IPCC report: Massive holes in Abe & Ella’s arguments

This week we’re delving into the report on the IPCC investigation which Abe and Ella have (finally, after 3 months) shared on their blog. The report is a goldmine, as it spells out why police acted as they did, and shows Abe and Ella’s allegations up for what they are: foolish and without basis in…

IPCC report offers a few surprises

For some time now, we’ve been speculating about the outcome of Ella’s appeal to the IPCC regarding the police investigation of cult abuse allegations in September 2014. Based on a few excerpts from the report, leaked by Drifloud on Twitter, we were able to surmise that things had not gone the way Ella and Abe…

Rupert’s Mummy to the Rescue!

We mentioned last week that Rupert, the hilariously unfunny iPhone ‘videographer’ with the unfortunate moustache and drug habit, had sort-of announced that he might, all other things being equal, be showing up in London at some point this summer.