How “Jacqui” exposed her own identity

It was on one of her lame ‘Conspirituality’ videos. She very kindly posted a screenshot of her monitor, complete with her email open in one of the tabs and her email address clearly on display.

Naturally, this was spotted by our intrepid Hoaxtead Diggers 😉

Charlotte Alton email-on screen

Click on the above screenshot to see the video in full and hear Jacqui’s real voice

And then, of course, Jacqui’s “loyal friend” Butlincat confirmed it for us by displaying it on his blog:


*So to recap for investigative purposes:

Jacqui Farmer’s identity:

  • Real name = Charlotte St. Aubyn Ward
  • Former married name = Charlotte Alton
  • Other internet identity = Carleea

Age: 51

Known email addresses:


Known YouTube channels:

Known locations:

  • Current location = Paramaribo, Suriname
  • Previous locations = Merton and Catford
  • Previous employer = Tavistock Institute


  • Charlotte was divorced by her husband in 2008, after 11 years of marriage, for having affairs behind his back.
  • She once seduced a vulnerable blind man, “because I could”.
  • She boasts in her book that “making money on the internet is easy”.
  • Her own children were taken into care.
  • She has admitted to cocaine, skunk and magic mushroom addictions.
  • She got into big trouble over a £3000+ credit card debt that she refused to pay.
  • She has admitted to shoplifting (mostly cosmetics and hair products).
  • Charlotte is wanted by the Police for a range of alleged offences.

Photos of Charlotte:


*Sources: Charlotte’s blogs, videos, posts and ‘Illuminati Party’ book and information gained from her former neighbours, friends and colleagues


22 thoughts on “How “Jacqui” exposed her own identity

  1. Oh, so you’re saying that all her bleating about being hacked and so forth was just more of her attention-seeking nonsense? Hardly surprising, but still good to have it confirmed!

    Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Hoaxteaders say they don’t look at your posts, Scarlet. I don’t believe them. Wonder if deep down they still trust her?

    Liked by 1 person

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