Video Man identified?

Thanks to Mr.Very Angry, who sent us this link:

Check out the credits at 2:42 on the video above. Charlotte Ward (aka Charlotte Alton, aka Jacqui Farmer, who used to run the illegal Hampstead Research blog) gets a mention, as does her long-time associate Belinda McKenzie!


As you can see, the video was produced by Jacco de Boer. Could he be our elusive ‘Video Man’, Charlotte’s partner in both love and crime who we know to be Dutch?

And what’s this at 2:53? Why, it’s only the name and cat logo of Charlotte’s Eddy the Cat 7 channel:


Intriguingly, Jacco also lives in Paramaribo, Suriname (like Charlotte!):


El Coyote, Mr. Very Angry and myself have also been doing a little digging. And it turns out that Jacco has Charlotte on his Facebook friend list:


This is the same Charlotte who’s on the friend list of ‘DV’, a man we know to be a former lover and research colleague of our Charlotte’s!

Moreover, a number of Jacco’s family members also correlate with names mentioned in Charlotte’s Illuminati Party “book”.

So is Jacco de Boer Video Man? Answers on a postcard, please 😉


23 thoughts on “Video Man identified?

  1. This is the guy suspected a short while ago.

    So ongoing investigations have come up trumps …..excellent that is another line of enquiry making good progress.

    Did that guy I gave you the number for give you some good information, he has been in the business for ages now and will be able to point you even further in the right direction. Addresses and contacts.

    Good luck,,,keep up the good work.


  2. Pingback: Charlotte Ward kindly confirms Video Man’s identity…and her own! | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

  3. Jacco de Boer may have inspired Charlotte’s nom de plume. “de Boer” means “the Farmer” in dutch. Coincidence?…


      • Hello i am very interested in this thread, i would like to know some more about Jacco de Boer.
        Why is he a person of interest?

        We could help each other, because he is related to some people of my family.

        I would like to know everything about him


        • Hello, Brian. Jacco de Boer is a person of interest as he seems to be the partner of Charlotte Ward Alton, who ran a very ugly blog called Hampstead Research from March to October 2015. Charlotte has several charges pending against her stemming from material she published on that blog.

          Jacco seems to have been referred to as ‘Video Man’, and in that capacity, he produced several highly illegal, harassing, and libellous videos about the children, parents, teachers, and clergy of Hampstead.

          If you’d like to get in touch with us privately, you may do so at

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes, my understanding – correct me if I’m wrong – is that Eduard is Jacco’s uncle. Eduard gets extremely tetchy if you ask him about this and he’s a rabid Hoaxtead hawker himself.

            By the way, may I also just mention that there is another well known Dutch film-maker, DJ and presenter called Jacco de Boer, who is totally innocent and unconnected to our “Video Man” Jacco?

            PS: sorry, this is meant to go with the sub-thread below but there’s no reply button.

            Liked by 1 person

        • I’m curious, is this Jacco that you know related to Eduard de Boer a composer living in The Netherlands?


          • Excellent question. We’ve asked Eduard that question, and he denies any relationship. It is odd, though, that Jacco and Eduard both seem to come from Alkmaar.


          • And Eduard composed a piece based on this case too. As far as I remember it’s going to be played in the new year in Switzerland.

            Alkmaar has roughly the same population as Hampstead, another oddity.


            • I believe Eduard dedicated a composition to Sabine; at the very least this shows poor judgement.

              Interesting about Alkmaar, though I imagine the name ‘de Boer’ might be about as common there as ‘Farmer’ is here.


  4. There is no hiding from HOAXTEAD.

    Miss Charlotte Ward thought she was clever enough to hide her tracks, but the internet will always leave footprints, just follow the footprints….


    • Eduard is definitely a believer. Wants the residents of Hampstead to bare all to a doctor so they can verify whether there are tattoos and piercings on not.

      He says “The sooner an official statement goes out that the children have been wrong on this point, the sooner the wildfire on the internet can be quenched.”

      When did conspiracy theorists start believing official statements?

      We all know that if a doctor emerges from the vicarage and says ‘I found nothing’ they’ll all turn on the doctor!

      Eduard, don’t be silly!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Video Man panics | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH

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