Reminder: Ella and Sabine probably DID leak those videos


“Ella Draper had discussed the release of the videos with Sabine McNeill, her McKenzie friend, on behalf of Ella, and had actually threatened the court with their release just days before they appeared online.”

From the court hearing report:


Click to access gareeva-dearman-2015.pdf

Also, scroll to 3:25 on this video. Not proof as such but definitely a smoking gun:


More ‘smoking guns’ from 14:16 to 15:05 in this video:

In fact, that one’s more or less an admission of guilt, which may explain why, as you’ll recall, Sabine regretted this interview and desperately tried to stop the BBC from broadcasting it.


7 thoughts on “Reminder: Ella and Sabine probably DID leak those videos

  1. Haha, thanks for the reminder of Sabine’s deranged rant on BBC4…great to hear it again!

    Of course, the implied blackmail is nothing to sneeze at, either. The idea that Team Hoax would be willing to exchange custody of the children for “NOT exposing this scandal” does reveal the hoax itself as a deeply cynical ploy, doesn’t it?

    If by some unlikely chance in an alternate universe I were to find that children really were being abused by a “death cult”, no power on earth would stop me from working to expose and stop it. Instead, the Hampstead Hoaxers, realising that Ella and Abe’s original ploy has gone pear-shaped, essentially say, “Satanic abuse? Give us the kids and we’ll forget all about it”.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Yet more proof that Sabine and Ella did leak those names and addresses | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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  4. Pingback: Yet MORE evidence that Sabine leaked the ABE videos! | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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  6. Pingback: Araya implicates both herself and Ella in info’ leaks | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  7. Pingback: Harassment against Sabine Kurjo McNeill – ONLINE EVIDENCE REVIEW PROJECT

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