Fran Aid: Give early and give often


And now for a special message from our favourite 7-foot tall tunnel-dwelling lizard, Miss Frances Mulligan:

Dear Frances Followers,

Lately, Frances has been reading a lot about people in need.  They have, as young people say, “issues” that need “resolving”.

By “resolving”, Frances assumes they mean they they want cold, hard cash to help them escape their current predicament.

Frances applauds these people for their inventiveness and wishes she had thought of this style of fund-raising long ago, when she needed resources to help cure her scaly elbow skin.

Never one to ignore a good idea, Frances has done some research and discovered a Fan of hers is already doing this exact type of fund-raising.

Her Fan is, of course, Belinda McKenzie, who wrote to Frances not that long ago, bidding her adieu, bon voyage, and sayonara, before, how does one say, skipping the country and living life on the lam.

Belinda’s clever plan brought in the big dosh; definitely enough for dinner a deux at a local Hoaxtead BabyBackBurger joint.  Belinda called this particular, as the police would say, scam, Iran Aid.

In a nod to Belinda’s criminal inventiveness, Frances would like to announce she is also going to start up a fund-raiser.  It shall be called…


Please donate generously.  Fran needs the money you send for her weekly 3-hour pedicures at the Illuminati Spa, as well as to keep her gin supply in good order.

Don’t let her down.

To para-phrase Belinda, Donate a gin martini to Fran AidMartini-2

The money will not go to starving orphans, or blind kittens, or even blind, starving, orphaned kittens.

It will go directly to Frances’ Philglas & Swiggot account, meaning she will no longer have to face the horror of missing her pre-dinner drink anymore.

And is that not what giving is about?  Making Frances happy?

Yes, it most certainly is.

So, give generously.  And often.

Frances thanks you.


25 thoughts on “Fran Aid: Give early and give often

  1. Haha ! Frances, you always manage to brighten my day, and that alone is priceless. So where do I send my squillions? Do I get an autographed picture and a Fran – Aid membership card? (Please?!)💰

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve consulted with Miss Fran, and she’s agreed that a tastefully signed 8×10 colour glossy photo of her with her extensive teapot collection would be an appropriate thank-you gift. Plus, of course, the warm feeling you get from knowing you’ve helped a poor lizard fulfill her dream.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sabine will accept money via PayPal here:

    But in the event you are on this website of hers, she’ll point you in the right direction

    On Sabine’s website about the Musa family at she provides a link to here

    And they have a you tube channel, last upload one year ago.

    They need money too.

    Where it is not made clear whether the money raised goes to them, or the charity the event was for. Hmm. They’ve raised £13k. Hopefully they can fix their multimedia advice for litigants in person that suggests mediation in immigration cases. Which is ridiculous I might add. That shouldn’t be expensive. It seems to be the whole point of their activity.

    I don’t think Sabine is involved in this one though. She just thinks it is a decent site to point people to.

    Sabine does have an interest in banking and money though

    Do you think when I look up the case that Sabine refers from John R Dempsey to it will be a pile of old pants?

    Click to access 2006bcsc1324.pdf

    Well, it was. And the freeman on the land woo is present too in a very big way.

    Click to access 2006bcca161.pdf

    Looking in to Sabine’s interests is like disappearing down the rabbit hole.

    Finally, hello El Coyote!!


  3. I’ll be sending Sabine tuppence ha’penny and a sniff of the barmaid’s apron.

    I hereby Challenge Sabine and Belinda to PUBLISH their accounts detailing all donations and expenditures. Registered charity accounts are published so why not theirs?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, you see, as Belinda told that nice man from the Ham&High, the Knight Foundation isn’t exactly a charity…she just thinks of it as a charity. So really, it’s more of an imaginary charity, if you take my meaning.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve noticed there is much of the Freeman nonsense in Sabine’s various writings. Rabbit Hole is the correct term. I’ve encountered these folk in a long protracted legal dispute. They can almost do your head in after a while.


  5. Change of subject here but I had no idea that the mad Bronny had so many blogs:

    No Money Society – Transition Tools
    World Harmony – Synchronicity
    One People’s Public Trust ~ Elucidated
    Hampstead Cover-up. The People’s Actions !!
    Co-creating Our New Earth
    The People’s Disclosure 2015
    Ritual Abuse Investigations
    Ascension Song
    Exposing CSA Worldwide

    Ritual Abuse Investigations isn’t so much an “investigative” blog, more an insult to Satanists. lol..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Frances is such a refined lady, she deserves to be kept topped up with gin and olives picked by the hands of virgins. Please give generously


  7. Pingback: Feedback on Belinda, Part 4 | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  8. Pingback: Look out, ol’ Frances is back! | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  9. Pingback: Harassment against Belinda McKenzie – ONLINE EVIDENCE REVIEW PROJECT

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