Charlotte Ward kindly confirms Video Man’s identity…and her own!

There’s a new Hampstead Research channel in town.

Actually, it’s not a new one. It’s EddytheCat7 revamped as HRtube:


This channel is separate from Charlotte and Video Man’s Ham Info channel, though they have uploaded many of the same (mostly illegal) videos to it.

So we now know for certain that Charlotte Ward is Eddy the Cat, as always suspected.

Which also means that this is definitely Charlotte’s voice on the lead video:

Oh and what’s that at 11:17? Why, it’s a clip from the video by Jacco de Boer, the man we suspected of being the elusive ‘Video Man’. The video that also has Charlotte Ward’s name – and the Eddy the Cat name and mascot – in the end credits:

Charlotte “Jacqui Farmer Ward”…and Jacco “Video Man” de Boer…GOTCHA!!! >:D


20 thoughts on “Charlotte Ward kindly confirms Video Man’s identity…and her own!

  1. So it’s not Trevor. I’m glad it’s not Trevor. He seemed like a harmless chap and I liked his drum. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Over time I grew fond of Trevor as well.

      All right, I grew fond of his character on Hoaxtenders. But still, he seemed harmless enough, so I’m glad to hear that he’s not, in fact, the infamous VD. Er, VM.


  2. Re: Operation Paul Revere video – Jacco de Boer says on his Facebook page “Mijn vriendin Charlotte en ik maakten deze documentaire als inzending voor de Infowars prijsvraag.” which means “My friend Charlotte and I made this documentary as an entry for the Infowars contest.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. He may have inspired Chatlotte’s nom de plume. “de Boer” means “the Farmer” in dutch. Another coincidence?


  4. When I used to hang around Rotherham, there was a guy with a similar name. But what was really strange, was back in hampstead, another guy popped up with that name! Maybe Hoaxtenders are following me?


    • One does indeed need to be cautious, mate. A cursory search on YouTube reveals that there is a second guy called Jacco de Boer, also a filmmaker, also Dutch!

      This feller has nothing to do with our Jacco and I shall be updating the perps poster later so that everyone knows what Charlotte’s Jacco look’s like.


  5. Pingback: Video Man panics | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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  7. Pingback: A love note from one of Sabine’s admirers | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  8. Pingback: Harassment against Charlotte Ward – ONLINE EVIDENCE REVIEW PROJECT

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