Sabine McNeill to appeal sentence this week

Sabine McNeill, who was found guilty in December 2018 on four counts of stalking and six counts of breaching her 2016 restraining order, has received leave to appeal her nine-year sentence, reduced from 12 years on account of her age. Her appeal will be heard on Tuesday, 30 July, at the Royal Courts of Justice…

No change in Sabine’s trial date: Belinda

On Tuesday while Neelu’s courtroom drama was playing out, another hearing was held at Southwark Crown Court, this one to determine whether Sabine McNeill’s trial date should be brought forward to August (as Angela has been claiming it already has). We are most grateful to Wesley Hall for kindly posting Belinda’s summary of the hearing,…

Sabine’s remand: Reactions from the cheap seats

Following Sabine McNeill’s hearing at Highbury Corner Magistrate’s Court yesterday, we expected to hear the usual hue and cry from the cheap seats, and we were not disappointed. Not unexpectedly, Tracey Morris, the Gob from the North, led off. Her friend Morticia O’Riordan sounded a slightly calmer note, suggesting that they actually, you know, find…