Tiny Magical Creatures is on the slander train again

Well, here’s a blast from the past: does anyone remember Dawn Moses, aka “Tiny Magical Creatures”, who started off licking Abraham Christie’s bony arse, graduated to attacking the parents and children of Hampstead, and wound up receiving a surprise visit from the police at her home in Golder’s Green?

We confess we hadn’t thought of her much recently, but the other day we heard that she’d been kicking off again on YouTube, presumably in response to yet another battle royale with someone in the “reborn” doll community, name of “Truth Seeker”.

It seems that whenever these fights erupt, our blog’s name gets dragged into it, and this time was no exception. We found this on Tiny Magical Creatures’ YouTube channel:Dawn Moses TMC 2018-06-19 1Dawn Moses TMC 2018-06-19 2TMC talks brave, but let’s face it: her past actions show her up for what she is.

Even Abe Christie despised her

As Abe’s one-time tuches-lecker in chief, she embraced the child-torturing midget with gusto. She distinguished herself in the infamous comments section of one of Abe and Ella’s early blogging efforts, as well as on YouTube, where she chased Abe and Ella around trying to gain their favour with fawning fangirl videos:

TMC videos-Abe & Ella's blog 2…that is, until Abe turned on her and decided she was unworthy of even that most menial of positions:Dicky Rearman-credit for TMC takedownHere’s a hint: when even Abraham thinks you’re a plonker, you know you’ve hit rock-bottom.

Bricking it when the cops arrived

TMC isn’t nearly as tough as she’d like to appear.

For example: once we’d identified TMC as Dawn Moses, we informed the police of her activities, and they paid a visit.

She received a warning for harassment, and apparently was so shaken by the experience that she grabbed the nearest pen and sympathy card (as one does), and scrawled a hasty note of apology to the families of Hampstead:

Tiny Magical Creatures card

In the early days, we tried to avoid mentioning TMC’s real name, hence the blocked-out signature.

Isn’t that just adorable? And yet, for all her honeyed words, it seems that TMC was merely putting on a performance for the benefit of the police.

“Yes, officer, I completely understand…no, I won’t do it again…gosh, I’m so sorry…” was quickly followed by Dawn scurrying off to tell her tale of woe to Angela Power-Disney:

Angela-TMC rantFunnily enough, at the time we weren’t convinced that this note had come from TMC, since she is Jewish herself—why would she be slagging off other Jewish mothers? However, it seems we underestimated the depths of her mental health difficulties.

And as we later found out, the “sick twisted Jewish mothers” to whom Dawn refers were doing their best to give her a break.

To our best knowledge, a couple of Hampstead mums heard from the police that TMC had long-term mental health issues which kept her house-bound. They felt that rather than distress her further by sending the police again, they might be able to appeal to her husband, who seems to be a decent person, to help curb her online harassment. This would have spared them both embarrassment.

Unfortunately, TMC took this not as an act of compassion, but as an attack…and in retaliation she began a concerted slander campaign against a business which she mistakenly thought belonged to one of the Hampstead parents. Tiny Magical Creatures-harassment campaign

We wrote about this when it happened, but were asked to remove that post by a person close to TMC, who stated that she was mentally ill and would not be posting anything further about the Hampstead SRA hoax. Out of respect for this person, we agreed.

The bitter romper battle

A year or so later, however, TMC was back, this time engaged in full-scale war with her “reborn community” enemies…and once again, she was throwing about false allegations about Hampstead and HR. Tiny Magical Creatures-Dawn Moses 2017-04-16

Do you know what Hoaxtead is?! Have you any idea what that site is you are so proudly displaying beneath your description? I will tell you ~ It is a slander site, where paid trolls hund down, track, & try hard 2 (sic) destroy decent, law abiding truth seekers [Ooh, rich! —Ed.] who have each done something to raise awareness or bring the truth 2 (sic) many different justice causes [We have? —Ed.] ~ All of the highlighted people have been attacked, bullied & slandered for their good deeds for society, humanity, child abuse, family courts [Oh God, I’m dying here —Ed.] ~ The people running this site are the kind who will track you down 2 (sic) your home & threaten your life ~ They track every single IP address of whoever visits, too [Nope. No can do. —Ed.], so be very cautious ~ I really shouldn’t care or give you any warning, but I am the better person here [Snort! —Ed.] & letting you know that this was not the treasure of evidence you all think it is ~ Everything on there is slander [Starting to regret removing that post now —Ed.] ~ The police have tried 2 take it down, but it returns, all protected by a proxy [Huh?? —Ed.] ~ If you bother 2 (sic) do a little research on the people being trashed on that site, you will see they each did something very brave or very honourable for society [Sick bag! Stat! —Ed.] ~ Go & see what it’s all about before thinking it will help your cause, it won’t, it has only strengthened mine… [Is this woman on drugs? —Ed.]


p.s. If you are willing 2 (sic) stop the lies, I will make peace!! [Hark! Is that the sound of TMC panicking we hear? —Ed.]

This follows TMC’s usual pattern: make dozens of ridiculous, unfounded allegations, and end with an offer to back down if she gets what she wants.

We confess that it’s just a bit annoying that TMC seems to keep dragging us into her bizarre internecine wars. It does seem that she has a great deal of trouble avoiding conflict of various sorts, and she seems to have a tendency to lash out viciously at others without really pondering the consequences. Perhaps this is related to her mental health issues; we don’t really know.

We’d like to ask, though, that the next time she decides to have a hissy fit, she consider leaving us out of it. Tiny Magical Creatures-Words to live by

70 thoughts on “Tiny Magical Creatures is on the slander train again

  1. Thanks for sharing this, EC.

    Has Dawn ever met Neelu? I’ve a feeling they’d get on like a house on fire.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A rival for Hope Girl? 😀

    From the video description:
    “If you would like online One-2-One tuition or in person tuition, please send me an email”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Man discovers magnets. Makes a profound video walking along the river bank. Carl Sagan eat your heart out.
      # I blame Hollywood for so much. Yet another ‘hero’ of the Troofer Movement who lay dormant until The Prestige was released. RIP D.Bowie.

      Liked by 2 people

        • Magnet fishing looks great fun. What a way to remove all the shopping trolleys that are thrown into our rivers for some strange reason.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I’d love to try it out myself, but it has its dangers too, a live hand grenade was pulled from a river in Birmingham recently….


            Liked by 1 person

          • Actually I wouldn’t mind trying it, some people have had some fascinating finds. I doubt that there would be that much here, but in the UK they have found finds literally hundreds of years old, some actually quite valuable. Of course the odds of that happening is probably about the same as winning the lottery lol

            Liked by 1 person

    • Oh for ****’s sake what is wrong with this Muppet ? I don’t even want to share my theory for fear of boring everyone by stating the obvious. I actually feel sorry for this wretched derailed train of an almost human being.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Watching that load of codswallop, what stood out for me is there was a poor horse obviously trying to shake off that ridiculous appendage someone has stuck to it’s head.
      And also- it was as creepy as f*ck.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Some of the Satan Hunters suffer a Peter Pan complex where they need to regress back to childhood. Little girls aged six like to play dress up, play with fluffy toys and live in a world of imagination with unicorns and fairies. Becki Percy wants to go back to the age of four, wants a family to look after all her needs. Rupert wants to play the perpetual teenager. Adults running away from the hard nasty world, but like Michael Jackson becoming super creepy and harmful to everyone they connect with.

      On a milder level there are those who treat nature as fluffy playgrounds, two such who turned up at a woodland project I was associated with. They were jumping up and down in badger sets, my colleague freaked and kicked them out. They do so much damage to everything they touch, because they refuse to be rational adults.

      By contrast there is a state of mind which is childlike that is natural to me for instance, enchanted and lost watching bees visiting flowers. Little adventures in nature, trapped birds in car bonnets or thorns to free; the sudden appearance of a sparrowhawk in the dead of winter; in summer a slow worm I moved from a public highway into a garden, a little later accidently coming face to face against a swarm of bees a hand length from my face. In an ancient woodland drinking from the same spring that every animal in the woodland was drinking from as well as ancestors going back thousands of years. Finding things such as ancient flint tools. Seeing a nesting owl for the first time in an oak tree, or chasing for a photo of an elusive king fisher. Being chased by a herd of cows. Coming across the glistening dark eyes of a mink. Getting lost in Wells one night, coming across lots of badgers, seeing the Tor in the distance in the moonlight, and getting told off when I found my way back. Another visit to Glastonbury, but leaving it too late, then chasing after buses and trains to get back home, running in the night from Glastonbury to Wells to Bristol, and failing, spending the night under a tree in Bristol. Now feeling deep regret because I turned down the chance to see a raven last week.

      So, yes, there is a way of having experiences of magic and adventure, and I get sucked into these things all the time. But there is something sinister and wrong about the approach of Tiny Magical Creatures. If one wants a magical life, do so with open eyes, and take risks. A few years ago a great storm hit Britain, I knew it was coming and I decided to camp out in it, as you do, for the hell of it. I knew the storm would take down trees, and the tree I was camped under was a risk to me if it fell. When the storm hit, it was savage, I decided to make a tactical withdrawal. Half an hour later the tree fell on the place where my tent had been situated, would have killed me. Also, a great oak tree that I had invested spiritually into fell in the same storm, and I was gutted. I harvested the last acorns from the fallen tree, and a daughter tree thrives in a certain place where it was planted which I keep a watchful eye over.

      Those like Tiny Magical Creatures are in a way more dangerous than herds of cows and falling trees, because in nature I know what I am dealing with, but those type of people are deeply unstable and disturbed.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Seems to me that lots of mentally ill and otherwise vulnerable people are drawn to the idea of being a unicorn

    Bean Shanine’s dolls are *interesting*

    I’m less disturbed by the zombie and vampire dolls than the ones with shiny lipgloss lips


    Liked by 2 people

    • As an habitué of nightclubs since time immemorial (Speakeasy’s came and went in a flash) I am quite pleased “Raves” passed me by let alone the Unicorn Movement.
      Does every new generation believe it has discovered this thing ‘polyamorous’?. Probably but then that is the joy of being young I guess.
      # Earth to hoaxers: whatever you think of us..GCHQ “paid trolls” etc how about letting the two kids involved anonymity and a chance to become teenagers and experience all the joys and angst that involves without being accused of having eaten babies?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Nothing could be more interesting than the exploits of a middle aged crank who collects state of the art tiny tears dolls, and frequently is.


        • EC puts a lot of time and effort into producing these posts and I for one appreciate this update/alert on Dawn’s antics, as I’m sure many others do. Dawn is a nasty piece of work who targeted specific people via a series of disgusting videos. She’s on the blog’s perps list and it does say ‘expose the hoaxers’ on the blog’s banner.


          • I’ll wager ec knows my comment is aimed squarely at the subject and not the poster and will probably hit the target. Just watch and wait and see how I send these idiots into meltdown over the coming months. Trust me, I got this.


    • Oh for Christ’s sake stop bellyaching you grifter. Just call in some real journalists and a couple of scientists and a few engineers and demonstrate your “free energy” machine and give them the plans to study.
      All you are doing is delay, delay, delay while you screw every last penny you can from your unsuspecting marks.
      Go on, prove me wrong.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Oh dear. Her scams are being exposed for the confidence tricks they are and she’s not happy. How does she keep a straight face when trying to explain her free power engine runs on biblical principles and just a few thousand dollars will see them break the rules of physics as we know them.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Greeting all. Its only me. Just thought i’d pop in and say hi! Hi!

    Some of you might be aware of a certain Miss Power lady is writing up some stuff about me. She isn’t a fan of this blog, lets face it. I think she is more of a youtube fan, you know any old unbelievable shit.

    Just thought it stop by and make it clear that despite what you read, Ii don’t run Hoaxtead, nor am i a character from Viz. For a start my grammar is terrible and i’m not made of ink.

    I remember the good old days when Mr Code2222 made a wonderful video about me in which he suggested that me being subscribed to the Paddington Bear channel on youtube was highly suspicious! It might well be. The bear caused so much trouble, he was always so clumsy. So as it goes, Angie has made it clear to her audience that i am a major troll with many, many victims (All of which have been alerted to Angie’s evidence!)

    I did have a account on here, but thought it best to come on here now as my real name. Why not? It will attracted nutters. But, yeah, why not? Angie is writing some hot off the press stuff about me, why not?

    Anyways. I will admit that over the space of the last two days, i have indeed sent her some very corse messages, things along the lines of her being a disingenuous C*&^%. Asking why she thinks its acceptable to behave in the manner she has. Sending me a message telling me she knows where i live! Guess what! SO DO I!

    Before Miss Disney decided to make a video in which she targeted my parents business i had never had any contact with this woman. Of course a video which suggested some unbelievable shite about me and other, and as per mentioned, my parents business. Now making a claim that she has my I,P and has traced my home Address from that (I know right!) maybe i lost my cool. I have sworn quite a few times to be honest, a good few messages too. Not that i got any response (well only for her to write a few good statuses about me and some new claims about something called Legion, not the TV program mind) So for the record i just wanted to say, i think i should feel bad for sending a good few messages calling her a disingenuous c***, for the record i don’t and feel it completely justified. I done this because, well, i think i’ve been pushed a little bit too much from Miss Power and she probably see me as easy prey. So yeah, just to say i haven’t done half of what she is writing on her pages, i will expect a full video soon from Miss Power! Thanks for listening.

    So again. This is me Stephen Keys, also known as Postnein. I’ll expect a pattern of odd behaviour from some of Miss Power’s greatest fans.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t worry, mate – Angela, Malcolm Ogilfail and Cat Snot have been threatening to post my address and phone number online for ages, but last I checked they didn’t even have the right city. Apart from which I’m ex-directory and I’ve moved twice in the last three years (the last time just six weeks ago), so good luck with that, fruitloops 😂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. She’s one nasty piece of work and is displaying yet again the true symptoms of a sociopath personality. No shame, no empathy as she accuses all and sundry of despicable crimes and then bangs on endlessly with her “oh woe is poor little me the trolls are attacking me” act (plus can you send me a few quid at the same time).
    They generally reach a point of pure white anger and it doesn’t help that her carefully laid plans to screw “donations” out of unsuspecting hapless folk who believe her tosh have ground to a halt.
    Flying high weren’t you Angie with your Jimmy Savile BBC compo?. Just enough to get you a few carefree months in Lanzarote but it’s all over now. Take up knitting for charity shops and do something useful.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I see that sick bitch Power-Disney is also claiming the removed children in the US Immigration scandal are fake even though the creep Donald Trump who put them there and is now claiming he is freeing them acknowledges it’s actually true.
    It’s said up to 3000 kids were removed although the reputable ACLU says it could be as high as 12000.

    This slime ball Angie sitting on her arse in Ireland and surfing the net knows better though. “Crisis actors” she claims even though one journalist broke down in tears as he watched a 2 year old blind girl separated from her mother and a Trump supporter mocked a distressed Downs Syndrome girl on Fox News who was removed. In another case a tiny girl has been farmed out to a family to look after and ICE have misplaced her records. And of course this vile right wing cow claims Obama actually did it all- technically true but what happened under his watch was children who arrived ALONE were kept in a camp, not separated from their families.

    Angela Power-Disney- if there is a Hell you will going there. You have encouraged crazies to abuse, defame and attack innocent families and their children in London. You have posted the name of a psychiatric nurse on the net and encouraged people to harass her. You have encouraged a sick minded Australian who clearly has psychiatric issues and is dangerous to harass and attack innocent people.

    You encouraged an idiotic man/child named Rupert to travel to London and harass innocent people and turn up outside a school armed with a knife and supplied him with the details of North London families addresses. You are hypocrite of the very worst type and KARMA will come to you at some stage.


  7. I see that sick bitch Power-Disney is also claiming the removed children in the US Immigration scandal are fake even though the creep Donald Trump who put them there and is now claiming he is freeing them acknowledges it’s actually true.
    It’s said up to 3000 kids were removed although the reputable ACLU says it could be as high as 12000.

    This slime ball Angie sitting on her arse in Ireland and surfing the net knows better though. “Crisis actors” she claims even though one journalist broke down in tears as he watched a 2 year old blind girl separated from her mother and a Trump supporter mocked a distressed Downs Syndrome girl on Fox News who was removed. In another case a tiny girl has been farmed out to a family to look after and ICE have misplaced her records. And of course this vile right wing cow claims Obama actually did it all- technically true but what happened under his watch was children who arrived ALONE were kept in a camp, not separated from their families.

    Angela Power-Disney- if there is a Hell you will going there. You have encouraged crazies to abuse, defame and attack innocent families and their children in London. You have posted the name of a psychiatric nurse on the net and encouraged people to harass her. You have encouraged a sick minded Australian who clearly has psychiatric issues and is dangerous to harass and attack innocent people.

    You encouraged an idiotic man/child named Rupert to travel to London and harass innocent people and turn up outside a school armed with a knife and supplied him with the details of North London families addresses. You are hypocrite of the very worst type and KARMA will come to you at some stage.


  8. Pingback: Angela barks up the wrong tree…again | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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