Video share: Keelan Balderson on the Hampstead hoax


Pleasingly, Keelan makes a number of points here that we on the team have hitherto made, such as Hoaxteaders’ apparent inability to question their sources/evidence, Sabine’s lack of legal expertise, Belinda’s propensity for preying on the vulnerable and mentally ill and that awkward question that not one Hoaxteader has ever been able to answer: how do they think a primary school could regularly shut down for orgies with the kids without once being caught or reported?

Thanks, Keelan. Let’s face it – Hoaxtead is not – and never has been – feasible. And most sane, rational, intelligent people now realise that.

5 thoughts on “Video share: Keelan Balderson on the Hampstead hoax

  1. Keelan has always talked sensibly about this case. I’ve noticed it’s divided his “fans”.. but lets face it, people who don’t agree with him on this case, well, he probably wouldn’t care to lose them!

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  2. I respect a man who can look at the evidence (or lack thereof) and make up his own mind, rather than being pushed and pulled by the so-called “alternative media”. Keelan thinks it through, and he’s not afraid to admit when he’s wrong (as he did with the Hollie Greig debacle). Those who keep shrieking “SATANISM!!1! BABIES!!!1!! MURDER!1!!!!” whilst producing no evidence to back their claims could do to take a page from Keelan’s book, slow down, and look at the thing rationally, instead of simply reacting “from the gut”.

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  3. Pingback: Balderson interview: Hoaxteaders give detailed analysis | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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