True Believers, Hoaxtead, and moral outrage: When belief becomes exceptionalism

For those of us who don’t automatically believe in every troofer fantasy that floats past on the internet, one of the biggest and most imponderable questions is “Why?” Why do some people seem inclined, nay, compelled to believe in things like the latest wackadoo story about Satanic baby-killers who kidnap children and ship them to…

What if Belinda held a political party and nobody came?

We’d been curious about Belinda’s sudden chattiness on Facebook lately, but it seems we might have discovered the reason for it. It seems that she has decided to give up on running private businesses disguised as charitable foundations, and has decided to turn her hand to…you guessed it, a political party! And no, she’s not…

Who originally released Finnbarr’s videos?

Over the weekend, one of our readers posed a question that we weren’t immediately able to answer. The reader wrote, “What puzzles me about the Finnbarr recording is how did it end up, unedited, published in a compilation of other videos of the children?” We’d wondered this from time to time as well, and so…

Belinda’s flip-flops: What’s she really trying to say?

For months we heard nothing at all from Belinda, the eminence grise behind the Hampstead SRA hoax. Unlike other Hoaxtead mobsters, Belinda seems keenly aware that sometimes discretion is the better part of…well, not valour exactly. Perhaps “discretion is the better part of staying out of prison”? So she’s kept well out of the glare…

Abe designed hoax to order for Maloney, Gerrish

Yesterday we shared two comments by Abraham Christie that demonstrated the fundamental fallacy that Ella Draper was “forced” to release the videos and written allegations due to a “police cover-up”. (Hint: you can’t call it a cover-up until the police have stopped investigating and have attempted to sweep it under the carpet. Up to that…