Video share: Yaohirou audio recording, Part 2

In the second of our two-part look at the Jean-Clement Yaohirou audio recording, we hear Abraham describe how he and Ella decided what the children should be made to say. Abraham demonstrates his obsession with the children “touching each other”, and then seems to become sexually excited as he leads them in chanting, “Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill the baby!”

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9 thoughts on “Video share: Yaohirou audio recording, Part 2

  1. Mad ‘King’ Wanoa is on a ramble again and claims he’s deposed the current rotten “German” Queen under some obscure King William law and we know it’s true because he printed out some pages on his PC and had them bound together which of course makes it a legal Statute and Remedy from the King’s Bench.
    He really has it in for the Germans even though Queen Liz only has a German Great, Great Grandfather while his sainted King William was, errr not only the King of the German Hanover House but had a German Mum and a German wife. Maybe some Germans are more equal than others.

    The thing is: despite Wanoa having a myriad of Facebook profiles all his “friends” mainly seem to be those strange people from Nigeria etc who pester you to ‘friend’ them and virtually no-one ever responds to Wanoa’s posts which has me thinking that he struck gold with Andy Devine who has become his devoted follower and a source of cash.
    Not one of Wanoa’s GoFundMe / Patreon pages ever coughed up even $1 (even Angie Daisy-Power got donations admittedly from people shortly before they were either jailed or sectioned).

    # Not sure why UK Immigration thought Wanoa might have been a threat to Royals when he posts such cheery pics like this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Speaking of pending candidates for membership at the Funny Farm- when you start posting links to Brother Nathaniel it’s usually shortly before the men in white coats with Butterfly nets come a’looking for you.

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  2. Time marches on.
    It’s been nearly a year since the last drama captivated this mob as they hyperventilated about a matter where they claimed doctors and hospitals were deliberating trying to kill a baby to harvest their organs and all manner of other false accusations of evil.
    Alfie Evans died eventually and apparently there will be remembrances services but like so many cases he could never have existed. APD, that Tracey woman, Neelu etc. Out of sight out of mind. Wonder why Hampstead has lasted this long? Possibly they invested so much energy in it they simply can’t let go.

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  3. John Wanoa reckons he has to go back to Auckland because his email has been compromised on the lady of the house’s computer. One wonders why he cannot sort it out from where he is. Perhaps they gave him the boot. Nefarious goings on! 😜


  4. Good Lord, did anyone see where Devine climbed up to out that flag on an old army installation? No harness or anything, he is seriously a danger to himself!


  5. I can’t see any content for MKS’s channel (or Michael of the Mouse Family’s twitter). Is that because of people who are opposed to hoaxtead’s views (although I realise neither MK or MotMF are directly involved with this website). Still as certain parties are fond of saying (paraphrasing) that you don’t draw fire unless you’re over the target MKD and MotMF must have been correct. But it puzzles me what YouTube and Twitter et al allow to stay on their platforms.


  6. Should have said MKD not MKS. I’ve just seen that flo destroyer is handing his channel on to someone else. I can understand that when someone is dealing with unpleasant people he/she might want a rest from the internet.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Really appreciating the body of work you are still compiling,EC, the videos will do all the debunking necessary for any would-be hoax believer that stumbling across the material Sabine et al released…..

    Liked by 2 people

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