13 thoughts on “Sabine & Margaret: a blossoming romance?

  1. Isn’t that satanic? ???

    I am going to have a whip round. …get enough money on the donate button to get them a room.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, it’s exciting, isn’t it! I’m already picking out a hat for the wedding.

      And what do you reckon on it being a Hampstead honeymoon?


  2. I will bless these two evil witches with the water from the Thames. ..dowsed by the bridesmaid penny pull the other one.

    Neelu will he on standby to arrest anyone attempting to object to this holy joining of The love birds.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Margaret and Sabine
    Sitting in a tree.
    First comes love,
    Then comes marriage,
    Then comes exile in German-eeee

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I know some officially licensed Satanists who can officiate at the wedding. My best wishes to this couple on their blossoming romance. I am sure if one or both of these individuals dress up in Stasi uniforms the hot sexual outcome would make a Satanist blush.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I think the one you havve on is superb…..

        I am hoping I am going to be asked to be Maid of Honour…… Have a nice frock, a huge cross to go around my neck and instead of a bouquet, I will hold some water dowsers.

        I will be talking over the menu at MacDonalds….what a brilliant place to hold their reception.

        Starters Deep friend toes…..with a side dip of red hot tabasco blood.

        Mains Special slow cooked baby burgers with hemp side salad

        Desert Belly buttons filled with chocolate.

        I am sending them (all costs paid) for a nice long week shut in the Hell Fire Caves.

        Don’t say anything, it is a suprise….the wedding cake is in the shape of a church 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. My husband is wondering where I get the time. You see I work with him all day and eat and sleep with him. He’s wondering if I sneak off during the night fly to Germany and back before he wakes up. ✈️


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