Kane Slater, tosser of the week

A question that continues to confound us here at Hoaxtead Research is, “Why are these people so completely obsessed with spreading the word about a hoax that died on the vine well over a year ago? What’s in it for them?”

That’s why we were amused to come across a couple of little titbits from Kane Slater, the Canadian perma-stoner who runs the Cannabis Cures Cancers page on Facebook. In the first, a couple of weeks back, Kane reveals the true reason for his utter devotion to the cause: Kane Slater-most famous journoFirst things first: Kane thinks he’s a journalist?

Seriously? On what planet?

And second, his reason for promoting stories of cult members who eat babies is not to save the poor children, not to combat some imaginary ‘rising tide of Satanic ritual abuse’, not even to slag David Cameron.

Nope. Kane’s goal is to “become the most famous journalist since the invention of writing”.

Wow, that’s hardly narcissistic at all. Not delusional, either.

One of our U.S. friends (you know who you are!) pointed us to this post, in which Kane repeats his strange assertion: Kane Slater-famous 2016-06-15This time, just in case anyone missed it the first time, he repeats:

Just to be clear: I am going to prove that David Cameron is a member of a baby-eating Satanic cult, and then I am going to be one of the most famous people in the world.

And any of my Friends who are not following my Page BEFORE that happens are not going to be on my Friend list AFTER I am one of the most famous people in the world. (emphasis ours)

Sure, Kane. But first, don’t you actually have to prove your extraordinary claim? And as far as we know, just repeating it over and over again won’t make it true, no matter what Angie Fag-Ash Disney or Abe Christie tell you.

When we first read Kane’s bizarre notes, we wondered: how old is this person? It’s just not that often you hear someone over the age of 7 claim that they are going to be ‘the most famous person in the world’.

Kane Slater 1994On his Facebook page, Kane states that this photo was taken in 1994. We’d say he looks as though he’s in his late teens at a minimum, possibly up to his mid- to late 20s.

We’re no maths geniuses, but we reckon that puts Kane…somewhere between 37 and 50? You mean…he’s an actual grown-up, at least in years? Is that even possible?

We suppose it goes to show that you’re only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. Or something. dude-funny-pictures-seriously--5148

36 thoughts on “Kane Slater, tosser of the week

  1. LOL ‘And as far as we know, just repeating it over and over again won’t make it true’ is a line I may steal and use in court….

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  2. Hog-diggety, Kane – if curing cancer with your magic reefers hasn’t made you the most famous person in the World, I very much doubt that a handful of grammatically challenged Facebook rants about baby-munching is gonna cut it. Hmm?

    Besides, as your regulars keep trying to tell you, your ‘David Cameron Eats Babies’ page is not viewable in the UK, because our sooper seekrit Facebook team got it banned, hehe.

    Plus, as you yourself have repeatedly stated, “they” (whoever the f*ck “they” are) have meddled with your internet so that Facebook is the only website in the World that you can access (yeah, lol – that really happened).

    Sooo, how are you expecting your amazing revelations to get out there and change the World? I mean, I don’t wish to negate the efficacy of carrier pigeons – it’s just that you’ll need about 3 billion of them to guarantee that everyone gets to read your daft diatribes.

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  3. Kane better be careful. What if Cameron graduates from baby omelettes to noshing on Canadian marijuana brain soaked lunatics?. He may became the first & most famous journalist in the whole Universe eaten by a British PM.

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  4. Personally I think you will eventually find that “Kane” is little more than an alias of the obnoxious dwarf Abraham Christie

    It follows the style of Abraham Christie, the only person who has anything to gain by the posts(and that’s only in the form of self glorified publicity) is Abraham Christie.

    Hopefuly forensic IT will demonstrate to a Court that is was Abraham Christie.

    With Justice in mind I see Abraham Christie experiencing a long period at Her Majesty’s pleasure. Broadmoor or Rampton perhaps?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Possibly. The photograph doesn’t show up on any image searches on Google.

      “Best guess for this image: furniture”


    • That’s an interesting idea–and Kane certainly seems to have an overwhelming passion for cannabis. I wonder if he’s ever asked anyone to call him ‘Papa Hemp’?


  5. A thing I learnt over the past year+ is that non of them are in it for the alleged victims, they are in it for money and Internet fame.

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  6. Hmm that didnt work lol

    Achieving “Tosser of the week” status here will be the pinnacle of this nullities achievements on planet Earth.
    Home banker.

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  7. “Why are these people so completely obsessed with spreading the word about a hoax that died on the vine well over a year ago? What’s in it for them?”

    – I cannot claim credit for this. The thoughts of Q…

    “In one word; validation. – Invariably these people are, at some level, involved in the business of delusion. Be that because they are cynics who have made their trade or profession conning people out of money by one means or another. Or be it because they’re caught up in some delusion… i.e. Perhaps they are genuinely mentally ill through no fault of their own. Perhaps they are just unintelligent and have been sucked in to some con or another. Often they have become sick-in-the-head due to substance abuse; most often Cannabis by my observations. – But fairly often you find their descent was started with prescription drugs. Sometimes – quite often – they’re just ordinary failures angry at a world that has never acknowledged them.

    People do live in ‘bubbles’, that’s human nature. We tend to see and interact with the world with reference to our own values and circles of acquaintance. – In general you will find that these people very often live insular, dysfunctional lives. Very often you will find that they are themselves the product of dysfunction.

    30, 40, 50 years ago you would have found these individuals on the fringes of small societal groups. – Think about the ‘gangs’ that roamed and ‘ruled’ places like Easterhouse, Wester Hailes or parts of Springburn or Govan and to some extent still do. They’re the empty barrels that make much of the noise noise. – But having both grown up in such places, you and I both know that the smart-money aye shapes up and ships out. – Leaving only the dregs swimming about in their own pish. Eventually they become those flammable-clouded old men sitting in the corner of the pub trying to impress the young NEDs with their tales of daring-do… If they live that long. It’s sad and funny at the same time. Apes in a cage they have neither the wit nor the will to walk out of.

    And so it is in the global village which has the capacity to house millions of idiots!

    The platforms that ‘dumbed down’ computing such that ‘any idiot’ can communicate with any other idiot have been a mixed blessing. But then that’s nothing new; think about the wailing and gnashing of teeth indulged-in by the ruling-classes with the invention of moveable type. And let me be clear that I don’t think we would want to see computing and communications technology de-democratised. But the consequence of this is the emergence and online-dominance of what I call of the ‘Infinite Monkey’.

    They’re out there sat there chimping away at their keyboards… Monkey see monkey do, throwing their own shit around their virtual cages and through the bars at anything or anyone that can be reached through the gaps. There’s uproar! Outrage! The other monkeys screeching their approval! For a moment they might just might get the real world’s attention! It’s thrilling! It’s exciting! They’re ‘alphas’ at last – at least in the small small bubble they have created for themselves.

    And when darkness falls? The people out in the world go home – to their homes and their families. Those who were caught out? They wipe off the monkey-shit, walk away and chalk up their unfortunate experience.

    – Poor monkey… Trapped in a cage full of its own excrement unable to work out what was cause and what was effect. It stomps up and down the enclosure aping the people it could see on the other side of the bars. – Occasionally it lobs a dried up old stool, mindful of the few moments of outrage it once caused; fifteen minutes of fame! But nobody comes.

    Still it craves the attention. Still it craves validation. – But it knows know better. It knows nothing of the real world. And this is the only way this unfortunate creature knows of how it might interact with it.

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    • Crikey Freud would approve of that analysis ( Sigmund not Clement) and I do as well. The scary thing is- all these nutters were around before the internet gave them a forum to meet up and collectively spread their Poison Pen Letters and Green Ink communications.
      Clearly in every street, there is at least one barking mad loony and always was.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, they’ve always been around. Many years ago I worked as a PA for a politician who had a bulging file of letters written by complete lunatics. They ranged from UFO ” abductees” convinced that the gubmint was responsible for their kidnapping, to religious maniacs warning my employer about the End Times which would be brought about by women wearing trousers, and those who believed that the Pope had been replaced by Satan…… blah blah blah. Some of the letters were pages long …… and handwritten, which took hours. But now the same nutters can not only spew their crazy all over the world in seconds, they are also exposed to other nutters who infect them with their personal stupidity and they validate each other in a kind of moronic circle jerk….. and round and round it goes.

        I wonder when, if ever, we will reach Peak Stupid…..

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  8. On a serious note, the murder today of an MP shows how dangerous these mentally unstable and false accusers are. Among them invariably will be one that is capable of murder and who can be tipped over the edge.
    We have 2 hoaxers already facing court who clearly have mental issues and they are preyed upon by those who think nothing of inflaming their problems.
    Remember the father in this case has been repeatedly demeaned and threatened on so many occasions it’s difficult to keep up with the threats and I can understand why police also have difficulty doing likewise.
    I’m beginning to hate these hoaxers with a vengeance. Clowns like APD, Kane Slater and the rest of the crew who have now spent 2 years endlessly promoting this lunacy. Most are gutless cowards and remain anonymous while others are so arrogant they believe they are untouchable.

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    • Today’s news reminded me of the Anna Lindh murder – and of a certain right-wing lunatic on one side of the Hollie Greig fiasco. ‘The act of a patriot’ he called Ms Lindh’s murder. – Whilst he’d initially promoted the hoax, he ‘turned turtle’ on it and went to the other extreme, claiming there was ‘NO EVIDENCE’ that the girl had ever been abused. One side was as bad as the other quite frankly, and a huge part of the case’s persistence was the online bitchfight between two factions neither of which wanted to get to the truth. – A loon is a loon is a loon no matter what flag they’re flying!

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      • Yes Miss C….. It’s sickening. Credible sources are saying the bloke was/is mentally ill and just went Togo… But of course the loons will twist that to suit themselves. – Just sickening.

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      • Probably within minutes by some.

        What an awful thing to happen, a young woman killed on the street like that. How terrible for her family.

        I’m not going to speculate what precipitate her death. But, some people cannot understand that witnesses can have differing views of events. Some people just have a deep distrust, of everything, everyone, and need to slot events into their very black and white worldview.

        I hate the false flag/crisis actor bunch. So predictable and also so lacking in compassion and human feeling.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, I think that’s what I find so noxious about them: they take human tragedy and pain and try to make it out to be some sort of perverse playacting.

          I do feel that the false flag crowd are in a sense shielding themselves from the painful reality of whatever painful event they’re denying. Strange, considering that their credo is ‘open your eyes!’


          • Speaking of which, this is a new low from the troofer “community”. No surprise that it was liked by that vile disgusting insensitive pig Angela:

            I think it’s time we took her “logic” and started asking some uncomfortable questions about her sister’s alleged “demise”. Why was she killed? Was it a false flag to deflect attention from Angie’s charity scams? Was she even killed? Did Angie even have a sister? We’re through the looking glass, people…

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