspiracy nuts and mentally unhinged former MI5 agent who claimed to be the son of God. Living with these fruitcakes day in day out would have driven any of us over the edge, never mind a child. And by the way, how many of them had been CRB- or DBS-checked before being allowed to share a house with a vulnerable teenage girl? Perhaps we could ask Belinda, that great campaigner for child protection!

Moreover, check out the Belinda video and Charlotte excerpt above and tell us who’s insane. Both video and excerpt are riddled with the same old bollocks about evil spirits, demonic possession, satanic influences, negative energy and spiritual forces.

Belinda daughter mentally ill

Incidentally, the Illuminati Party excerpt is also another adventure into Charlotte’s lies, bullshit and woeful research ethos. “She had been told by many experts that this was a family spirit, a negative entity.” Really? Who are these “many experts”? What were their exact words? What qualifies them as experts? What evidence did they offer to support their claims? Did these “many experts” even exist? That’s supposed to be a serious piece of academic research, Charlotte. Treat it as such!

As for lies, let’s reiterate once again that Charlotte has consistently denied having any connection with Belinda, yet there she is clearly describing living with her (our inside source says for about a year), with the description being clearly and unambiguously corroborated by Belinda in that video. Oh and look – here’s a photo’ of Charlotte and Belinda together:

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As for Belinda, where to next? She speaks in the video about how her family are giving her the cold shoulder now that they’ve got wise to her involvement in the Hampstead hoax. Abe and Ella are giving her a swerve too. But Belinda’s not deterred – you all heard her proudly announce that she was being widely supported and that there were “rumblings in the undergrowth” about a “significant new phase” in the case. A whopping seven people subsequently turned up to protest at the court. “Liz” must be sooo proud of Mummy.

So now she will have to loiter around the RCJ or family courts until she finds her next vulnerable, desperate victim to exploit. Our team have predicted that this may well turn out to be the woman from Northern Ireland who Belinda says is currently living in her basement.

Watch this space!

PS: is anyone else creeped out at 2:49 in that video when Belinda says “My basement is full of little boys”?! 😮

8 thoughts on “Belinda McKenzie: Mad Mummy of the Month

  1. Yes Charlotte lived with Belinda for a while. That is the point her family totally disowned her. They knew about belinda and her freaky friends and tried to warn charlotte.

    It was at that time charlotte became completely paranoid. She used to tell the family strange things used to happen at the Highgate people used to visit for meetings claiming they had been abducted by aliens.

    But they fell out. Charlotte falls out with everyone that might question her sanity and what she is doing. Her auntie Liz said she was such a cute kid and is upset at her antics and the vigour in which she seems to want to harm people.

    Just goes to show how drink and drugs mess up your life..and other people’s also. Very sad.

    I am speaking to her family later today. …hopefully there could be some updates.


  2. Are Social Services aware that there are 4 little boys living in crackpot Belindas basement with all those undesirables living there?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never noticed this before, but in this video Belinda definitely comes across as a nutter herself.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Harassment against Belinda McKenzie – ONLINE EVIDENCE REVIEW PROJECT

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