Video share: ‘Hey Angie! Let’s talk about defamation!’

Hey, kids, guess who’s back!? Yes, it’s Angela Power-Disney, and she’s got a burr under her saddle about EC (again). She put up a video accusing EC of defaming her, and in the next breath went on to make a boatload of false allegations of her own. She cites such erudite sources as Cat Scot…

Cat’s got questions, EC’s got answers

Catriona Selvester has a problem, and we’d like to help her fix it. Cat seems to have developed a leeeeetle tiny obsession with EC—not only has she posted videos and blog posts about her, she even has a Pinterest page where she stores EC’s press clippings from 20-odd years ago, when EC was a mystery…

Angie, Cat Snot, and the art of over-sharing

Collective yawns were stifled at Hoaxtead HQ yesterday when Angela Power-Disney posted a video featuring herself (of course) and Cat Snot waffling on about…um, we aren’t really sure, as within minutes we found ourselves distracted by the real show. For some reason, Angela saw fit to put her chat history with Ms Snot on public…

Rumours of EC’s arrest are greatly exaggerated

Was it desperation for blog hits, wishful thinking, or some toxic combination of the two which inspired Matt Taylor’s recent act of boneheaded buffoonery? Either way, there was much hilarity here at Hoaxtead HQ when we learned that he’d been claiming that EC had been arrested and had her computer equipment seized in a dawn…

Hoaxers reduced to flinging faeces

The tiny remaining cadre of Hoaxtead mobsters has finally begun to realise that their game is coming to an end, and they don’t like it one little bit. How can we tell? They’ve begun posting personal attacks directed at individuals associated with this blog, in hopes of…what? Hurting our feelings? Making us go away? For…

Cat Scot loses 2 YouTube channels

It came as an unexpected pleasure yesterday to learn that YouTube had removed the main video channel belonging to Catriona Selvester, aka Cat Scot, aka Wildcat Scot, aka CalamiTcat. The channel succumbed to an excess of copyright strikes—ironic, considering her recent gloating about having taken down another person’s YouTube channel for that self-same reason: In…

Catriona Selvester resigns from Fresh Start Foundation

Yesterday morning Catriona Selvester posted a letter of resignation from the board of directors of the Fresh Start Foundation: The question on many people’s minds on hearing this news was, “Did she jump or was she pushed?” Certainly, we’ve been doing our best on this blog to point out the disparity between the stated aims…