Abe & Ella’s new blog going nowhere fast

Pity poor Abe, who thought he’d mastermind yet another Hoaxtead ‘comeback’, this time under the auspices of Bronny ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Llewellyn.

Here’s Bronny, moaning about the fact that no one seems interested in their latest attempt to revive the moribund Hampstead ‘Satanic’ abuse hoax: Bronwyn moaningSo…you’re calling it an epic fail, then. I can’t say I disagree…especially when this blog gets that many views in a couple of days.

Not that I’m bragging or anything. 🙂

Fact is, no one believes Abe’s bullshit any longer, besides a few hard-core fruitcakes. Your hoax, your great attempt to become famous, is like a dinosaur that’s had its head cut off, but the tail is still thrashing because it hasn’t received the message yet.

So Bronwyn, Abe, and Ella, here’s a friendly message from me to you: just-give-up


7 thoughts on “Abe & Ella’s new blog going nowhere fast

  1. Mad Bronny appears to have forgotten her intention to protect the children’s identity by linking to a video.

    I also note she doesn’t say her posts have been approved by Ella and Abraham any more.

    I also saw she seems to believe RD posts comments there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • These people are like the Commie hunters in the US in the 1950s: they see RD behind every door. Soon I expect they’ll be administering oaths to one another: “Are you now, or have you ever been, RD?”


  2. LOL! Are they really that naïve? Nobody gives a damn about Abraham and Ella!!! People care about the children..and… newsflash!..the children are now safe!

    Aww.. Abe, I really hope you are reading this, your quest for fame in being the next “big thing” in the conspiracy world.. FAILED!

    and.. HAfknHA!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It just goes to show that all the people who had Ella & Abe on their internet radio shows etc didn’t really believe that there was a satanic cult abusing children because if you genuinely believed that was the case then you wouldn’t just forget about it and move onto the next silly story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly right, AF. If I thought such a thing were happening–and my own or someone else’s children were in danger–no force on earth could stop me from intervening. This is just entertainment to these people.


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